2022 Holiday Shopping Trends

2022 Holiday Shopping Trends

During the pandemic, there were a lot of challenges faced. What was brought into focus, however, were the things that mattered to us and a renewed appreciation for the people in our lives. Across the globe, people became determined to make the most out of precious moments, especially around the holidays.

Consumers kept the holiday spirit alive and strong even during the 2020 lockdowns, and retailers made it possible by improving commerce experiences and meeting consumers growing needs. 2021 still threatened the holiday season, but retailers rose above the threat and delivered positive holiday experiences even to those fatigued by the pandemic and all its changes.

2022 is bringing some of the old challenges with it along with some new ones. Inflation and high gas prices are making consumers nervous about their spending habits. History shows us though, that consumers are not going to let the problems in the world take away from their moments of celebration with family and friends. It is also known that retailers are not going to disappoint those consumers.

These are what you can look for and expect in the 2022 holiday shopping trends.

1. Acquiring New Customers is Strongest at the Beginning of the Season

Data proves the number of new buyers begins to rise in early November and peaks on Black Friday. Small businesses and large ones alike have to make the most of this crucial time. You can focus on your returning clients and customer loyalty later in December, after the peak of acquiring new customers is lower.

2. On Online Presence and Brick and Mortar Will Both be Strong

Brick and Mortar Stores or physical retail buildings are gaining popularity again as the fear of the pandemic recedes. These physical stores are not only great places to buy holiday gifts, but they also provide a source of inspiration for what to look online to purchase. The reverse is also going to trend where consumers see ads online and then look in retail stores to buy.

This holiday's peak shopping season will have consumers facing higher gas prices, so their shopping trips may be fewer but their purchases higher in each one. Supply limitations are also going to affect how consumers buy this year and encourage shoppers to go to the stores where they know supplies are available. This data is showing you need a strong omnichannel strategy so your customers are guided online or offline to discover what you have on your shelves.

3. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are Still Important

Cyber Monday and Black Friday are five-day holiday shopping events beginning on Thanksgiving Day and continuing through the following Monday. Typically these have been the busiest shopping days of the year. The behavior of consumers has shifted somewhat, however, as customers are spreading their shopping dollars out over the entire season. As a retailer, you have to meet consumers on how and when they want to shop.

Thanksgiving weekend, Black Friday through Cyber Monday, are still important to consumers. These five days have become a tradition for many and give a lot of shoppers something to do over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend. With the fear of COVID-19 receding, more consumers are going to be eager to embrace pre-pandemic norms and how they celebrate.  

As a retailer, you are going to have to adjust your marketing calendar and promotion strategy to meet consumers' demands. These adjustments could involve launching holiday sales early as sales and promotions are going to be even more important to shoppers this 2022 holiday season.

How to Hire the Best Talent this Holiday Season

As the holiday season approaches, your small business might want to consider hiring seasonal employees to handle the increase in business. Hiring new talent, even if temporary, means you want employees who can engage positively with your customers, keep up with your productivity, and will be safe additions to your workplace.

Grow Simply can help you with the hiring process of new talent by performing background checks and screening potential candidates. This process will ensure the information you're given on applications is accurate and that new hires do not have a history that could compromise the safety of your business. Contact us today and let us help you find the right employees to see you through the 2022 holiday season.



