2023 Resolutions | Built to Last
How to keep your annual goals clear and focused.

2023 Resolutions | Built to Last

99% of resolutions are a waste of time — cluttered by noise, nonsense, and unrealistic expectations.

A step-by-step framework for creating the 1% of successful annual goals built to last:

1. Remove repeat offenders?

?New Year New Me? Yeah, sure. Be honest with yourself. Resolutions that carry over year after year without ever making progress on them weigh on your personal accountability.

If you've tried to learn that second language or pick up some obscure hobby for the last 3 years, remove the constant mental weight of disappointment so you can focus on goals you're actually going to (and want to) make progress on.

2. Limit your options

2023 may very well be ~you're~ year, but don't put pressure on yourself to complete your life's bucket list in 12 months.

— Start by writing down everything you want to achieve, give yourself the freedom to dream big.?

— Now go back and highlight the most important goals you want to achieve this year (no more than half).?

— Next, determine what level of investment is necessary for each (time and/or money) and if the goal is personal or professional.?

Finalize 5-10 options you have the time AND budget to focus on. A ~50/50 personal/professional split keeps a healthy balance.

Just because you want to get your pilot's license, vacation in Europe for 4 weeks, start your MBA, and launch your own business, doesn't mean you can financially afford to all in the same year.?

If by June you’re already done with everything for the year (first off, #congrats), you can always go back and add more ????

3. Clearly define your goals

Taking those finalized options, instead of wishing for vague, subjective ideals ("I want to eat healthier", "I want to work out more often"), be specific in defining your personal criteria for success.?

Use an OKR (Objectives and Key Results) or SMART (Specific, Measurable, Relevant, and Time-based) framework for each to make goals actionable and achievable.

I want to work out more often ?

I want to work out more by finishing the NYC Marathon (26.2 miles) in November ?

4. Breakdown annual goals into actionable, monthly milestones.

80% of New Year's Resolutions are given up after the first month. Remember, these are annual goals, not January goals. Don't put pressure on yourself to complete everything you planned for across 365 days for in 31.?

The first day of each month, write out actionable milestones that get you one step closer to reaching your goals by the end of the year. If you have 3 weddings and pre-planned family vacation in July, your monthly goals shouldn't be nearly as ambitious compared with March when you have every weekend available.?

If your annual goal is to Pass Level I of the CFA in June, then set your January goals to sign up for the exam, research recommended study providers, and make a decision which provider you're going to use.?

Prioritize & execute.?

5. Addition by subtraction?

"What makes you happy?" can often be difficult to answer.?

"What do you not enjoy doing?" solicits a faster, targeted, more genuine response.?

One of the easiest ways to improve your quality of life is simply by reducing the time you spend doing things you don't like to do (shoutout to Justin Welsh for beautifully describing how to set "Anti-Goals" in-depth)?

  • Write out whatever doesn't make you happy (3-5 is great)
  • Determine what activities you're doing that makes you unhappy
  • Specify what tactical changes you can make to directly *reduce* time spent doing activities you don't like?


  • I don't like long Zoom calls?
  • I won’t schedule a meeting for more than 30 minutes?
  • Eliminate all Calendly blocks of 60 minutes

Don't make your New Year's Resolutions a wasted effort:

  1. Remove repeat offenders
  2. Limit your options
  3. Clearly define your goals
  4. Set monthly milestones
  5. Addition by subtraction (Anti-Goals)

Anything I missed? What else do you do to keep yourself accountable for your annual goals throughout the year?

Good luck & go get 'em ??

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Eli Markovetski

We assist companies to go global, find relevant business partners & manage new global business opportunities.

2 年

Hi?Chris, It's very interesting! I will be happy to connect.



