The 2024 Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus – Growing Pains for Collective Gains
There is a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus occurring on Saturday 20th April 2024 at 7:27p PDT at 21°49’ Taurus. This is a powerful transit which happens approximately every 13.5 years, and is often the bearer of exciting events. To better understand what may be coming, let’s look at these two planets, the sign that is hosting this conjunction, and what their energies are bringing to the fore, individually and together.
Jupiter is often considered a “lucky” planet, known for positivity, optimism, growth, and expansion. It is an indicator of where growth and expansion are possible if not likely. Jupiter tends to increase or expand matters, so it’s not uncommon for an event that is favorably natalized and/or transited by Jupiter to be a starting point for something that will become bigger. Having a Jupiter aspect or transit is great if you want something to grow or expand. However, for some and/or if this is part of an unfavorable aspect or transit, could indicate something becoming too much of a good thing.
Uranus is most commonly known for representing humanity on a number of different levels through its focus on communities, societies, cultures, intellectual and scientific institutions and innovations, and the evolution of humanity as a species. To that point, Uranus is also associated with mass communications, technology, and collaborative creative expressions in which individuals can contribute their unique individuality to a greater project. For these reasons, Uranus also has a reputation for being a bearer of intellectual enlightenment, bringing sudden and sometimes unexpected or shocking shifts in the ways people think and speak. As result, rebellions and revolutionary acts emerge. However, I would note that revolution is usually a sign that the systems and institutions that have been in place are no longer relevant to an evolving human consciousness.
These two big energies are conjoining in the sign of Taurus, which is a fixed earth sign representing the physical, material, and financial resources which support our survival and our self-identities. This sign tends to have a stubborn streak as it’s driven by its own personal comfort – it tends to be averse to change. In fact, Taurus is known to resist change by any means necessary in order to maintain its familiar status quo, even if that status quo is uncomfortable – fighting to keep things the way they are… until things can no longer stay the way they are. That’s when Taurus will finally move, but it’ll only move on its terms and will do its best to make its new conditions to its own liking.
Combining these energies, this means that this 2024 Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus is challenging long-standing, stubborn institutions which have resisted if not fought change for a long time. This is because humanity is constantly evolving, and therefore, outgrowing the values, morals, and ideals. These entities are now being pushed if not forced to change and evolve in their values, morals, and other fundamental (personal) principles. The technology has advanced too much, and people are too well-educated and well-informed to misunderstand what is happening now, but there may be some difficult moments of truth in which ideals are hit with hard realities, and this could become a very challenging time for many people on one or more levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – as people’s comfortable everyday existence is now being challenged.
Movements for change will be inspired and grow rapidly and expand beyond many people’s wildest expectations, but it’s deeply important for people to understand that those who want to maintain the status quo will not be easily pushed over – they will not cede their ground without a fight. Yes, this is a highly evolutionary time which has more energy than ever behind it to become a revolutionary time, and people have to be prepared to stand firm and strong in their values and morals, and to remember their humanity and the humanity of others during this dynamic time.
Under the influence of a Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, when the past is no longer aligned with the way humans are being and/or becoming in the present, evolving humans tend to rebel against the status quo (and the humans who are trying to maintain that past) in order to make space for a truly new experience to begin now, for a different future. This tug-o-war between the past and the present/future can lead to powerfully dynamic events which often rapidly expand in scale and influence. This is where innovations emerge which could be used for the betterment or the detriment of humanity and the world. This is also where humanity’s evolution – if hindered or blocked – could lead to social or institutional revolution.
These energies of power struggles over the increasing awareness of and calls for change are also highlighted by the numerology of this time. The conjunction is exact on a 5 Universal Day of change, variety, and adaptability in the Americas and points west of them (affirming Uranus' energy); and on a 6 Universal Day of nurturing, care, and practical function in the rest of the world (affirming Taurus' energy). All of this is occurring in a 3 Universal Month of learning, growth, and expansion (affirming the Jupiter energy) and under the banner of an 8 Universal Year of power, influence, and control (affirming the battle between the past and the future in the present 'now' moment).
