2024 Highlights: A Year in Review

2024 Highlights: A Year in Review

2024 was a year of growth for CERB, in this issue of our newsletter, we are sharing a round-up of some of the projects we have undertaken this year. If your company is interested in any of our projects or services, please email us at [email protected]


Climate Risk Awareness Workshops

The Climate Risk Awareness workshops were held in collaboration with GIZ Pakistan and Zero-point Partners in Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. These workshops facilitated a deeper understanding of climate risk awareness and the practical implementation of risk management strategies. Representatives from Telenor , GALAXY RICE PVT LTD , Atlas Honda LTD , MG Apparel , HBL , Engro Group , K-Electric , AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY , Artistic Milliners , Al Baraka Bank Pakistan Ltd. , Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Limited , Soorty Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. , Allied Bank Limited , Dawlance , Power Cement Limited and the 可口可乐公司 shared their insights and learnings on their businesses’ commitment to climate action.


Strategizing Gender Equality with MG Apparel

CERB hosted the Strategizing Gender Equality workshop in Multan in collaboration with MG Apparel as part of their commitment to SDG 5. The 2-day program featured a keynote address by Fauzia Viqar , the Federal Ombudsperson Secretariat For Protection Against Harassment At Workplace . It included insightful panel discussions and training modules, addressing key topics such as effective communication strategies, essential leadership traits, and an overview of the Protection against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act of 2010.?


Webinar on Gender-Inclusive Supply Chains for Net Zero

CERB hosted a webinar on Gender-Inclusive Supply Chains for Net Zero as part of the Climate2Equal Project with IFC - International Finance Corporation . The webinar was held in partnership with the IFC and the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt. The session emphasized the importance of integrating gender equality into supply chains to lower carbon emissions and highlighted efforts to close gender gaps in critical climate-related activities for businesses in Pakistan and Egypt.


Workshop on ESG Principles in Business Strategy

CERB along with Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance: PICG (Official) conducted a session on ESG Principles in Business Strategy for K-Electric . The session focused on investor, regulatory, and IFRS S1 and S2 risks and opportunities, transitioning to a green economy, CEO of PICG - Mr. Memosh Khawaja delivered a guest session on governance.


Climate Risk Awareness Study and Toolkit with GIZ Pakistan

CERB partnered with GIZ Pakistan (on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)) on a project called ‘Private Sector Readiness to Address Climate-related Risks’ to raise awareness, develop resources, and build capacity on climate-related risks for businesses. As a result of this partnership, the Climate Change Readiness Study and Climate Risk Awareness Toolkit were developed to help companies comprehend and address climate-related risks and opportunities within their organizations.

Session on Understanding and Managing Climate-Related Risks

CERB led a workshop on Understanding and Managing Climate-related Risks for Businesses for the leadership at Packages Group in Lahore. The session highlighted how identifying and mitigating both physical and transition risks is vital to safeguarding against operational, credit, market, and liquidity risks. Attendees explored strategies for recognizing material risks across their value chains.?

CERB represented the PBC at a stakeholder consultation on the draft Action Plan for the National Financial Inclusion Strategy 2024-2028, held at the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) . In 2023, CERB was engaged by the ITC to develop the Inclusive and Responsible Business section of the Sindh SME Competitiveness Strategy for 2024-2029. This strategy received approval from the Sindh Government in June 2024.


Launch of CERB’s Sustainability Directory

In June 2024, CERB launched the Sustainability Directory, a unique platform showcasing best practices in Pakistan's sustainability landscape. The database enables companies to disclose their sustainability initiatives, and progress on the UN SDGs, and highlight certifications, global memberships, and achievements. With ESG factors at its core, the directory empowers businesses to publicly share their sustainability journey. It aims to be the go-to resource for showcasing corporate efforts towards sustainable development in Pakistan.

Report Launch: Gender Equality in the Workplace?

CERB published a report on Gender Equality in the Workplace, reviewing policies and actions from 38 Pakistani companies to create equal opportunities for women. Since 2021, CERB and IFC have promoted disclosures through the Gender Diversity and Disclosure Scorecard, focusing on leadership, workforce representation, pay equity, workplace culture, and mentoring. The report highlights best practices, industry insights, and recommendations for advancing DEI, covering sectors like textiles, banking, and energy amongst others.?

