2022 We Really Made an Impact!

2022 We Really Made an Impact!

It has been a crazy busy year for the team at #TheThirdDegree. There have been some fantastic outcomes, and a whole lot of #Impact in the lives of #PostGraduate #Students globally.

In 2022 we have had the opportunity to learn from some exceptional leading #Academics, who gave their time to share with our community important concepts, ideas, and best practice advice via our Wednesday Webinar series and other initiatives. Special thanks go to Esther, Judith, Mike, Nicholas, Yvonne, Alena, Willie, Vighnes, Mark, Marko, and Savia.

In a little over two years, The Third Degree has started making a genuine impact:

# 3647 ????????|?????????Students engaged for consultancy.

# 92 ???????????|?????????Free weekly webinars conducted.

# 29,695 ?????|?????????Students engaged / reached through weekly webinars.

# 43 ???????????|?????????Paid training engagements undertaken.

# 17 ???????????|?????????Keynotes & guest lectures given.

# 37 ???????????|?????????Academics provisionally onboarded as content contributors.

Much of this has been over the past twelve months.

Although most people see the free weekly webinars that we run as the core of The Third Degree, there’s a lot more in it than that. Behind the scenes is product development, networking, consultancy (students and universities), and other things to keep the lights on.

We were engaged by Ajeenjkya DY Patil University in India to develop and deliver a one year Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership & Innovation. This programme finished just a few weeks ago, and culminated in a student research conference to present action-based research to their peers.

Craig delivered several Keynote Presentations in 2022, most notably; in the Philippines, ‘Approaches to Best Practice Research Panel Examination’, (or in easier terms, ‘how to be a good dissertation examiner’); In Pakistan, a colloquium for doctoral candidates and early career academics, ‘Enhancing the Doctoral Candidate Experience’; and in Eastern Europe, ‘Developing as a Researcher’.

Both Farrell and Craig developed materials for an online #Leadership course for a European-based media organisation, among hosting a variety of professional sessions for their members.

We facilitated a two day #AcademicStaffDevelopment bootcamp for #EarlyCareerAcademics at a local private University. Topics included ‘Beginning the Academic Research Journey’, ‘Understanding Ourselves as Academic Researchers’, and ‘Planning Your Publication Strategy’.

We delivered a series of webinars and forums for #PhDCandidates; topics including Ethics, Questionnaire Design & Execution, Sampling, and other related topics.

A UK-Based academic organisation which works extensively with universities globally engaged us to develop early career academic training and PhD development resources for their clients. The format was online through written text only, which ignited Craig to turning his many teaching resources into short #EBooks – so watch this space for 2023 as The Third Degree makes available ebooks on research.

Craig was appointed to PRCA’s Global Assessment Board, and in the second half of 2022, developed their new generation assessment package for global industry professional development initiatives. These assessments go into operation in the first half of 2023.

Craig was also appointed as an Adjunct Professor for Taylors University, where he also sits on their Faculty-Industry Advisory Board; an Adjunct Mentor to Inti University’s Design Thinking programme, and as an Adjunct Lecturer to UCSI University to support research methodology teaching. A further exciting collaboration is coming up in early 2023 for a well known European university brand, but we are still working out the specific details.

Each appointment or collaboration enables us to strengthen networks for The Third Degree, and ultimately bring cutting edge ideas and research innovators to our community and clients.

Our CEO Farrell Tan works tirelessly behind the scenes on marketing, business development, and attracting funding for The Third Degree. Planning for 2023 webinars and bootcamps is complete. Three free webinars monthly for PhD candidates, with one paid bootcamp monthly. New for 2023 is support for Masters research candidates, with a monthly free webinar and a monthly paid bootcamp. Savia de Sousa has collaborated with us to make this a reality.

On a more business development note, The Third Degree is available for early career academic development training, postgraduate research candidate training, qualitative research methods development, and research communication development. It is not just ‘ Dr Craig J Selby ’, but our international network of senior academics who each bring unique skills and experiences to the table, and most importantly, are experienced in working with emerging researchers to truly develop their competencies and exposure.

We are primed to take The Third Degree to new heights in 2023, and to collaborating with more exceptional academics and researchers to grow The Third Degree ecosystem.

We wish everyone a Happy New Year 2023, and thank you all for the advice, support, collaborations, and friendship which you have given us through our journey at The Third Degree so far.

Now, take some personal time and enjoy the festivities. See you next year!


