2022.07.03 The Essence of my Message Regarding the Bible
James Robertson ETI
The Almighty Creator seeks a DEEP personal relationship with YOU -- I can help you
The Bible is the most widely distributed book in all of history with the estimated volume printed being in excess of 5 billion copies as of 1995 translated into over 349 language -- see https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/best-selling-book-of-non-fiction
Notwithstanding these statistics relative to the matters of the Almighty Creator the Bible is a very limited book that does NOT deliver on what is claimed for it.?Following are the points which summarize the essence of my message regarding the Bible:
1.??????Very Important History Book
The Bible IS a very important history book about people who had relationships with the Almighty but nothing more.?It traces some of the bloodline of Yahooshua and of some of the most highly anointed ones from about 4,500 years ago to about 2,000 years ago.?It contains other elements such as Proverbs (wisdom), Psalms (songs), etc and some “Prophetic” “foretelling” relating to the Almighty’s plans for future events.
2.?????NOT “Word of God”
Despite widespread belief that the Bible is “The Word of God” or “Word of Yah” or whatever this is false.
The Almighty says that around 2.5% of the book is inspired, the rest is simply the accounts of men and woman as recorded, transcribed, translated and shared over the years.?The lack of inspiration is NOT an issue as most of the book is reasonably accurate historical accounts.
3.?????Innumerable Translations and Versions
There are innumerable translations and versions of the Bible, particularly in English, reflecting the challenges of translating from Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek as well as various people’s opinions as to what the original writers were seeking to communicate.?These versions range from useful variants that are helpful to the reader to others that are in such gross error that it is dangerous to read them.?Some authors have died prematurely as a judgment for their error.
The translations that I recommend are:
a.??????“The Amplified Bible” from Zondervan, available on Amazon – a very useful translation that seeks to capture the multi-faceted meaning of the original language – strongly recommended – still contains numerous errors in terms of language – God, The LORD, Jesus, Jesus is God, etc.
b.??????The “King James Version” an early English translation that is regarded as the most accurate by many people as it is free of many of the doctrinal influences of later versions – contains the same errors as the Amplified.
c.??????For the Jewish Old Testament I recommend “The Living Torah” by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/Living-Torah-Translation-Traditional-introduction/dp/0940118726 also the companion volumes “The Living Nach” Early Prophets at https://www.amazon.com/Living-Nach-Vol-Early-Prophets/dp/0940118297 – an informative rendering of the first five books of the Bible and of the Early Prophets -- also contains errors.
d.??????“The Scriptures” from the Institute of Scripture Research in South Africa, available on Amazon, also from Qodesh Books in South Africa.?Also free electronically from https://isr-messianic.org/downloads/free-scriptures-downloads.html -- in my opinion the most accurate translation but more difficult to read because it retains key Hebrew words but worth reading once you have read the Amplified and the King James.?Error with regard to “Messiah” versus “Anointed One”.
I recommend that IF you have NOT yet read the Bible that you limit yourself to the above versions, read in the sequence given, one time each.?Then move on to other reading, this will be more than sufficient.?In reading the Bible take particular note of the highly anointed ones and where appropriate, ask Father to anoint you as they were anointed or to give you a relationship with Him as they had.
Beyond that there is no point in spending further time on the Bible other than a few passages that contain important principles most of which have been comprehensively illuminated by anointed Christian teachers over the last two centuries.
4.?????Bible DOES Contain Errors
Contrary to popular belief the Bible DOES contain errors.?For example the death of Judas Iscariot is described completely differently in Matthew and Luke.?Two conflicting reasons are given for King David numbering Israel, etc.?These are glaringly obvious errors.?There are websites that pick holes in the accuracy of the Bible and I choose NOT to reference them because this is NOT the point.?My point here is simply to say that the belief in certain quarters that “the Bible is without error” are provably false and should be rejected.
My KEY point here is simply that, as with any other book, read with your critical faculties engaged and do NOT just take it for granted, think about it, pray about it, ask for guidance and if it really does NOT make sense, park it and do NOT take it on board.
5.?????“New Testament” Based on Fragments of Parchment
It is important to also be aware that the so-called “New Testament” originated from fragments of parchment from diverse sources
Of more relevance, many years ago I came across a report that indicated that there were diverse manuscripts on which the so-called “New Testament” was based such that differences between versions of source manuscripts to the tune of around 1,250 had been found.?I have not found this reference again and there are indications that this information has been suppressed.
The key point is that the New Testament is NOT nearly as reliable as it is portrayed to be by some.?If you want to investigate further see
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_New_Testament_manuscripts and the associated links.
Note that overall the New Testament texts are remarkably reliable given their history.?This is NOT a problem once you regard the Bible as a collection of historical texts of some value and cease trying to force it to be “The Word of God and without error”.
6.?????“Old Testament” Based on Fragments
Less clearly known is that the so-called “Old Testament” is also largely based on fragments with all the so-called books prior to the exile to Babylon in about 597 BC being based on fragments.
Consider the context to this statement.?In about 586 BC the people of Judah in Israel went into exile in Babylon on foot taking what they could to survive.?The religious texts were recorded on large scrolls that they were unable to take with them.?So, they took with them fragments or, when they were able to in Babylon they wrote down passages from memory.?
If you read these passages attentively you will see that they are made up of assemblies of fragments.?So, once more, we find that the Bible is NOT particularly reliable as a document and should be read with care and with prayer.?Note that overall the texts are remarkably reliable given the history.?Again this is NOT a problem once you regard the Bible as a collection of historical texts of some value and cease trying to force it to be “The Word of God and without error”.
