2023-02-06<?Chip knowledge>

2023-02-06<Chip knowledge>

1. STMicroelectronics (ST) Group was established in June 1987. The company is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and is also the headquarters of the European, Middle East and African (EMEA) market.

2. Introduction to STM32

STM32 is a 32-bit high-performance MCU based on "ARM's Cortex-M3 core" produced by "STMicroelectronics". ST - chip manufacturer STMicroelectronics, SOC manufacturer

ARM——IP manufacturer, the company responsible for chip core design

M - the abbreviation of Microelectronics, refers to the microcontroller

32 - means it is a 32-bit microcontroller

The relationship between STM32 and ARM7 The cores of ARM7 and STM32 are designed by ARM. The ARM7 core uses the von Neumann structure, which is the structure used by the computer CPU, while the STM32 uses the Harvard structure. STM32 is designed by ARM to replace ARM7, so its performance is better than ARM7

3. STM32 application scenarios

?STM32 can be found in scenarios such as smart bracelets, miniature quadcopters, sweeping robots, and industrial automation control.



