2023 Predictions - "After The Fire, the Fire Still Burns"?

2023 Predictions - "After The Fire, the Fire Still Burns"

Past and Future According to Greg Walters

Here we go...Upon an ocean of auguries and reflections, my contrarian tendencies pull me into ignoring if not despising each "end of the year" account and "predictions for next year". So many articles and pontifications - it's stifling.  

Who needs it? Well, low and behold, I've surrendered to the waves, to the Fire. Here is my contribution to the deadwood of 2022 and the albatross of 2023.

*SPECIAL NOTE IF YOU WANT TO SKIP TO SEE YOUR FUTURE SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN TO "Artificial Intelligence" becomes simply "Intelligent".*

Nobody cycles through video tapes anymore - heck, most people nowadays don't even know Blockbuster or how Netflix started. Look to the past to see the future. Are our resellers the next decade's Blockbuster or Netflix?

Upon an ocean of auguries and reflections, my contrarian tendencies pull me into ignoring if not despising each "end of the year" account and "predictions for next year". So many articles and pontifications - it's stifling.  

Digital computing and analog computing are two fundamentally different approaches to processing information. Digital computing is based on representing and manipulating data using discrete digital signals, while analog computing is based on representing and manipulating data using continuous analog signals.

I asked the super-duper AI thing to summarize the meaning of, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

Relevance, shared experience, and trust are currencies of the Post-Fear-of-Covid Age so knowing what your prospects view as important enough to spend time-consuming is a step in identifying with prospects and improving your worldly knowledge.


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