‘Aim for the moon, land among the stars.’ This simple but strong message means, as long as you have a dream for something, dream big, and have a great goal. Even if you fail, you may end up achieving something you had never imagined.
Nowadays, many people are skeptical about making #NewYearresolutions due to their past disappointments. It’s crucial to acknowledge these sentiments but in the same vein, we should recognize that the journey towards self-improvement is often marked by twists and turns. Therefore, instead of letting past setbacks discourage you, view them as valuable lessons that can guide your future resolutions.
The truth is, setbacks are part of the journey towards personal growth. Each unsuccessful attempt brings an opportunity for reflection, adjustment, and renewed determination. It’s important to remember that the simple act of setting resolutions is a testament to your commitment to positive change.
Do not be tempted by the world to play it safe; always remember that as long as you’re dreaming something, it’s worth dreaming big. Every dream and every resolution, hold potential for greatness. Dreaming or making resolutions is not simply building a castle in the air, you are actually being intentional. If you have made resolutions and stumbled along the way, take a cue from the business world – persevere, learn, adapt and try again. Write down your desires, make plans, and believe in the power of your aspirations.
Dreams are the starting point, we visualize the things, create action plans, and execute them, knowing that failures are stepping stones to improvement. Even the most successful people failed more than once, but they learnt their lessons and pressed on.
Remember, there’s nothing like failure, as long as you keep stepping up.
So, dear readers, do not tire. Press on and dream new. The possibilities are boundless. Who knows what heights your dreams might reach!
Inspired by a quote “Shoot for the moon, land among the stars” - Les Brown