2023 Health and Wellness Trends
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Being a fitness instructor or personal trainer doesn’t mean showing up to teach our students the same exercise routine over and over again. Instead we aim to inspire our students to live a healthy and versatile lifestyle. We act as fitness consultants first to ensure that the right routines and habits align with our student's unique health requirements, fitness goals and limitations. In order to teach you must be a perpetual student - always learning, growing and adapting as the needs and fitness levels of our students change.?
AFPA (American Fitness Professionals and Associates) is a great resource that provides science-backed, quality information for fitness professionals. With every new year we have to ask “what is on the horizon in 2023 for the health and wellness industries?...and how can these trends be applied to [our] coaching practice and what can [we] do to stay relevant in the coming year?
Below we’ve provided a link to AFPA’s article that discusses what to expect in the world of health and wellness as we move into 2023 and why the 2023 trends are important. They also have included a free e-book download that provides you with a top-level overview of trends and how to integrate them into your coaching practice.?
?Article Link: https://www.afpafitness.com/blog/free-coach-e-book-the-future-of-wellness-top-trends-in-2023