2023: The Year We Finally Say Goodbye To 2020! And: Why My Love And I Passed The New Year's Eve In An Emergency Room
Gisbert Reuter
5x Internat. #1 Bestselling Author | Money For Freedom? | Green Energy | Founder BE! Better Earth | Change Agent | Quantum Leap Breakthroughs. Let Joy Work For YOU!
My Dear Friend
Let’s start into 2023 with a daring twist:?
Instead of trying to achieve your “obligatory New Year resolutions”…
How about to celebrate your accomplishments from last year!?
Take stock of all your personal victories…?
All the business revolutions you have achieved…
Let them be an inspiration for others and to widen your horizon even more.
In this email, I Will Share With You How My Love And I Passed New Year's Eve In The Hospital Emergency Room.?
AND: I will give you a close look on my personal approach of planning and scheming the New Year yet in November...
— this last year's scheming, visioning and ideas processes lead to??
° A New Book Trilogy (Launching January-March 2023)
° A Complete New Category of EVENTS (April-June 2023)
° A Unique Longevity Brain Trust
° And Several Masterclass Bootcamps you can join for free…
I will also explain to you why I am going into “my cocoon” from December, 16th until January, 7th...
But above all, I want to use the Emergency Room experience as evidence that new year's resolutions are total nonsense!
Did you reach your new year resolutions for 2022??
If not: Why let your enthusiasm and excitement be wasted when instead you can commit yourself to making consistently meaningful changes in your life, during the entire year??
What if there is a much better way?
Why not challenge yourself to kick-start the year with the Let Joy Work For YOU lifestyle??
Instead of forcing harsh dieting rules on your body and mind, or scheduling exercises and business goals that soon feel like an obligation??
Do you sense what I am suggesting here?
In a minute, I share with you my exact change-of-the-years-tradition that has brought to me and also yet to many clients the most diverse wonderful fruits…
But step by step. First, I want to explain our New Year's Eve learning experience:?
My wife and I found ourselves in the emergency room in the last hours of 2022 rather than with our 8-year-old twins celebrating una Fiesta.?
Before that, we have seen different other turns from “peaceful joy” to “kind of chaos” in other fields in the last few weeks of the old year and –above all— we experienced far too many members of our family, friends and contacts in a down slide…?
People are not sleeping well, not even closely reaching their normal performance levels, noticing the brain is slow and fatigue, many of my partners and clients' patients are feeling severe corporal difficulties out of the blue (and this both, vaccinated and unvaccinated people)...
Maybe you do, too? If so, I might be able to help! Let's talk...
Listen: We live in crooked times, and it is all the more important that you and I advance together and stay upright to do the right things!
The more we give examples to create our lives righteously, the better our future generations copy our mold.
So, when “everything fine” is turning out of the blue into “everything different”, Gina (my wife and love of my lives) and I still remain firm believers that everything happens for a great purpose — even if this is sometimes difficult to comprehend or see, initially…
And as we were sitting for hours in the ER, the Doctor finished with his suggestion to put the THUMB UP frequently! He was not saying that because you should be liking something or thinking positive…
After all, Gina's thumb showed no severe damage, it just hurt a lot.
Before that, Gina smashed the tip of her thumb so hard that she was on the verge of losing consciousness from the pain. And believe me, in over 10 years —no matter how bad any pain was— I have never seen her pull a face! She doesn't know suffering and whining in case of illness (maybe a man thing, isn't it?) or any injuries.
So, the cure (next to other treatments) the Doctor suggested was literally to hold the thumb up from time to time! ?? ?? ?? "You can't make this up!" ?? ?? ??
If you think this is the typical New Year's Eve fireworks injury or similar — No, Gina crushed her thumb with a bottle. Not partying and having drinks and fun, but while cleaning up and taking away the old glass to the container…?
And Here Comes The Lesson:?
You have to do things differently.
With that "Thumbs Up Laugh" Gina and I decided to let go and finally say goodbye to 2020!!! Too much of that old and totally useless energy was still stuck... AND IS STILL STUCK in many peoples lives,... we, too, didn't realize that as clearly until this "ER Out Of The Blue" episode.
So, here is what I do instead of resolutions:?
After the in-depth scheming process that I do normally already in November, between Christmastime and “Reyes” (6. January) I kind of go into my own cocoon-state, making conscious use of what in the “new physics” — quantum physics —?they call Quantum Superposition.?
Starting on the 16th of December with the superb celebration of a tradition called 'novena' that I learned from my lovely Colombian family, we celebrate and cherish each day counting down nine days to Christmas Eve. You come together with your loved ones, being grateful and consistently focus on all these things that really matter…
From the 24th to the 31st, I try to do as few things as possible and BE as wonderful as I can (should that be as I am?).
This is the time to calm down; I go on a Quantum Leap Walkabout! — I will write about that in one of the future editions of this Newsletter. In short: Lay your soul into the hammock and feel what's coming out of a void and see what flows when you strictly A-VOID to plan anything!
So, I consciously DO NOT ONE new year resolution.
I focus on doing nothing, being more!
Normally, we celebrate a huge fiesta on New Year, with some magic that we “poor over the New Year” to bless the start of a new era we do plenty of Quantum Leaps with JOY and then, until the Holy Three Kings, 6 of January (on the Canary Islands, my home of choice for the last 25 years the most important celebration of the year) I celebrate a systematic review of the past year. Well, this year was different. But we enjoyed it anyway...
