2023 End of State Sessions Report: Mississippi

2023 End of State Sessions Report: Mississippi

Mississippi had an active and engaged 2023 legislative session. Due to the interest from the legislature, strong work of the research institutions, and the friendly environment that the State has shown for innovative technology, AUVSI targeted Mississippi from the beginning for our educational Drone Prepared campaign.

The state was receptive and encouraging to work with, and within three months Drone Prepared was law. In every way, from legislation to engagement, the Mississippi legislature went above and beyond this year.??

Legislation: Above Average?

  • House Bill 839/Senate Bill 2146 – The Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Rights and Authorities Act is AUVSI’s Drone Prepared model legislation. The measure codifies that ultimate authority over the airspace lies with the Federal Aviation Administration and prevents additional burdensome regulations, creating a secure and cohesive regulatory environment in which commercial drone operations can thrive. Governor Reeves signed the Senate version into law on March 3rd.??
  • House Bill 1510 – This measure provides funding to WISPR Systems, a drone manufacturer based in Mississippi, for research and development to expand their sUAS manufacturing capabilities. State investment into the drone industry fosters innovation and encourages State economic and workforce development. This measure died in committee.??
  • House Bill 1497 – This measure provides funding to the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency to replace its current UAS platforms with United States-made platforms and training on the new system. In proposing funding for the transition of the agencies current drone fleet, Mississippi is recognizing the significant time and monetary investment that has already been made and providing for a low-friction transition. This measure died in committee.??
  • House Bill 1032/Senate Bill 2853 – This measure requires all drones purchased by the State of Mississippi, state agencies, and political subdivisions to be from domestic manufacturers and to contain collision avoidance systems. It provides bid preference for Mississippi manufacturers in government procurement. This measure promotes U.S. drone competitiveness and enables the U.S. to be a leader in the drone industry. Additionally, the included two-year time frame provides a necessary transition period for agencies to adjust. The Senate version has passed both houses and will be sent to the Governor.??
  • House Bill 1293 – This measure requires state agencies, when all else is held the same, to give first preference in purchasing to drones manufactured in Mississippi. It prohibits state agencies from purchasing or operating drones manufactured in China. This measure passed the first chamber.?

Willingness to Engage: Above Average?

Mississippi has consistently gone above and beyond with their engagement with both UAS as a policy area and with stakeholders and industry participants.

Mississippi was one of the first states to begin proposing drone policy, and although the initial policy proposals were misguided, they were done with the intent to enhance the industry in the State.

The interested legislators were then willing to listen to stakeholders, including AUVSI, on issues with the at the time proposed policy and what good drone policy would look like.

When initially launching Drone Prepared, AUVSI specifically honed in on Mississippi as one of our key states due to the positive and strong conversations we had already been able to have with the legislature.??

Openness to Industry: Above Average?

From the start of session, Mississippi was engaged with industry. When we approached them with Drone Prepared, they were excited to work with industry-supported language and to ensure an industry-friendly environment in the State.

As the bill moved through the process, the legislature remained open and willing to engage.

When the team went down to testify on the bill, we were able to meet with the committee members and chair to discuss the measure and address any initial questions and concerns they may have.

When a few members raised concerns in the committee meetings, we were able to follow up to address them.

In all cases, the legislators were open to our feedback and conversations, willing to learn, and came to understand the benefits of the bill. This led to a near unanimous passage in both the House and the Senate.?

Overall: Above Average?

Mississippi has consistently showed a desire to engage with industry and an eagerness to establish an industry-friendly environment, resulting in an exceptional legislative session.

All the legislation introduced was aimed at supporting the drone industry and aiding in U.S. competitiveness, and the legislature showed a consistent thoughtfulness in their engagement.

In making Drone Prepared law, they have set themselves apart as a leader in the industry and proved that Mississippi is drone ready and industry friendly.


Elizabeth Sila is Coordinator, Government Affairs at AUVSI.??


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