2022 We Delivered
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Education, engagement & change for Community, Creative & Environment sectors inc Make a Change & Pop Up Art programs
2022 was the year we celebrated each other & our freedoms
For us it meant we were able to get out again with our work, enging, connecting, & hearing from many small communities throughout regional Victoria.
The challenge of Covid gave us skills for online delivery that continue to expand our reach, in order to deliver our programs that support people across a vast geography.
Find out how we can support your community & creative sectors: Read on for highlights or you can get in touch if you’d like more information:
ArtsACTION – Completed its 4th iteration of professional development for creatives, in partnership with 8 regional Councils. Now we’re gearing up for our 5th round with 6 new partners in metro Melbourne. Subscribe here to stay in the loop
Buloke Celebrating Community – Communications & Engagement to highlight & acknowledge local contributions, followed by a capacity building program to support individuals & organisations to gain clarity on their goals & learn new methods to make them happen. Find out more
·??????Clean Energy Activation – Design & delivery of a community program for the Bendigo Sustainability Group to raise awareness in the Loddon Mallee region. This was to inspire & educate on the possibilities of community owned clean/renewable energy. We gathered a substantial list of projects ready for future funding & assisted community groups in the uptake of solar rooftop projects for long term efficiency and for an overall better environmental approach. Explore further
St Arnaud's Climate Conversations – Design & delivery of a comprehensive communications engagement & events program hosted by Landcare in St Arnaud & the neighbouring region, to raise awareness & participation in eco-friendly initiatives. Supported the local community to proactively respond to the challenges of climate adaptation, resilience & change, through the development of bottom-up community led-solutions. This project was nominated as a Finalist in the Victorian Premier Sustainability Awards. Check it out
Expand Your Impact – Delivery of a capacity building initiative supporting community leaders, organisations, & individuals, to grow their success. Provided free online resources & workshops covering themes: Vision, Projects, Story, Team, People, Digital Tools. Supported by 6 terrific regional partners. Still open for registrations, sign up for resources now
In all we’re happy to confirm: ‘We delivered’
“Thank you so much for the amazing work Jumpleads have put into this project. The roadshow, with your expertise, created some seriously impressive outcomes and we are very pleased! The entire team have remarked on what a pleasure it was to work with you, and what an incredible job you all did.” Melissa Abel, Community Power Hub Project Manager
Get in touch?if you’d like to give back to your community by partnering in our programs
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