2023 YEAR in REVIEW: Pause... Look Back... Hit... REFRESH!
Jim Anders
Author of Autobiographical Fiction "All Drinking Aside: The Destruction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction of an Alcoholic Animal" & the Non-Fiction, "BECOMING UNBROKEN: Reflections on Addiction and Recovery."
"Why is the universe here? Where else would it be?"
—Arthur C. Clarke
Below, please find links to selected articles from the last 365:
Addiction Stunted Youth / Recovery Seeking Truth: December 8, 2022
"It is difficult for one person to act a play." - Chinese Proverb: January 1, 2023
Sometimes Suicide's Not Suicide at All. It's Addiction Having the Last Word.:
"Isn't ABSTINENCE Enough?" I Once Stood on This Very Ground, Hoping Against Hope to Hear a Resounding "YES!": July 12, 2023
Blackout Drinkers: Part of my People, Places & Things: July 18, 2023
Relapse is Almost Always Possible Because "Healing May Paper Over the Horror...": September 5, 2023
My Choice of Colors, Typeface Choices and Design [All That Good Stuff] Would Convulse My Team of Advertising Designers If They Saw This!: September 13, 2023
"Surrender to Win!"? Are They Crazy?!?: November 29, 2023
The Snake Pit of Addiction: December 2, 2023