The 2022 Tips For Getting a #Revit #AEC #CAD #BIM #Job or #Gig

The 2022 Tips For Getting a #Revit #AEC #CAD #BIM #Job or #Gig

Before you look for any job, you must first do some soul searching. Figure out what you love and where your strengths, talents and weaknesses lie. Imagine your ideal job, client, boss, location. Do it fearlessly. The universe has a weird but almost certain way of rewarding people who know what they really want. Beware that once you get what you want, the target and next important goal will immediately change. I think this is a Zen philosophy insight. However, this is no excuse to avoid the soul searching or reflection effort. You will be rewarded for every minute you spend figuring out what really matters to you. Pray, or if that does not make sense or resonate with you, hold positive thoughts, and imagine good things happening. See yourself in the near and not so near future already having gotten what you want.

To begin your preparation, learn as much Revit as you possibly can, practicing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But keep in mind that, generally, for getting a job, what you know is not nearly as important as who you know and who knows you. You must network! But even more importantly, you must learn as much as you can about #Construction #Technology, design, how things are built and how they are put together. Ideally, you will obtain as much practical construction experience as possible. You cannot use Revit in a vacuum. Revit is a tool for those in the architecture, engineering, and construction trades. Just as an X-Ray technician must understand anatomy to get good images, a Revit user must understand the anatomy of the building to create useful models. Learn about the Fundamentals of Engineering and applicable Science and Construction Technology. The tasks you perform will look and feel simpler because you will know what is going on and why things should be laid one way instead of another.

Learn how to figure things out on your own and how to help others. The best way to practice is to help in online forums, especially, the official Autodesk forums, or any other similar CAD Software vendor if your tool of choice is a different program. After reading through all the problems and questions, you should be able to identify the top things that people struggle to grasp about Revit. Make sure you learn these things, and well enough to be able to explain them to others. This will help you become a desirable worker to have in almost any office. If you somehow didn’t target the Family Editor, Parametric Change Engine, Worksharing & Dynamo, in the previous step, learn them thoroughly. Those are the features that make Revit tick.

If possible, use an agency or headhunter. The best ones are usually paid by the employer, costing you nothing. Try to avoid the resume trap. Resumes never ever answer the questions I most care to address and I cannot usually discern much about a candidate from reading them. Check out the old classic, "What Color is Your Parachute?" You do not need the latest version. In lieu of or in addition to a resume, consider getting an Autodesk Revit User Certification, an elementary milestone. Autodesk University used to provide a great, free opportunity to take as many certification exams as you were willing to invest time during the conference.

Finally, "Ask and you shall receive," ideally in person! As a last resort, make a phone call or email a resume. When somebody has shown up to my office, unannounced, I have always had a hard time turning them away. But I also can’t resist "testing" them to see if they know what they are doing. ?So, it’s best to have an accurate view of your own skills and not to misrepresent your abilities. Put your face on the line and ask for the opportunity to prove your worth, to get the job!

The good news is, in my experience, whatever people do not know about Revit can easily and quickly be remedied. It is the overall design and construction knowledge, experience and talent, as well as character traits such as conscientiousness, attention to detail, care and responsibility, that in the end, will make you a great candidate, worthy of an employer’s risk, attention and care. The good news again is you have the rest of your life to perfect these "soft" skills, they will always remain a Work In Progress. Let what you love and value be your guiding Light.


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