For 2023: Go Different, Go Daring
Steve Piacente
Director of Training, The Communication Center; Owner, Next Phase Life Coaching
It’s almost time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. You might be daydreaming about something different and daring for 2023. You’re feeling inspired, getting excited. New year. Fresh start. How invigorating.
And then you hear that voice. Hold on! That’s way outside your lane! Just who do you think you are?
?And you quickly, quietly scale back. You revise the goal and recalibrate your expectations.
A few tough questions, as there’s still plenty of time to reframe your perspective:
Who’s speaking to you in that awful voice? Probably your inner critic. How long have you been listening to him (or her) without pushing back? How well did playing it safe serve you in 2022? And when was the last time you challenged the assumption that you’re not bold, smart, or prepared enough to go for something different and daring?
This one may be the toughest. If success were guaranteed … let that simmer a second … yes, guaranteed … what is it that you would take on in 2023?
Once the idea or image takes shape in your head, ask the follow-up question. Namely, what’s really standing between you and your version of different and daring?
The list of reasons not to go forward might seem daunting. Is it age? If I were only younger. Maybe it’s money. Two kids in college, a pair of car payments, and don’t forget the mortgage. Or perhaps it’s health. What would happen if I did this audacious thing and then got sick?
Again, more tough questions. Once upon a time they said you were too young and needed more experience. Now you’ve decided you’re too old. Is it true, or is it really a rut you’ve put yourself in by going along – for far too long - with what passes for common wisdom?
The second barrier was health. It’s worth remembering that folks with chronic conditions achieve amazing things all the time. But maybe it’s not chronic. Maybe it’s comfort. As in an unwillingness to exit your comfort zone. If that’s the case, why is it the case?
The third obstacle was money. But when was the last time you really analyzed the financial ledger? Is it possible that what was true five years ago isn’t as true heading into the new year? Maybe affordability isn’t the issue now that it was a few years back.
This is by no means intended to diminish the importance of real issues and circumstances people face every day. Rather, it’s a call for an aggressive, comprehensive self-audit to determine if different and daring may have quietly moved into your wheelhouse.
Because before you know it, we’ll be sitting back here on the crest of 2024, and the question you may be asking could very well be, Why didn’t I go for it? Or at least make a start?
Be honest. How would that feel? Comes Jan. 1, 2022, take the first step on a journey that will move you toward different and daring, because same and safe have run their course.
Steve Piacente is the owner of Next Phase Life Coaching and the author of, “Your New Fighting Stance: Good Enough Isn’t, and You Know It.” He is also Director of Training at The Communication Center in Washington, D.C.