Workshop on Corporate Sustainability through the Lens of the SDGs?

CERB facilitated a workshop on Corporate Sustainability through the Lens of the UN SDGs for Ismail Industries Limited . The workshop highlighted the significance of the SDGs and provided insightful strategies for effectively documenting Ismail Industries’ advancements toward the SDGs, while also offering guidance on identifying pertinent SDGs aligned with the company’s objectives.

IFC-PBC Climate2Equal Final Workshop

CERB conducted a final workshop for the IFC - International Finance Corporation -PBC Climate2Equal initiative in June 2024, featuring presentations from 12 of the 23 participating companies on their gender-inclusive climate action pledges. Presenting organizations included Artistic Milliners , Artistic Garment Industries (AGI Denim) , Bank Alfalah Limited , Coca-Cola ??ecek , Fatima Group , Gul Ahmed Energy Group , MG Apparel , National Foods Limited , Naveena Textiles, Packages Group , Sarmayacar , and The Dawood Foundation . Their initiatives focused on creating green jobs for women, raising climate awareness in value chains, including women in sustainability decisions, and applying a gender lens to projects. Winners were announced during the closing ceremony in September 2024.


Developing A Robust Gender Strategy Workshop in Islamabad?

CERB conducted a workshop on “Developing a Robust Gender Strategy” with MG Apparel , engaging participants in target-setting activities and addressing challenges in recruiting and retaining women. During the event, CERB launched its report, Gender Equality in the Workplace, followed by a panel discussion, Threads of Equality: Crafting Gender-Inclusive Strategies in Textiles, featuring insights from UN Women , APTMA - ALL PAKISTAN TEXTILE MILLS ASSOCIATION , and the Gender Unit | Ministry of Planning Development and Special Initiatives . Representatives from leading textile companies and organizations, including GIZ Pakistan , and the Embassy in Islamabad participated in the event.

Workshop on Kashf E’ Khudi Se Khushali Ka Safar: Empowerment Through Decent Work in Karachi

CERB, in collaboration with Engro Group /Engro Polymer and Chemicals Limited, SDG Leader for Goal 08, held a workshop titled “Kashf-e-Khudi se Khushali ka Safar: Empowerment through Decent Work.” The session focused on skill-building for employees and suppliers, highlighting the importance of job stability, equal access to work, family protection, and updates in Pakistani labor laws. EPCL shared insights on integrating decent work into operations and supply chains. The workshop featured presentations, discussions, and activities and was attended by executives from Engro subsidiaries, National Foods, HABIBMETRO , Artistic Garment Industries (AGI Denim) and Pakistan International Airline (PIA).


Session on ESG Reporting with Integrity with The British International Investment

CERB hosted a session in August 2024 on “ESG Reporting with Integrity” featuring Huma Yusuf , Director at the British International Investment (BII). Key topics included ESG disclosures, risk assessment, management systems, corruption’s impact on outcomes, and the board’s role in oversight. The session emphasized how effective reporting enhances competitiveness and accountability.


3rd IFC-PBC ‘Employer of Choice’ Gender Diversity Awards & Climate2Equal Closing Ceremony

The 3rd IFC-PBC "Employer of Choice" Gender Diversity Awards and Climate2Equal Closing Ceremony took place in September 2024, recognizing businesses advancing gender equality and inclusion in Pakistan’s private sector. The event marked the conclusion of the Climate2Equal Peer Learning Collaboration, involving over 20 companies in gender-inclusive climate action. Packages Group , National Foods Limited , and Bank Alfalah Limited were acknowledged as leaders in this initiative, showcasing a comprehensive approach to gender-inclusive climate action.

A parliamentary-style debate, chaired by Fauzia Viqar , discussed whether corporations or governments should take primary responsibility for gender diversity, emphasizing the need for collaboration. Presentations focused on gender diversity gaps, the Climate2Equal initiative, and the Gender Diversity and Disclosure Scorecard, which assessed submissions for the awards.

Jazz was named Employer of Choice, with Bank Alfalah Limited and The Bank of Punjab as 1st and 2nd runners-up. Seven companies received honorary mentions for their efforts in gender diversity: Allied Bank Limited , Engro Fertilizers Limited, Interloop Limited , PepsiCo Pakistan , 联合利华 Pakistan Limited, Telenor , and Faysal Bank Limited .

