2023 New Features Roundup

2023 New Features Roundup

As we reflect on a year filled with innovation and progress, we're here to share a roundup of the enhancements that have elevated your D4H experience in 2023. Our crewm4tes have been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a suite of new features and functionalities. From cutting-edge API integrations to user-friendly mobile updates, 2023 was a year where we focused on refining our services to meet and exceed your operational needs.

D4H Operations Center

Q1 2023

??? Tag Log entries from mobile - The Incident Management mobile app now lets you tag log posts before posting to associate the log entry with a record.

?? Tomorrow.io for weather - We've just switched our Incident Management weather provider over to Tomorrow.io. At the moment, it's identical functionality as before, but you can expect to see a lot of weather monitoring innovation here from us in the future. ?

?? Status Board colors on mobile - The Incident Management mobile app now has colored status boards that recognize your Ok/Warning/Danger rules. ?? ?New invited but not joined icon - We now use a different icon for "invited but not joined" users in Incident Management > Admin Area > Collections > Personnel. ?? New personnel search function - Within Incident Management > Admin Area > Collections > Personnel you can now search and filter by permission profile or other keywords.

Q2 2023

??? Map drawings in blue - Previously, when drawing an area on a map the default color displayed it in a hard to see light grey. Now we default to an easy to see bright blue!

?? Import menu moved to 'More Options' - Within the Admin Area the 'Import' option was located within different locations. We've standardized this everywhere now, so you'll always find 'Import' under the ? More Options menu.

?? Floating Save button - You no longer have to scroll to the bottom of the page to save!

?? Personnel are now sorted alphabetically - By default, personnel will be set from A-Z. This makes it a lot easier to find your users to update them.

?? Duplicate Task/Status board entries - Use the duplicate feature and say goodbye to manual copy paste. This one is a huge time saver!

?? Search by name on assignment - When you open a relationship field (for example, assigning a task to a role), you can now search for either the role name or the name of the person currently in the role

?? Change channel status order - It's now possible to set a custom order on your channel statuses from the Admin area.

?? Reconfirmation for deletions - We've added additional steps to minimize accidental template deletions.

?? Lock part of a Form - Individual sections in a Form can now be locked after signing.

? Download a list of Personnel - You can now export a list of all Personnel in your account from the Admin Area.

Q3 2023

?? D4H Operations Center API - a powerful tool that opens up a world of incident management possibilities for Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) and Control Rooms.

?? Form Section Signature Fields - Lock a specific section of a form instead of locking the entire form.

?? Displaying date in Situation - ?Start and End fields of a situation shows "Today" if the situation is currently taking place in addition to the time.

??Keyboard Shortcut - ?A new channel will be started when pressing "Enter" if a Play is selected.

??? Extension Packs - Extension packs allow you to download status boards and form templates in our .p4ck file format for others to install. Please reply to this mail if you're an account owner and would like to be a beta tester.

???Weather On A Map - Since moving our weather data provider over to tomorrow.io, we're now very close to releasing our map layers for wind, rain radar, cloud cover, temperature, etc. which will become a part of a paid weather add-on. ?

Q4 2023

?? Individual logs on mobile - The latest version of our mobile app allows you to view the filtered logs tagged to item you're viewing.

?? Rich text editor - Add clarity and emphasis to your incident documentation with colors & formatting.

?? Checklist progress and not applicable status ?- Improved visualization and tracking of tasks statuses.

??? ?Landscape forms & printing paper sizes - Export your incident forms in any format.

?? Create & install D4H extension packs - Create & share D4H templates with other D4H users.

D4H Team Manager

Q1 2023

?? Split A Batch of Supplies or Consumables - ?Within Equipment Management > Supplies > Distribute, you can now distribute supplies to a location without an existing batch. We'll split the batch into two, creating a new identical batch in the destination location.

?? Performance improvements - We have introduced some huge optimizations in speed and performance around custom reporting, selecting equipment, and exports. Please let us know anything you find that feels slow.

?? Rich Text has arrived! - You can now add rich text to a number of fields on Incident Reporting and Personnel & Training. We continue to monitor the success of this, and expect to add more fields.

?? Enter your password less - We removed the need to enter your password when deleting items, instead requiring you to type a keyword prompted on screen. This is to encourage users to have strong passwords as they do not need to enter them as many times and also lines us up to allow SAML SSO on Team Manager.

?? Total number of 'Attendance' hours - We've added the total number of attendance person hours to Intelligence > Reports > Custom Reports > Activity Reports ( All Activities / Exercise / Event / Incident) at team and organization levels. ?? Write NFC tags - You can now write and re-assign blank NFC stickers & tags to a Member or Item of Equipment in the D4H Personnel and D4H Equipment mobile apps. This lets you scan a sticker on a persons ID card or helmet to pull up their qualifications or emergency contact details. (Keep an eye out, the mobile app updates are pending approval by Apple and Google). ?? Health & Safety reports sorted by activity date - The system will also save the change you made to the column heading so that next time you come in to the H&S reports, they are in the order you required. ?? We renamed "History & Audit" - On the bottom of every screen, you'll see History & Audit is now just called "Audit". This is to line up with some language in future audit functionality improvements. ?? Team name in equipment report - If you're running a multi-team asset management with parent organization, when you export equipment information through Intelligence > Reports, the team name is now displayed. ?? More exportable information on resource usage - Under Intelligence > Reports > Custom Report > Resources (All) we'll now also export the timestamps and other associated information with the resource usage on Incidents, Exercises, and Events. ???? Better mobile repairs - The D4H Equipment mobile app now allows you to enter costs and more details when you complete a repair. ?? Funding sources on mobile - The D4H Equipment mobile app now includes the addition of Funding Source information.