So, what does all of this mean for you?
This is an excellent time for you to set personal intentions for what you want or need in order to build a solid foundation from which to grow and expand your life experience. This is especially the case if increasing your physical-material-financial resources are a priority for you right now in regard to your personal and/or business matters. It’s an excellent time to plant seeds for what you want to grow to both stabilize your current circumstances and to be prepared for any changes which may come unexpectedly. That said, be prepared for those seeds to grow quickly, and for the changes to be significant. You won’t be able to go back to the way things were before. None of us will.
That last part about unexpected changes? That’s important, because if you’re not one for surprises, you’ll want to pay attention to what is happening in the world around you. There are a lot of people who avoid watching or listening to the news, and that’s understandable. However, it also means you’re going to miss pivotal points of change that are going to affect you directly.
Under the influence of this 2024 Taurus Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, you may find it helpful, or possibly necessary, to start taking interest in what’s happening in your communities, your societies, your states/provinces, your regions, your nations, and in and around the world… because 1) these days, it’s all interconnected, and 2) it does (or will) affect all of us directly in some way. The world is more interconnected than ever through technology and travel, and this collective consciousness will prove to be the fertile soil for many of the events happening now to grow and expand, likely faster and larger than they ever have before.
What can else can you expect? Let’s take a look at history.
I got the dates of prior Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions to look for some historical context. In the process, I found that almost all of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions either preceded or succeeded a major event, affirming Jupiter’s “larger than life” energy amplifying or expanding the reach of a major unexpected event.
I bring the “negative” elements to the fore because it’s important for us, as the whole of humanity, to recognize the dangerous dynamics in play at this time. There is a great deal of positive and life-affirming potential here, but we have to consciously choose to value our common humanity to move forward in a collectively beneficial way. With the chaos currently in play, there will definitely be some growing pains in order to experience the gains that benefit all of us as a collective.
It's an amazing time to be alive in this world – truly historic shifts are happening now - shifts that can bring stability, ease, and comfort for all. How you choose to navigate the energy of this powerful catalyst is up to you. Be as ready as you can be for a wild ride experiencing life in a historic and evolutionary time.
For those of you who are interested in more technical astrological details, read the post-script section below.
And to all of you, thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…
~ Love and Blessings, Grace
P.S. – For those who are interested, here are the Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions that have occurred since 1900:
20 October 1900 - 10°05’ Sagittarius
03 March 1914 - 9°31’ Aquarius
15 July 1927 – 3°23’ Aries + 11 August 1927 – 2° Aries + 25 January 1928 – 0°23’ Aries
07 May 1941 – 25°38’ Taurus
07 October 1954 - 27°22’ Cancer + 06 January 1955 - 26°04’ Cancer + 10 May 1955 - 224°16’ Cancer
11 December 1968 - 3°38’ Libra + 11 March 1969 - 2°26’ Libra + 20 July 1969 - 0°40’ Libra
18 February 1983 - 8°51’ Sagittarius + 14 May 1983 - 7°41’ Sagittarius Rx + 25 September 1983 - 5°49’ Sagittarius
15 February 1997 - 5°55’ Aquarius
08 June 2010 - 0°17’ Aries + 18 September 2010 - 28°42’ Pisces Rx + 04 January 2011 - 27°02’ Pisces – VERY RARE
20 April 2024 - 21°49’ Taurus
NEXT: 08 September 2037 - 23°02’ Cancer + 19 February 2038 - 20°39'+ 30 March 2038 - 20°05’ Cancer
There are a few patterns I recognized as I studied the history on these Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions:
We will see the next Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in 2037 (in Cancer), and the last Taurus Jupiter-Uranus conjunction of its current run in the sign will occur in 2604!