Here we are again, nearing the end of another year. With it comes my predictions / trends for 2023 — while not an exhaustive list, here are a few to start…?
One app, but have it do more… so much more.?
- Social, P2P, messaging, shopping, payments and more (including integration of AI/AR, NFTs/web3 where it makes sense)?
- WeChat seems to be the closest to this for sure, but may not have the North American audience… any other takers??
- Apple, if you’re reading this… you already have the payments competent, missing though is how you’ll do social??
- As for existing social platforms, I think TiKTok and Snap have all the potential to get here quicker, though based on Elon Musk’s latest roadmap Twitter 2.0 may become that ‘everything app’
- Meta, you have publicly announced that you’re stepping away from social commerce so thinking there’s no plans for the ‘everything / super app’ — unless it will just take on a different form in your new focus with creators, NFTs and metaverse?
More video content, please… but keep it short.
- This isn’t a new trend, but one that all brands haven’t yet cracked. How will your 2023 strategy incorporate shorter videos that your audience wants to consume? And what role will creators play in all of this??
The personalization–privacy paradox continues.
- More people doing more online (and in digital spaces) x people expecting curated and personalized experiences x AI / VR / AR technologies to provide these and more immersive experiences?
- How will brands balance providing experiences that people are looking for while ensuring their data is protected (managed properly, safely and only used per the permissions users gave.)
- With more and more people searching, discovering and shopping directly on social platforms, social commerce will continue to change the customer journey as we know it to be. Brands will need to adapt.
- Will the likes of ChatGPT change how we search? An advanced AI chat bot that generates human-like responses to questions asked. Will this type of search also impact SEO as we know it today? That is, digital marketers attempts to ensure being found on page 1 of Google?
- Also, (and closely related to the 'new customer journey' trend) it seems TikTok (and other social platforms) will continue to be the preferred search engine for the likes of Generation Z. Does that mean it will not longer be the battle between TikTok vs Instagram... and instead, TiKTok vs Google?
Two cohorts to watch for… Alpha and Generation Z
- How will your marketing and digital initiatives evolve (or change) in 2023 to include these two cohorts? Digital natives (not just, tech savvy) who have been surrounded by tech, social media, and mobile; and comfortable using new technologies.
- How will what’s important to them, how they consume content, want to experience things, and where they choose to hang out influence your strategy for 2023 and beyond?
More than just a two-letter acronym — AI / AR / VR / MR
- More brands will incorporate augmented reality, artificial intelligence, virtual reality and / or merged reality (the latter is where virtual and reality are intertwined) technologies into their digital strategies in 2023 ie. as it relates to a more personalized customer journey across all touch points or how data is collected, used and managed.?
- See it applied to healthcare and education. How can this technology allow for more immersive experiences that enhance learning? Or, to allow for a better doctor x patient experience, more immersive views of scans, help doctors in the OR and so much more.?
Decentralization / Blockchain / NFTs
- Blockchain and decentralization are no longer concepts that only a few have heard of. While the technology may not be an easy one for everyone to grasp, more and more people are curious about its potential for necessary change and disruption.?
- Possible applications: social media (ie for those who have left Twitter for Mastadon); or for retail supply chain operations to allow for improved traceability; or for luxury items to authenticate your products; securely share medical records with doctors and patients; ensure that artists (royalties) are paid for their work; disrupting current loyalty programs / build community and reward customers… and there are so many other use cases here.?
For anyone who's read my predictions for the last few years, you'll notice that there are some trends / predictions that continue to make the list. Or, at least an iteration of that prediction...