2024 in Assembly Voting - Five Moments which Defined the Year
Assembly Voting (Lumi Denmark)
Now part of Lumi Global. Providing secure yet accessible voting solutions for democratic elections of all sizes.
2024 might have been the “biggest election year in history,” but did you know that 2024 also happened to be a banner year for us at Assembly Voting as well? Take a trip down memory lane with us through some key events and developments this year in this year-end special edition of The Ballot.?
Electa Fills Some Big Shoes
Yes, it’s true: if you want to get technical, we launched our flagship all-in-one online voting solution Electa last year. The result of years of continuous research, trials, and development, Electa sets itself apart from the pack by being an end-to-end verifiable voting solution which can conduct both scheduled and live conference-type voting events.?
Why add Electa to our recap for 2024 then? Well, it was in fact 2024 in which Electa grew into its own to become the sole system used by our clients for their votes and elections. And, to us, that is something worth celebrating.
Electa is Put to the Test - and Aces It?
Perhaps you read the good news back in the fall, but we’re still so pleased that we just have to share it again. In October, a research paper from Germany’s Karlsrühe Institute of Technology took a look at a large number of online voting systems across multiple criteria, Electa included.
The results speak for themselves: Electa was not only one of only 8 “well-documented” systems examined out of several hundred, but also set itself apart from its competitors through its use of digital signatures and distributed authentication credentials.?
Assembly Voting Expands to Sunnier Shores
As part of Assembly Voting’s drive to offer secure, end-to-end verifiable voting to as many people as possible, we welcomed to our sales department four new team members based in Spain in the spring of this year.
Bringing with them their ample expertise in serving the southern European market, our new friends hit the ground running and have demonstrated their value to the company, both professionally and personally.?
Groundwork Laid for a “Boosted” 2025?
2024 laid the foundation for what is certain to be a fruitful 2025. More specifically, our development team has been hard at work on two items: obtaining CNIL certification and commencing a project funded by an InnoBooster grant.
CNIL certification, offered by the French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty, is awarded only to companies and products which meet strict government-set standards for data protection and privacy. Needless to say, obtaining the certification will demonstrate our commitment to security and privacy in democratic elections.
After winning an InnoBooster grant, our developers are aiming to make Electa a truly distributed digital election system which will allow separate, independent organizations to co-host election events. To do this, our developers will be researching, updating, and improving the system’s cryptographic protocol.?
More Voters Served Than Ever?
Every year is a great year when you’re serving democracy, but 2024 was a special year on multiple fronts.?
Through notable events such as the German Church Elections (3+ million voters), the Belgian Social Elections, and the Danish Collective Agreement Elections (400,000+ voters), Assembly Voting and its partners have served over 4.6 million voters this year, along with over 100 different clients and 165 voting events.?
And, if this wasn’t enough, 2025 promises to be even more exciting as Assembly Voting has recently joined the Lumi Global family! Read all about it here.
Who says “Wrapped” presentations are limited to Spotify? Keep an eye out for our “Assembly Voting Wrapped” video presentation releasing next year!
Written by Alexander Boylston, writer and researcher at Assembly Voting