2022: New Year, Same Determination
InterSys, LLC
Your Conduit to Understanding. Multilingual interpreting, translation services, and educational training resources.
There are no resolutions necessary when you are resolute. We ended 2021 strong by executing The 3 P’s of Success along with our #90DayTo1K scholarship campaign. Despite the challenges of a global pandemic, InterSys, LLC continues to expand its reach internationally, build new partnerships, and grow its multilingual, multicultural, community across the globe. Our momentum continues to build as we look to close Q2 2022 with a well-planned growth strategy. Our service offering now includes individual or group ESL Training (English as a Second Language). We’ve successfully rolled out and conducted over a half a dozen CMI Exam Workshops in addition to our 8-Hour Refresher courses which have helped many qualify as National Certified Medical Interpreters. Its truly rewarding to help others start a satisfying career in language access and serve the underserved limited English proficient community.
Lessons learned from #90DayTo1K
1. It’s ok to not have all the answers. With terms like: The algorithm? Ghost followers? Shadow banning? Are we marketing or writing a comic book? Honestly, it’s comical how much I’ve learned over the past year. What is “organic marketing” really? What’s the difference between engagement rate and views? Is it even important and if so, why? The truth is I didn’t have all the answers and I had no idea the amount of work involved with building a truly organic marketing campaign. Despite this, I moved forward, eager to learn, and willing to figure it out as I went along while having fun in the process.
2. It’s not so much when you finish, but how. Did I reach my goal of 1K followers on any of my company social platforms? Yes! The InterSys, LLC LinkedIn company page has over 1K followers and still counting. However, I didn’t accomplish this in 90 days and that’s totally ok. It’s all about how you finish. For example, I personally gained well over that goal in direct connections (over 2,300 and counting).I also learned the value and skills of true organic marketing that I would never have obtained otherwise. I’ve applied these valuable skills in other marketing projects and have not just replicated but accelerated the results.
3. It’s not really about the numbers. I know this sounds like a contradiction when my hashtag itself is numbers specific. Nonetheless, I’ve learned that the most important thing is not how many followers you have, but rather how many are actively engaging with your content that matters most. What this campaign successfully accomplished was build a trusted online presence and a solid online global community of active followers that engage and exchange with sustainable evergreen content.
4. Be consistent, be authentic, be patient. In a world where many seek instant gratification, measure success with the number of likes received, and “people have an attention span of eight seconds” according to a Microsoft study referenced in a 2019 Forbes article, being patient may seem out of touch. The reality is that good content leads to great content and great content is timeless. Feed the algorithm, but don’t be consumed by it. Quality matters, tell your story, be consistent, be authentic, be patient.
Stay Hungry and Stay Humble
Two of the biggest strengths for an entrepreneur in my opinion is first, the ability to maintain a healthy appetite for growth or “stay hungry” in the context of professional development and second, maintain a balanced view of your strengths or “stay humble”. Those that can fully maximize on these strengths tend to be the most successful.
Staying hungry doesn’t necessarily mean to strive to be the biggest company in your sector. It could be as fundamental as learning something new every day, listening to new ideas, hiring quality talent, improving existing services, or adding a new service offering all together. Staying humble is about leaning into your strengths and being unafraid to admit what you don’t know. Realizing that sustainability takes time, persistence, and patience. It’s also recognizing that it’s not just about how you enter a deal, but how you exit that’s just as important.
Don't Miss the Boat on Working Remote!
So yes, I wanted to include a catchy rhyme ??, but seriously remote work is here to stay. With 2022 marking 5 years in business for InterSys, LLC and almost half of that time during a global pandemic, I would be remiss to not mention the value of working remote. My vision when I initially started my company in 2017 was to someday build and scale a service offering that was just as strong virtually as it is in-person. The pandemic proved to be my proof of concept. It forced every business owner to re-think and re-imagine the definition of work-life balance.
I remember like it was yesterday, working at my corporate job and having a manager that took issue with my going to the gym to exercise during my lunch break versus eating my lunch at my desk to “be a team player”. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes you must grind, but it’s just as important to unwind to grind. It’s interesting how far we’ve come since then. Now we have flex schedules, treadmill desks that let you walk while you work, and so many video conferencing platforms that if you’re just working from home, not at the park, traveling, or while at the beach, you seem antiquated or most likely…you’ve missed the boat.
Looking toward the second half of 2022 with the same determination I’m very optimistic about the new opportunities and collaborations. For example, the New Jersey Hospital Association (NJHA) and InterSys, LLC are presenting this joint educational offering!
In addition, I’m proud to announce that InterSys, LLC is now a preferred Vendor (#1069475) within the Pinnacol Assurance Worker’s Comp SelectNet Colorado Provider Network! Pinnacol Assurance has been at the forefront of protecting, understanding, and caring for Colorado workers and businesses for 100 years. As the state’s largest workers’ compensation insurance carrier, they are committed to keeping workers safe and helping Colorado businesses thrive.
Johnny Romero, InterSys, LLC www.myintersys.com copyright 2022
Appreciate the blog and LOVED the 4 lessons learned. Good read for small business owners who need to get started with executing a consistent social media strategy.
Exciting opportunity ?? with the New Jersey Hospital Association and InterSys, LLC presenting this joint educational offering with Bridging the Gap Interpreter Training: https://www.njha.com/education/
Professional Spanish Interpreter CMI Spanish|Service Coordinator
2 年Thank you for the opportunity you have given me and for having the confidence in me.
Professional Spanish Interpreter CMI Spanish|Service Coordinator
2 年Congratulations to InterSys, LLC and continued success????????