Category leaders included Jubilee Life Insurance Company Ltd. (Promoting Women in Leadership), PepsiCo Pakistan (Family-Friendly Workplaces), Unilever (Creating Respectful Workplaces), Jazz (Pay Equity and Fair Wages), and MG Apparel and Sapphire Finishing Mills (Advancing Gender-Inclusive Climate Action). The event underscored the growing recognition of gender diversity as essential to business success.

Building Blocks for Successful Gender Strategies with Engro Fertilizers?

In September, CERB, in collaboration with Engro Group /Engro Fertilizers Limited, hosted the Building Blocks for Successful Gender Strategies workshop. Day 1 focused on addressing organizational gaps and setting gender-focused targets, with best practices shared by Engro Fertilizers executives. Day 2 included a panel discussion on leadership buy-in and women’s retention, presentations on CERB’s report on gender-equal workplaces, and insights into effective training programs. The workshop concluded with a module on reporting gender-segregated data and transparency, equipping participants with strategies to enhance gender equality in their organizations.


Consultation sessions on Gender Strategies

As part of its commitment to gender diversity, CERB offered sessions on gender strategy to the nominated companies for the “Employer of Choice” Awards. HR, compliance, and sustainability teams from EBM , Syngenta Pakistan, Artistic Milliners , 渣打银行 , and National Foods Limited discussed their level of disclosure on their policies and practices related to gender diversity, which CERB offered advice on for improvements while benchmarking their performance against industry standards.


Workshop on Corporate Sustainability Disclosures with Packages Limited

CERB hosted a workshop on Corporate Sustainability Disclosures with Packages Group , SDG Leader for Goal 12. The workshop began with a module on the SDGs and their business relevance, covering ESG principles and the operationalization of SDG targets within organizations. Packages Limited shared its ESG journey, highlighting efforts to create a sustainable workplace and drive impactful change. Participants engaged in sessions on benchmarking, stakeholder engagement, risk identification, and materiality assessments, including group activities on strategies and case studies. A panel discussion addressed material issues for businesses, focusing on air quality, circularity, and the importance of sustainable practices such as waste collection and pollution reduction.


Workshop on Responsible Business Conduct with the SUN Business Network and GAIN.?

CERB, in collaboration with SUN Business Network (SBN) and supported by Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) hosted a two-day workshop on responsible business conduct (RBC) for over 25 representatives from SMEs and corporations in the food and agribusiness sector. The workshop emphasized how RBC can enhance productivity, profitability, and partnerships while fostering inclusivity and sustainability. Day 1 covered the importance of RBC, featuring insights on the Protection Against Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act, 2010. Day 2 focused on practical steps to implement RBC, including improving grievance mechanisms and expanding opportunities for women. The workshop contributed to the sector's growth and sustainability goals.

Ongoing Projects

  • ESG Roadmap for FAP Terminals (FAP) and Fauji Oil Terminal & Distribution Co. Ltd. (FOTCO) to create sustainability targets and action plans founded on baseline social and environmental indicators.
  • PM Women Empowerment Package with the Securities and Exchange Commission Pakistan SECP to evaluate and acknowledge the performance of private listed companies in relation to family-friendly policies and practices.
  • PBC as a UN WEPs Ally to support signatories of the UN Women Empowerment Principles (WEPs) in Pakistan report their baseline information on gender equality and devise targets to push forward.
  • PBC in collaboration with UNICEF Pakistan and UN Women is working on developing a Guidance Note on Family Friendly Policies: Documenting Best Practices for Employers that businesses can adopt to enhance their family-friendly approach and address the barriers that prevent women from continuing work after marriage and children, particularly due to a lack of affordable childcare options.
  • CERB partnered with Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) to deliver a series of workshops on Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) principles to SUN Business Network (SBN) member companies, focusing on RBC's importance, risks, and implementation strategies.
  • CERB has partnered with Telenor to publish a white paper on global best practices and insights related to the impact of climate change on the telecommunications sector. The paper and other engagements will highlight the need for integrating climate risk management into the sector's strategic framework.

Gull Zareen Khan

Bringing Human Solutions to Technical Challenges

2 个月

Thanks for sharing And acknowledging our contribution to the SDGs Engro Corp



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