2023 is coming to an end! ??

2023 is coming to an end! ??

This year has been pretty good so far! We celebrated our 15th anniversary, created new partnerships, hosted the second edition of Quality Sense Conference, and much more!

Last month we traveled and spoke at events like GX30, AgileDevOpsCon, and ApacheCon.

And we still can't get over QSConf 2023! We've already started planning next year's edition in Colombia, so stay tuned for all the news!


After Quality Sense Conf 2023, we’ve taken some time to reflect, and the excitement still lingers. It’s palpable and continues to resonate. We experienced two full days of knowledge, learning, networking opportunities, and enjoyment.

QSConf 2023 is redefining the IT industry. Dive into the stories of our speakers and discover how this event is helping to position Latin America as a leading digital hub in the world! Read the full article here!

Our CTO Roger Abelenda was in Orlando at Agile DevOps Con! In his talk "Evolving your Selenium scripts into Performance Scripts" he highlighted benefits such as cost reduction and faster releases.

GXtest has been essential in Abstracta’s history. It has been our foundational seed and the first step of countless initiatives that we have undertaken, to collaborate with the advancing of the technology industry.

What exactly is GXtest? It is a suite of products for automating functional tests, enabling users without formal programming skills to design, automate, and execute functional tests on web and mobile applications developed with GeneXus.

Read the full article here!

Recently, we had the chance to speak in depth with Germán González, Technical Leader of GXtest, who recently traveled to Japan to meet with clients of this tool created by Abstracta.

This trip has constituted an important step for the expansion of GXtest in the Japanese market and in strengthening our ties with GeneXus Japan and current clients.

Read the full article here!

Last month we announced our new partnership with Tricentis! This new chapter highlights our commitment to excellence and innovation in the creation of quality software.

This strategic alliance positions us to expand our automation service offering and strengthen our commitment to quality and operational efficiency.

Read the full article here!

Would you like to delve into how to test applications powered by Generative Artificial Intelligence?

We invite you to explore this topic, discover the upcoming opportunities and challenges, and understand how all this can add value to your projects.

Read the full article here!

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