2021 Year In Review
2021 was a very creative year for me. Saturday Specials kept me in the studio making new and wonderful things to offer up each week.
Thank you to everyone who purchased my charity pieces this past year. This years donations are $1093.00 for The Regina Food Bank, $50 for The Indigenous Christian Fellowship of Regina and $15 to Aids Programs South Saskatchewan. Thank you for your support.
Thank you all for shopping local these past 2 years. It truly has made the difference in being able to stay in business and to also help out a few others along the way.
I look forward to 2022 and creating new work.
I wish you all a Happy New Year and all the best for 2022.
Roxanne Brown
Roxanne Brown Jewellery, hand crafted, one of kind.
Photography by andreanorberg.com
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