2022 FIRST? Robotics Kick-Off: Rapid React

2022 FIRST? Robotics Kick-Off: Rapid React

On 08 January, 2022, SOFWERX supported the Foundation for Community Driven Innovation (FCDI) at the Advanced Manufacturing & Robotics Center (AMRoC) Fab Lab in Tampa, FL. During this event, FIRST? Robotics teams engaged with local Academia, engineers, and coaches prior to the international reveal of the 2022 FIRST? Robotics Competition: Rapid React challenge.

The outcomes of the event were:

? The SOFWERX Chief Technology Officer spoke about his career in engineering, the SOFWERX STEM program, and answered the attending teams’ questions for the 2022 season.

? The FIRST? Robotics Competition (FRC) live kick-off was streamed at the AMRoC Fab Lab. Over 130 local participants dialed into the virtual event.

? The teams received SOFWERX STEM grant and internship information and picked up their robot kits following the kick-off.
