2023: new year, new equipment!

2023: new year, new equipment!

What do you need? Radiopharma equipment?

Discover our complete end-to-end service for our customers from the initial phases of a radiopharmacy production plant to its implementation, to the up-and-running site. Moreover, we can support you in structuring a hospital nuclear medicine hot lab for PET, SPECT, radiometabolic therapy, and more.

As we always want to offer the best from our equipment, we never stop updating!

We recently upgraded ALCEO, Solid Target Processing System: Alceo 4.0.

This release provides lots of advantages: with this new system for the production of radionuclides all the operations can be carried out without the manual intervention of operators and the radionuclides produced are available in a form suitable for radiopharmaceutical synthesis. This new advanced product release includes:

  • More than 7 isotopes with a single system
  • Fully automated process
  • More safety for the operator
  • Integrated degrader foil in the shuttle
  • Only one target for all isotopes

Read our scientific publication on the Nature website for 64Cu production with cyclotron and solid target system. The article mentions our Alceo Solid Target Processing System and it was written in collaboration with the University of Bologna.

If you are looking for an ergonomic and flexible solution for injections, IRIS is the best solution: a radiopharmaceutical injector that performs calibrated injections to patients, starting from a multi-dose solution of FDG or other radiopharmaceuticals. It's compact and easy to handle thanks to its innovative design and autonomous battery power.

Our experts recently held a webinar on this product where the focus was describing the new features and focusing the attention on LUTATHERA? and PluvictoTM automated injections. You can watch the webinar on-demand here.

We are ready to start this 2023. It will be full of new Radiopharma releases, projects, case studies, challenges, and more! Stay tuned!



