2021 trends: DevSecOps
Is your phone insured? With flagship iPhones and Androids costing upwards of £1000 today, I hope so! The key with phone insurance is ensuring that you’re covered wherever you are. It’s no use restricting your protection to within the home only, as the whole point of a mobile phone is to be mobile. Your protection should extend to anywhere and everywhere.
The same goes for your data and applications — the reality today is one of cloud native applications living across locations in Kubernetes environments. As organisations embrace Kubernetes for DevOps, so too do they embrace the concept of configuration-as-code.
As developers gain greater independence and agility to roll out applications, this distributed ownership creates a challenge to ensure security vulnerabilities aren’t introduced across teams and locations.
What’s the key? DevSecOps. By introducing security into the development lifecycle rather than applied as an afterthought, businesses can create an entirely new approach to cloud security and compliance.
This is why I’m excited by the new rollout of Container Security in the VMware Carbon Black Cloud. You can read more here — how do you think this will change the DevOps process going forward?