2023 at Happiness Concierge.

2023 at Happiness Concierge.

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Check out the most popular newsletters of 2022:

Professional ghosting

You had a great conversation. Then … nothing. What the heck? Instead of losing our mind wondering ‘why’ we’ve been ghosted, we can remember the 10 reasons why we’re not someone else's #1 priority.

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Connect, then lead

Connecting with people by showing we’ve actually noticed them is the fastest way to gain someone's respect. When we send a belonging cue to someone else and show that we’ve heard them, is when relationships become more than transactional. They become productive.

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Asking for what you need

If you’re a ‘big spoon’, you’re used to running things. If you’re more of a ‘small spoon’, you’re used to someone taking charge. Both are cool, but did you know there’s a third option? Medium spoon energy.

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Fail privately

We don’t take action because we fear we will fail.? Instead, by planning to fail in private, we can get feedback before going ‘live’. By doing so, we’re improving in private, making it more likely we succeed in public.

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Lessons from Elvis

When I was in an Elvis band, the King gave feedback to the lead guitarist just as much as the backing vocal. When show day came around, we were one slick unit. What the King was doing was creating psychological safety.

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