2021 trailer coming soon!
Dan Lovell
European Sales Director @ AgileOne | MSP, RPO, Services Procurement, Payroll, VMS and Direct Sourcing
2020 – what a year! It’s gone so fast, yet so slow; it’s been a tragedy, yet an eye opener; it’s caused suffering, yet togetherness. And now, unbelievably, we are coming to the end of this unforgettable year, it’s time to celebrate – or is it?
Unfortunately, even with life in many ways returning to normal, there is still so much uncertainty in our lives. Rules and restrictions changing weekly, offices and businesses closing daily, and everyone in the entire world stepping into 2021 lightly. The Financial Times have found that many offices, especially for white collar employees, are to remain closed for the next few months to prevent overwhelming numbers on public transport, especially in London. The businesses that are back open have put into place many solutions so people can work. From expanding car parks, to staggered hours and breaks, many people would rather be at work this way than not at all.
Technology, flexible working, freelance opportunities, and fast-growing cities are making things easier for people of all ages to stay and get back to work. And now the Government will extend a number of support measures that were due to end on 1 October 2020. The conditions of support measures will change so that they are more geared to the longer term. They are also launching new measures to encourage businesses to invest more in economic growth, which will also direct extra funding towards helping people find new work through training and coaching.
This global pandemic has brought change in technology to almost every part of our lives, whether we like it or not. When the world had literally gone into pause mode in March April and May, it literally forced people to change – arguably for the better. There was a sense of real togetherness, despite the distancing, and, as nervous as many of us may feel moving into 2021, we can definitely look at this year with a new perspective on life. With many people suggesting 2021 will be a year of ‘rebirth’ and there is sure be a ‘summer of love’ when the music industry is up and running again, that will likely bring an interesting contrast to the fast advances that technology has bought us this year.
No-one could have predicted 2020 would look like this, so it’s difficult to say what anything will really look like in 2021, but maybe come back this time next year to see how accurate we’ve been in our conversations about it. With only two full months left of this year, we can ALL look back at this year and easily flop down in emotional, financial, and mental exhaustion. But the questions yet remain; is 2021 going to treat us as though 2020 was like a bad dream? Or are we heading into the new year with “2020 - the sequel”?