The 2021 Theory, let's look at it

Let's shake a bit, just 3 minutes.

In the wake of 2019, the global mystery set pace and no one was an exception. The story continues to date.

Who does not remember or know of Covid-19, who does not know WHO (World Health Organization), and who does not understand Lock-down, curfew and all these terms such as work from home, new ways of working and what have you (I wanted to say Quarantine, but not sure of the spelling, so let's leave it out). Perhaps, you have now heard of Omicron, and by the way, there is also a Florona in Israel (not sure about this Florona yet, but let me continue writing).

?What is very fundamental is how we all lived our lives for the 2-3 years since the covid insurgency (sorry about my diction here). Insurgency is war like, not so? But, wait.. should I say, Pandemic?, okey then. 'Since the Covid Pandemic.' for the sake of prose justice (I hope this word exists too)

But, let's move on,

This Covid thing has been more of a world war, the difference is that, there is no super power or super human. The battle of the oxygen, the battle of pneumonia and all stress and depressions if we may say. Someone had to die while another survived. Family reunions and breakups were inevitable. No more ordering for quick foods, someone had to cook and maybe burn some food too. Lol (laughing out loud).?I remember of a couple, the woman cooked food for the first time since marriage and when she served the husband, hear the exclamation from Mr. Man ‘Hey babe…oooh, this is nice, I finally learnt how to eat beer...’ Beer??, Really, what do you mean Mr. Man?, Oh wait, he meant the food was burnt, but he had to be man and remain romantic. Pastors say, Carry your cross. This is funny, but here we are alive and happy, I guess.

Covid gave us a new look and feeling, It was not about how much wealth you accumulated, how good your health systems are but somehow it was a battle of the mind of that individual. The more terrified the mind was/is, the closer to your destiny you got. I wanted to say, you die if the mind got weak, but I won’t say it. It is rude, not so?. I was victim too by the way; I know the feeling;but hey! you are reading this because you too are a survivor. You probably wore your mask right, maybe got vaccinated and continued being happy of today despite your status. Just thinking out loud, by the way.

?Now, let’s talk about work and learning

How many of you are reading this article while at your work place, I mean the same job Covid got you at. Well, maybe you are lucky. How many are here today reading articles because you only discovered LinkedIn when you lost your job and someone told you about networking. I am about to ask how many followers you have or how many people you are following on LinkedIn.

Wait, what about the other social media, here we talk about Zuckerberg’s Facebook, Tiktok, and maybe some other platform, have you learnt something new about them, OBS and the likes (I won’t write OBS in full, if you know Facebook then you know). Are you using VPN or do you even know VPN (those who remember Facebook shut downs in some countries know what I mean here). These questions are silly, but bear with me a little more. We are soon landing. This is not politics, just some bit of fun but strange and true. Don’t you think so?

?It is 2022, you bumped into the new year with a few skills I guess. Take a closer look at your CV, or maybe the resume; depending which one is easier to understand. Funny, not so?

Think about, Online meetings, this means you now discovered existence of Zoom, Teams, Blue Jeans, Google Meet and all that, not so? If you don’t know these terms, then where are you and why are you here? Do you want to find out what these tools are? It is not an age thing by the way, it is a you-thing.

You probably, learnt some bits of Jira, Mural, A3, Agile, Scrum and the likes. If you know one of these terms, then you definitely learnt a thing and very vital. Applied them? No, relax; don’t answer now, but just think. Maybe food for thought. I suppose.

?Do you want to explore more in these things, plan your 2022 better?

We are not sure what our different governments will do this time if Covid, Omicron, Florona and whatever will come shall threaten us, no clue what the employer will do or how fair the labor laws will be when you get thrown out.

But, let’s get started.

Enroll for soft skills learning through your current job, LinkedIn learning, adapt faster to technology and don’t be left behind.

The myth is real but who else has your back if not you….

I’m just a traveler, trying to write my views without hard feelings, not so?

Enjoy the year...

Yours in Friendship,

Tony Okello Onying