7.?????Miraculous assistance in compiling the Bible
As a consequence of persecution and people going into exile in the centuries after Yahooshua the available writings were widely distributed so that those who came to assemble the Bible had to go to some lengths to collect and collate as much information as possible.?At this time the Satanic and Demonic Realm was doing all they could to eliminate all knowledge of the matters of the Almighty and so there were instances of Divine intervention and favour with regard to assembling the texts.?Because of this Divine intervention the idea that the resulting collection of text was “The Word of God” found its origin.?As noted above, this belief is unfounded and erroneous.
8.?????IF you believe the Bible is the Word of Yah He is FORCED to show up
Beyond this it is important to understand that if you believe the Bible IS the Word of God or Word of Yah and go to it with that expectation and exercise your Faith around it that the Almighty is obliged to show up in response to your Faith.?This does NOT prove that the Bible is the Word of God it simply proves the Almighty honours your Faith.?This is something that Yah calls “the force of Faith”.?A LOT of what people claim the Bible says is NOT what the Bible says but what Yah has said to people in response to their questions about what the Bible says.
9.?????Little Guidance re the Anointed Life or Life Generally
It is important to recognize that the bulk of the Bible is simply historical account, there are only limited passages that provide guidance on living the Anointed Life or, for that matter, any?guidance on living life generally.?To say the Bible is “the Handbook to Life” as some claim, is therefore fallacious.?This is NOT serious once you let go of wrong beliefs.?There are numerous other reasonably accurate history books and modern books with guidance on most topics.
The art here is to pray appropriately and ask Father questions constantly and then listen and take note attentively.
10.?Original Texts Reflect Impression, Opinions, Prejudices, Judgments, etc
The original texts of the Bible reflect the impressions, opinions, prejudices, judgments, mistaken beliefs, etc of the writers and those they wrote about.?This applies to ALL writings.?So a lot of vengefulness, anger, killing, etc is more a reflection of the anger and prejudice of the individual human being being described or writing the text and very little a reflection of the TRUE desires of the Almighty Creator.?Fundamentally Yah is loving and does NOT desire violence and ugly behaviour.?That is the preserve of fallen men!
Note that very few people REALLY understand the Anointing so virtually all writings about Anointed Ones miss the point at some level.?I have experienced this in my own life.?I have experienced much under the Anointing with Inspiration and I see how most people, even people close to me do NOT understand what I am saying much of the time.
To illustrate my point -- we read about Noah and the Flood but there is no record of the private conversation between Noah and the Almighty Creator that led to the Flood.?There is also no record of the Ice-Comet impact that caused the flood because no human being survived to tell the tale.?The same applies to many other situations.?So the Bible and, for that matter, every third party account of the conduct of highly Anointed Ones at best are superficial and at worst totally miss the point.
11.?Creator says the Bible is “the Greatest Idol in the World Today”
So, we see that the Bible is NOT what is claimed for it.?At best it is a useful history book, nothing more.?However, it has been hyped up to be the most important book on the planet to the point where, as I said above, more than 5 billion copies have been printed as of 2015.
You may ask how this is if the book is NOT what is claimed for it.?The brutal truth is that the Satanic and Demonic have encouraged distribution because it is such a limited and distracting book and because of the lies that are propagated about it being the Word of God, Scripture, etc.?The Forces of Darkness have very successfully energized Human Beings to use the Bible for evil,
The situation is so serious that Father Yah, the Almighty Creator now HATES the Bible and says that it is “The Greatest Idol in the World today”.
Bible Schools, Bible Study, etc are largely distractions that get in the way of the Almighty’s desire for deep personal relationship with every human being.?Most Believers and all Unbelievers who refer to the Bible have relationships with their Bibles instead of seeking a DEEP personal relationship with the Creator and for this reason He HATES it!
12.?Creator has NOT Ceased Speaking Today
In considering all of the above it is vital to recognize that the Creator?has NOT ceased speaking to human beings today, let alone 2,000 years ago, see https://www.ETIMin.org/yah-did-not-cease-speaking-2-000-years-ago ??There is NO “Canon of Scripture”.
For this reason it is manifest error to believe that modern writings by Anointed writers are any less inspired or Anointed than the Bible.?In fact, I know of a case of at least one modern Emissary {Apostle} who has been given major revelation and seriously discounted it because they did NOT consider their revelation to be as important as the Bible.?Gross Error!
13.?The Quran is MORE Anointed and should be read
It is important to note that the Quran is MORE Anointed than the Bible and, for the most part, more accurate.?The main difference between the Quran and the Bible is that the Quran condemns the Christians and Jews for worshipping their books (Bibles) and the Christians for worshipping Isa {Jesus} (Yahooshua).?That said, many Muslims have fallen into the trap of worshipping the Quran and Mohammed.?I strongly recommend that you read the Quran at least once.?Discount the calls to violence just as you should discount the calls to violence in the Bible.
Beyond that there are a?huge number of other books available to read and apply – see https://www.ETIMin.org/important-information
I have written much more about the Bible, see https://www.ETIMin.org/the-bible and child pages.
The www.ETIMin.org website contains over 1,000 webpages of information on the Anointed Life and life generally mostly written at a moderate level of Anointing and Inspiration.?Most of this material up to May 2019 is available in fifteen books for download at no charge at ?https://www.ETIMin.org/compilation-of-most-writings ?There are over 2,400 articles in the Articles Database at https://www.etimin.org/articles
I encourage you to take the Bible off any pedestal that you may have placed it on and place it at the same level of reverence and esteem as other anointed books you may have.?Please feel free to email me for more information or to discuss this material.
Dr James A Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman
End Time Issue Ministries
16 July 2022, originally published 24 April 2021
Website: https://www.ETIMin.org/
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