2022: I have updated my website - ongundemirag.com
Ongun Demirag
ongundemirag.com | Full-stack Developer @ Web Scribble | Web Development Innovator | protna.com | automated-bots.com | kuzeyind.com | barkher.com | boxorn.com
During the first half of January 2022, on my spare time I have had the chance to update and redesign my portfolio website that covers my main interests, abilities, experience, background and much more.
I have used Next.js and Typescript on top of Tailwind and Framer animations mainly to compare the performance with my old React website and test new, impressive Next.js 12 features such as Rust Compiler and Middleware.
The Lighthouse results were much better compared to my previous website, that led me decide to convert my old React projects to Next.js in the near future.
Dark theme
Mobile View
Further Updates
I'd be very happy to hear your feedback and suggestions!
Email: [email protected]
Feel free to fork and modify for your own portfolio.