The 2023 PRESTIGE Awards Recipients
Sport Tourism Canada / Tourisme sportif Canada
Marketing Canada internationally as a preferred sport event destination and connecting industry stakeholders nationally.
Sport Tourism Canada is proud to announce the 2023 PRESTIGE Awards Recipients.
STC Canadian Sport Event of the Year presented by Destination Markham
Canadian Sport Event of the Year Group A : budget over $1 Million
Canadian Sport Event of the Year Group B : budget under $1 Million
STC International Sport Event of the Year presented by Richmond Olympic Oval High Performance
International Sport Event of the Year Group A : budget over $2 Million
International Sport Event of the Year Group B : budget under $2 Million
STC Canadian Sport Event Sponsorship Initiative of the Year presented by Tourism Richmond
?STC Sport Event Volunteer of the Year presented by Explore Edmonton
STC Sport Event Legacy of the Year?presented by Tourism Winnipeg
STC Sport Tourism Rising Star of the Year presented by Tourism Kingston