?? Now using Apple Weather - Our weather provider Dark Sky was acquired by Apple to power the iPhone's weather data. This is the weather forecast we show on scheduled Personnel & Training Exercises & Events and the historic weather we suggest in Incident Reporting at the date and location of the incident when you are adding your Incident report.

??? Qualification matrix spreadsheet - In Personnel & Training > Planning > Qualifications our 'All Members' qualification matrix export now includes retired members data too for historic accuracy.

Q2 2023

?? Activity colors - Display colors for activities (Incidents ?? ?Exercises ?? Events ??) are now standardized between our web and mobile apps.

?? Sort draft activities - Clicking on the column heading will now sort the draft activities based on when they were created.

??? Improved flexibility in On-Call Planner - You can now create a variety of complex scenarios to mark members as On/Off call.

?? Set activity default start and end times - You now have the option to set account default start and end times for your activities.

??? Upload attachments - Members with "Equipment Basic" access level can now upload attachments for equipment inspections and repairs.

? Member attendance updates

  • You can now generate attendance hours of a member as a PDF.
  • Members attendance status is now included in attendance reports.

Personnel & Training Mobile App Updates

Equipment Mobile App Updates

  • Scan equipment in/out on an Activity - You can now scan a QR code or NFC tag on an item of equipment to mark it used on an Activity!
  • Scan equipment inspections - We now display a scan equipment icon (QR/NFC) when you have completed an inspection of item so that you can scan the next item without having to go back.
  • Move equipment with QR or NFC ?- When you attempt to move an item we now show a scan equipment icon (QR/NFC).
  • Overwrite external NFC tags - If you have an NFC tag that was in use before, you can now overwrite it from our app. Simply scan it and confirm the on-screen message.

?? Custom reports improvements

  • Group Name is now shown in "Members" custom report as a new column.
  • "Persons Involved" can now be extracted at Parent Organization level.
  • "All Activities" custom report now contains activity approved date & timestamp.
  • Total attendees' hours is now shown for "All Activities/Events/Exercises/ Incidents" custom report.
  • "Inspection Results" now contains Funding Source, Item Location and selections made in Equipment Settings (manufacturer/models, barcode etc)

Q3 2023

?? New Equipment In Your Inbox - Get notified by email when a team in your organization sends you new equipment.

?? Scan Equipment To Destination - Scan the barcode on both the item and its destination to send it.

?? Equipment Supply Quantity On Mobile App - ?Quantity levels are now shown on the individual item view on the Equipment App.

?? Qualify K9 & Handlers From Activity Attendance - Just like members, you can now qualify K9's and their Handlers from the confirmed attendance list of an activity.

?? Organization Qualification Matrix - This qualification export, already available at team level is now available at Organization Level.

?? Last Status Change Date - Equipment exports now show the date and time of last 'status' change in a column.

?? D4H Team Manager API v3 - We've started transferring the inner workings of our platform on to our new v3 of our API. Faster and more performant, once fully functional we'll release the public documentation as a replacement for v2.

Q4 2023

?? K9 & handler qualification alerts, expectations, and groups - Never miss a vet appointment or K9 qualification expiry again!

?? Qualify K9 & handlers from attendance - Qualify your K9s just like your members

?? New features for API - Continuous improvement & introduction of new APIs

??? Upgraded document storage structure - ?Our file storage system was moved to the Amazon S3 service to significantly improve capacity, redundancy and security

?? Improved weekly digest email - Streamlined the email design and content

?? Communication to handlers - Send communications directly to animal handlers via the D4H Communications module

Customer Experience Upgrades

??♀? New Help Center! - Over at help.d4h.com you'll find our new help center, but more impressively we've also integrated this into our products. Press the question mark on the navigation bar to pop-open instant answers and questions. We'll automatically suggest documentation based on the screen you're on.

?? Implementation Certificates - We now issue a personal training certificate to everyone who has gone through our product implementation as a D4H Administrator. If you've recently completed this, drop [email protected] an email if you'd like your certificate.

Safety & Security Updates

?? Certified ISO 27001:2022 - D4H was awarded ISO 27001:2022 certification for our Information Security Management System (ISMS). This is an ongoing undertaking by our security team with annual audits and recertification to demonstrates our maturity.

?? A better way to sign in - One username & password for all D4H products. We've further enhanced the sign in the process based on customer feedback & hope to get every user's sign-in details upgraded before the end of Q1 2024.

Note: Anyone can now migrate their account. In the coming months we'll begin prompting users to do it during sign-in. Enterprise SSO accounts using SAML don't need take any action at this time.

???♀? Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) - Once you have migrated to a new D4H Account, you'll be able to switch on Two-Factor Authentication by Authenticator App or SMS.

?? Security Upgrades & Fixes - Now reviewed and monitored by our new Information Security Team (IST), we released countless small updates, patches, tests, and fixes to our software during the period. Like any quality system, this tireless work continues in the background continuously for your safety. ?? System updates & Fixes - Behind the scenes we worked on bugs reported, small UI tweaks and updates to bring you a smoother experience when using D4H

User Access Upgrades

?? New account switcher - For those who have already upgraded to the new Unified Accounts for sign-in, they'll see a new Account Switcher user interface on the navigation bar.

Thank You

As we bid farewell to 2023, we want to say a massive thank you to our users for being an integral part of our journey. Your feedback and engagement have been pivotal in shaping the direction of our innovations. Looking ahead to 2024, our crewm4tes are already gearing up for another year of powerful enhancements that promise to make you even more efficient.

Stay tuned for a series of exciting announcements and updates in the coming month. Thank you for choosing D4H, and here's to a phenomenal year ahead!

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? What's New - Subscribe your email address on updates.d4h.com for instant notification when we release a new feature. ?

?? System Status - Subscribe your email address on status.d4h.com for scheduled maintenance and outage updates.



