2023 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (Lead Discussant and Youth Speaker Francis Koroma) at the United Nations Headquarters
2023 HLPF on Sustainable Dev't at the UNHQ. Photo Credit: IISD/ENB - Kiara Worth

2023 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (Lead Discussant and Youth Speaker Francis Koroma) at the United Nations Headquarters

Water and sanitation are critical to the health of people and the planet. Goal 6 not only addresses the issues relating to drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) but also the quality and sustainability of water resources worldwide. Millions of people die every year from diseases associated with unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene. Young children are particularly vulnerable – WASH-related diseases remain among the leading causes of death in children under 5, and they contribute to malnutrition and stunting.


Our founder Francis Koroma serves as a youth speaker at the high-level political forum 2023 as one of the panelists (Lead Discussant) held in New York City under the auspices of ECOSOC with a focus on the SDGs, specifically SDG6 and its connections to other SDGs - Clean water and sanitation. Francis Koroma discussed the issue of water scarcity and its impact on 40% of the world's population, as well as its anticipated rise. An astounding 2+ million people worldwide pass away from dehydration each year, according to a recent study. He discussed how his company, Frantech3D, has built over 10,000 liters of water utilizing cutting-edge technology in places where there is no access to clean drinking water, particularly in the global south.


He underlined the need to close the gap between stakeholders and young people in various areas.?He stressed that funding and attention should be given to young projects and ideas since they are innovative and have the potential to significantly contribute to the fulfillment of the SDGs by 2030. He emphasized the necessity for youngsters to lead in ideas and decision-making in their respective communities. He expressed his intention to assist and uplift young people in Africa and all throughout the world.

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Moderator Johannes Cullmann, Vice-Chair, UN-Water


The moderator, Mr. johannes cullmann , Vice-Chair of United Nations Water , acknowledged our founder and emphasized the importance of having these crucial discussions with young people in classrooms and learning facilities so they are more aware of and knowledgeable about global issues and can contribute to the solution even before they complete their studies.

In the ensuing general discussion, 41 speakers made presentations. Many commended the process and outcomes of the recent UN Water Conference and welcomed the appointment of a Special Envoy, stating it would raise the profile of water issues in the UN system. Some called for a UN system-wide water strategy and launched a process toward a UN Water Convention.

Many contributions highlighted new initiatives that tackle water scarcity as well as water-related natural disasters and foster greater transparency and accountability in water resources governance at all levels. Speakers further underlined the critical need for finance, technology transfer, capacity building, and other means of implementation, noting action on SDG 6 underpins many other Goals – including food security, gender equality, health and education, affordable housing, peace and security, and climate change adaptation.



Specific proposals regarding the global water agenda henceforth included calls for:

· Establishing regional science and technology centers to strengthen knowledge sharing and a science-based approach to tackling water insecurity;

·?????strengthening the inclusion of local communities and authorities in multilateral processes; and

· Adopting risk prevention paradigm with an emphasis on early-warning systems to avoid overwhelming damage from water-related hazards.

In concluding remarks by the panel, Espinosa emphasized that both the problems and solutions are well known, and what is needed are policy and governance innovations at multiple levels. Stating the discussions had highlighted the high cost of inaction, she urged all stakeholders to kickstart the implementation of commitments launched at the UN Water Conference. Gardes cautioned against “na?ve belief” in technological solutions, stressing the importance of an enabling environment to support emerging polycentric systems of water governance at all levels.



  • H.E. Ms. Lachezara Stoeva , President of ECOSOC (10:00 AM – 11:30 AM)
  • H.E. Ms. Paula Narváez, Vice President of ECOSOC (Chile) (11:30 AM?– 1:00 PM)


  • H.E. Mr. Jaap Slootmaker , Vice Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands (Co-host of the UN 2023 Water Conference on the outcome of the Conference)


Highlights of the report of the Secretary-General (special edition) on progress towards the SDGs – SDG 6 on clean water and sanitation

  • Mr. Daniel Eshetie , Statistics Division of UN DESA
  • Representative of Regional Commissions: Regional perspective on the implementation of SDG 6 and interlinkages
  • Ms. Rola Dashti , Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
  • Ms. Kelly Ann Naylor , Lead writer of SDG 6 Synthesis Report 2023 on Water and Sanitation

Interactive panel discussion



Lead Discussants:

  • Ms. Olga Djanaeva ,?Director of rural women's Association ALGA, Kyrgyzstan (MGoS)
  • Mr. Francis Koroma ,?Founder, and President of the Francis Koroma Foundation


Ministerial Respondents:

  • Mr. Callist Tindimugaya ,?Commissioner for Water Resources Planning and Regulation, Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda

Relevant Links

President of the Francis Koroma Foundation Speech: https://youtu.be/RKDPE1VWuzg

Full Recorded Meeting: (3rd meeting) High-level Political Forum 2023 | UN Web TV

Program Outline: SDGs in focus: SDG 6 and interlinkages with other SDGs – Clean water and sanitation | High-Level Political Forum 2023 (un.org)

Foundation Website: Donate to the Best Charities | Francis Koroma Foundation

Link to make a DONATION: DONATE HERE?? - Francis Koroma Foundation (square.site)


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