2021 Video Stats & Takeaways
Andy Hollander
Revenue Leader | Creative & Collaborative | Growth Strategist | Sales, Marketing, & Communications Professional
HubSpot released their 2021 state of marketing report cheekily named "Not Another State of Marketing Report". Within this report are some gems for those marketers who love data (as I much as I do!). I pulled some of the graphs from this report to showcase, visually, the current trends of content such as the most used media, the engagement on various video lengths, and the video uploads by length over time.
No surprise here that video continues to be one of the top forms of media used in content strategy, but interestingly enough blogs, infographics, case studies, and interviews (which all make wonderful video content) come in next.
Of those other forms of content I especially love (and in my opinion not done enough) when infographics are brought to life with animation giving the iconography and text the ability to tell a story through motion.
Below is an example my team at Think Media Studios produced for Progressive:
Another graph from this report that I found extremely valuable, as we are always asked how long a video should be, is the engagement benchmarks by video length shown below:
It's fairly consistent from what I have found that if the content is engaging enough the length should not be limited to a certain number even though a run-time of 1:30 seems to be a standard goal for most of my clients. Looking at the buckets, however, of 1:00-3:00 (which is quite a large range in our world) and the 3:00-5:00 (again pretty substantial ranges of content) it shows a not-so-dramatic difference in engagement declines for those longer form productions.
According to the report and shown in the graph below: "Though video volume is up across the board, long-form videos stole the spotlight from a growth perspective. The number of videos in the 30–60 minute category grew 140% compared to 2019."
There are a lot of brands embracing those long-form, 5:00 plus videos, and as the report continues to states in the report: "This suggests that longer-form content is becoming a more popular option for businesses as more companies embrace video series and other long-form video content."
If you are considering having video content produced for your company - let's chat!