2023-06-28, Hamilton Towers Event
2023-07-01, I speak much regarding The organizations in the Lehigh Valley responsible for my loss of Hard Drives and other data from the years around 2022 but almost all my data from while I lived in the High Mohave Desert Little San Bernardino Mountains is gone, I have seen some of these images on Social Media, who or what is responsible for that? I have no problem believing it could be the same people. Last night I had experienced what might have been a revelation that the men at Murphey's Bar in Yucca Valley who told me they had just beat me up and threw me through a plate glass window at Murphy's Bar in Yucca Valley were not Hell's Angels as they inferred, they looked and acted more like Cops. I later awoke outside of my dilapidated inoperable rat infested RV with no door laying on the ground not knowing where I was or how long I was there in so much pain, like I had been beat and thrown through a plate glass window.
I'm eating and gaining weight, many say that as one ages it becomes more difficult to push ones self into a regular physical workout, that's not the case with me, it had always been difficult, soon it will be time to bust that barrier again.
2023-06-30, I can't see my Newsfeed, it's not loading. Maybe it's because my posts have become very popular in the unspoken of ElectroFuzz Universes, many seem to believe it's Black and White, Left and Right, WuTang talks 36 Chambers, what happens when 36 is multiplied by 36 when they cross or connect again and again in TimeSpace?
It can get deep and wide Yo. It might be The Brujeria, The Satanists or Pennsylvania Power And Light, the Dog Shelter or Lehigh County Prison Minds across the street from me, Stuffed Teddy Bears, Graffiti, 15th Century Venetian Paintings in Allentown Museum, Milf Porn Star Breasts or any one of many Couture Ensembles ferried past my window.
Facebook Shut my feed down? Probably not, it's like the page is having trouble loading. I can post but I can not see what others are posting, fucked up shit like this often happens after I post images like I have been and talk about the way I have. It might not be Facebook, there are many factors, the tether to a cellphone I acquired outside Daybreak Homeless shelter from a subsidized company in Philadelphia or Jersey, probably Mafia, Perhaps something remote in the Electrofuzz from an occulted Continent as I write about and photograph Electrofuzz and more physical worldly complexity often lately. Is it insane to think there might be a connection with moi? Look at the fucking pictures!
A pattern I might be seeing every time I move to another place seems to be surfacing again, it seems as though it, whatever it is, has to catch up with me. This pattern becomes more obvious as it accelerates with every iteration. It's as if I'm being followed by a very big trail of different types of people, clothes, cars, sounds, smells, basically everything seems to change, most of the garbage in the streets has almost disappeared, many less people are throwing their litter on the ground in front of me possibly because I am loudly vocal about the slobs in this hood. I know I might sound crazy to some but I don't believe I live on a fucking spinning ball.
2023-06-28, I can go on for weeks with the imagery from the Allentown Blues Event on the 24th, I'm just getting started, like what I recorded at Double Decker it's amazing, I haven't shown much of the distressing shit but I have shown one image of a Gorilla type giving me what might be the intimidating eyes if one can see it through his electro fuzz disguise, he might be showing distress, the place is infested with electrofuzz overlayer, adornment, what might be attracted to me or a combination.
There is the person wearing a NY baseball hat and shirt with a strange double head in the background of the two dancer boys surrounded by a complex of probable related organizational behavior of many other people I am familiar with, people who I suspected of using me at my jobs before I was fired for no legal reason. I cropped and scaled a closeup. I know right where to look now. I have some more very impressive Law Enforcement video frames.
Is this what Hiedegger meant by "Gestell" which I believe literally translates to "Frame". Philosophy researchers talk about it as what lies beneath technology but they can't even talk or perhaps think about the Oceans being level not ridiculously spherical and spinning.
The Hamilton Tower Event, This morning on my way to the bus I took 10 minutes of video as I left the building and walked to the station, my memory card was full before I got there. Leaving the elevator into the lobby were three people, the little girl in the middle who walked into me is out of frame the other two maneuvered in a usual way with the woman walking towards me then turning around to walk in front of me into the managers office as I walked out the front door. I am so used to this type of maneuvering that I suspected something immediately.
When I returned I watched a 12 second clip of the video frame by frame, I can see that the man among other anomalies has an Electrofuzz Covid Mask in about four frames and then changes to more normal, the woman goes through some changes frame by frame also there seems to be barely visible figures all around her. My video Archive is full of this activity.
I believe a reason I was fired from my last two jobs without being written up once is because when I felt things like this were happening I would change my path or quickly do something else unexpected, People involved seemed to feel entitled to my cooperation. I would talk about it as a probability in a very calm or cryptic and sometimes comedic way. I'm not interested in associating with fat 30 year old's who barely speak English getting drunk at 1am while they have children at home or Overweight entitled English speaking woman talking the filthy trivial crap they talk in front of me especially when I have to be careful of what I say, especially while I'm a much more qualified food service professional washing dishes.
What the fuck is going on? This town is infested with this shit, this is probably why the Salisbury Police Department, Lehigh County and Pine Brook attempted to throw me into the Behavioral Health System for an extended stay on drugs. I lost a few Terabytes of hard Drives in the process. I believe Susan Klein my insane landlord who threw me out because I would not fuck her disgusting body and mind might have also taken some of my data.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, if not for my photography I would be drooling on drugs deep in a behavioral health center where people could be paraded around me in total secrecy to accomplish what it might be that is happening here.
San Bernardino County Bar Association San Bernardino County Behavioral Health Los Angeles Police Department – JoinLAPD Palm Springs Police Department San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department New York City Police Department , Pennsylvania State Police Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) American Bar Association United States Attorneys' Offices United States Senate