AND NOW I will tell you one of the reasons why I think it is a wonderful idea sharing all this with you—even when this mail is MUCH LONGER as usual…
Because you may imagine my surprise to read on 31.12.2022 RIGHT AFTER THE HOSPITAL that one of my most admired business friends, partners and one of our Leap Books Top #1 Bestselling Authors shares the exact same idea of NO New Year’s resolutions with me:
Before I pass on some of his brilliant thoughts to you, I want to introduce Michel to you.
I will do that with the words of some of his clients:
“No one is better than Michael Hauge at finding what is most authentic in every moment of a story.” -- Will Smith (Men in Black; Ali; The Pursuit of Happiness; Hitch; I Am Legend; Hancock)
“Michael Hauge is a story master, and this book is an absolute must-have for anyone serious about telling great stories for the screen.” -- DeVon Franklin, Vice-President of Production, Columbia Pictures
“There are five essential books that every person who wants to write screenplays should read. One of them is Writing Screenplays That Sell, and the other four don’t matter.” -- Terry Rossio, Co-writer: Pirates of the Caribbean 1, 2, 3 & 4; Shrek; Aladdin; The Mask of Zorro; Déjà Vu
Sign Up for Michael Hauge's Newsletter on his website —?he shares a lot of gold!
And here is a part of his New Year email that I LOVE SO MUCH that I simply MUST share it with you:
“I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. In my experience, after about a week they turn into “shoulds” that hang over us like homework, dental checkups or physical exercise, making us feel guilty until we forget about them entirely – usually by Valentine’s Day.
So instead of going through that pointless ritual, I recommend something I’ve been doing for decades. It’s a much more enjoyable and fulfilling experience, with far more positive consequences: make resolutions for the PAST year….
On New Year’s morning (or whenever), sit down by yourself with a legal pad and write everything you accomplished in the last year. Look through your calendar, go over old emails, or just close your eyes and reminisce about all the things you did that made your – or someone else’s - life better in some way.
EVERYTHING qualifies – you’re going for quantity here, not just quality.” —Michael Hauge
Because this is the exact description of what I do from 1.1. till 6.1.: I am grateful for all the little and the great things that during the year before have created wins and values for my clients, for other contacts, for my family and for myself.
I think I can share in the next newsletter some of those of 2022. To wrap things for today:
There are many new opportunities waiting for you, and:
Because: You have an unmeasurable force inside you that you still are not using! This force can launch your destiny, heal your body, and change the world!
This is also the introduction to my new Book Trilogy Quantum Supercreation ONE, TWO, FREE...
PART ONE will be available on 25.1.2023
Prior to that date, I will realize a soft launch with direct contacts only. YOU can get the Kindle Edition at a very special price for a very short time and become eligible for some very special giveaways like the ENTIRE TRILOGY as a full color Hardcover edition as a gift! (Att.: There is no "official raffle" or anything like that, if you want to know how you can get this gift or some other great prizes just email: exec@gisbertreuter.com, and my team will let you know.)
Here is a brief look inside the book:
For getting your Pre-Launch-Kindle-Edition, use this link.
Next to the Trilogy, I have a lot more to share with you this year, including…
° A Complete New Category of LIVE Events (April-June).
° A unique Longevity Brain Trust with selected business owners and thought leaders.
° AND: I give some FREE Masterclass Bootcamps, a LIVE-STREAMING that you can join here → → → https://live.gisbertreuter.com
TO YOUR 2023!?
This Year Will Bring More Of What You Want.
May you Prosper, Grow and have endless Joy for life!
Love and Gratitude,
Autora internacional Top#1 Best Seller ? Filántropa ? Fundadora de Leap Books ? Fundadora de Cuentos del Mundo ? Transformo ideas en libros que generan impacto y fortalecen tu negocio. Sin depender de la venta de libros.
2 年Grandes aprendizajes
5x Internat. #1 Bestselling Author | Money For Freedom? | Green Energy | Founder BE! Better Earth | Change Agent | Quantum Leap Breakthroughs. Let Joy Work For YOU!
2 年My Dear Friends &Admired Contacts: Adalbert Gossner, Brian J. Esposito, Juan Antonio Gómez Bule, Catherine Malatesta, Deniz MISIR, Michael Hauge, Scott Zimmerman, Marc Christian Sch?ufele, Michael Benzaken, Dr Martina Geromin, Kim Birtel, Aydin Kasimir Riza, NORKYS CHIQUILLO, í?igo Cavestany Villegas, Fran Benedito, Dr. med. Jan C. Wulff, Beisblany Maarlem Castillo, Ed Rush, Daniel Lamarre, Walter Gunz, Reto Winkler, Jens Krautscheid, Mariló Sánchez-Fuentes, Miguel Alemany Garcia, Fran?ois-Michel Albrecht, Josef Hoffmann, Golo Mielke, Sebastian Korten, Arndt Jaworski, Gina Longo: A Happy and JOYful 2023!?—?I have unexpectedly allowed myself a few days of "even more rest than normal" over this turn of the year. I thought it brings some value to share this amazing New Years Eve Story with steep learning potential .... (and with??) Lov' n Gratitude, Gisbert