2023-2024: A Journey of Academic Triumph with Dr. J. Jerald Inico at Loyola College, Chennai

2023-2024: A Journey of Academic Triumph with Dr. J. Jerald Inico at Loyola College, Chennai

Throughout the academic year of 2023-2024, Dr. J. Jerald Inico, Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Loyola College, Chennai, experienced a plethora of achievements and enriching experiences.

?The odd semester commenced with a dynamic array of courses, including Internet of Things (IOT) for II M.Sc., Digital Forensic and Cyber Security for the I M.Sc. Computer Science, and Web Programming for the I BCA students, spanning from June 2023 to November 2023. Simultaneously, Dr. Inico assumed the roles of PG Mini Project Coordinator and Class Faculty for I BCA. An innovative initiative, the "Loyola Freshman Fledging," was introduced by the Dean of Students office to facilitate a seamless transition for First Year UG students. In his capacity as Class Faculty for I BCA, Dr. Inico fostered student engagement through a week-long online interaction program, "The Alumni Talk," and spearheaded a comprehensive Students Induction program, receiving commendation from students and faculty alike.

(https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_thealumnitalk-loyolacollege-chennai-activity-7079701718380249088--cdn )

?As a faculty member of Internet of Things (IOT), Dr. Inico pioneered the establishment of an IOT lab, underscoring the department's commitment to technological advancement. This endeavor provided an enthralling opportunity to integrate various facets into practical learning experiences, thereby enhancing students' comprehension and skill set.

( https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_loyolacollege-chennai-iot-activity-7118627177314603008-tu0q )

?In his role as PG Project Coordinator, Dr. Inico conceptualized and produced a departmental video profile, a first-time initiative aimed at showcasing the academic prowess of Loyola College's 99th academic year. To nurture and identify exemplary projects, Dr. Inico curated an online webinar featuring esteemed alumni from prestigious industries, such as Mr. Michael Allwyn from Dubai, who provided invaluable insights on System Design. Additionally, a two-day workshop on Machine Learning and Deep Learning was organized, aligning with industry standards and fostering a culture of continuous learning.


(https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_you-are-invited-michael-mike-allwyn-minstapract-activity-7084389589171253249-gVpN )

?(https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_you-are-invited-michael-mike-allwyn-activity-7080394946091876352-z_kn )

?( https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_workshop-on-deep-learning-loyola-college-activity-7092898065858121728-EGrN )


Transitioning to the even semester, Dr. Inico continued his responsibilities as PG Major Project Coordinator, guiding II M.Sc. Computer Science students through industrial projects spanning six months. Rigorous project reviews and external viva voce examinations ensured the students' holistic development and adherence to quality standards. Concurrently, Dr. Inico led classes for a Major Skill paper on Business Analytics Using Python for III BCA students, emphasizing foundational concepts and practical applications to prepare them for real-world scenarios.


In addition to his academic commitments, Dr. Inico actively contributed to various campus committees and served as a resource person for workshops and seminars across multiple institutions. Notable engagements include workshops on Business Analytics and Visualization Applications Using Python, Digital Forensics, and sessions on Statistics behind Data Analytics and Data Science, showcasing his expertise and commitment to knowledge dissemination beyond the confines of Loyola College.

( https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_businessanalytics-visualization-pytthon-activity-7098269813008994304-owKK )

( https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_business-analytics-for-mcom-students-activity-7107048809561522177-2Cfk )

( https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_loyolacollege-chennai-iot-activity-7118627177314603008-tu0q )

( https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_greetings-from-saveetha-college-of-liberal-activity-7153783762529472512-xa5y )

?Overall, Dr. J. Jerald Inico's academic year of 2023-2024 epitomizes dedication, innovation, and excellence in education, leaving an indelible mark on both students and the academic community at large.

( https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/jerald-inico-70634833_mentees-2023-24-a-system-to-take-care-of-activity-7107989136673837058-MAL_ )



