The 2021 Scorpio New Moon – From Darkness Into A New Beginning

The 2021 Scorpio New Moon – From Darkness Into A New Beginning

?“They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.” – Dino Christianopoulos

This quote encapsulates the energy of this 2021 Scorpio New Moon, which reaches its maximum phase at 2:41p PDT on Thursday, 4th November 2021 (12.67°). There is so much activity and information flying around right now, it’s difficult to figure out which way is up… which may actually be a blessing in disguise, because it encourages us to go down instead.

Diving down – deep down – into our deepest and darkest depths, into our most deeply-hidden secrets, into our most vulnerable truths – that is what is being called for under the influence of this 2021 Scorpio New Moon energy. As New Moons generally call for new beginnings and fresh starts, by default, this one encourages us to face our darkest demons and our worst fears. Intense emotions will arise as these deep truths are found and begin to surface, challenging our physical, material, and financial comfort zones and dissolving our delusions of safety, protection, and exception.

These challenges and dissolutions have moved beyond gently nudging and encouraging us, now forcing each and all of us to deal with a transforming world. The thing is, we are each and all responsible for how our world changes and for how we choose to move through this changing world. Once we accept this reality, this evolution of our values and how we think about and view society, humanity, and the world may begin to make sense to us. Add an intensifying determination to get to the bottom of matters, it becomes clear during this 2021 Scorpio New Moon that as more of our personal and collective secrets are brought to Light, there will be no choice but for societal and global transformations to occur, and for personal transformations to occur as well or as result.

Some may see this diving down as a loss or defeat… and it is in some ways, but not the way most people may think. Scorpio is the fixed water sign of the Zodiac, which I like to think of deep, still water (as in “still waters run deep”). Ruled by Pluto, it is also the sign of transformation, which is actually the death of one way of being in order to change form into a new form of life – a rebirthing into a new experience of self and world. The losses many of us will experience this week and from this point forward may be emotionally and spiritually heart-wrenching, yet what we'll be mourning are our perceived losses of self-identity through real losses of pieces of our everyday structures and routines, losses of our essential resources (whether that essence is real or perceived), losses of relationships, and more. Because all of this is happening under Scorpio, though it may feel like we’re losing ourselves, we’re actually having what is no longer essential to our True selves cleared from our paths. Through our losses, we’re being given opportunities to find and reconnect with ourselves now.

Though this process may be very difficult and may have most of us feeling very vulnerable at first, it will eventually feel very empowering to have faced our deepest fears and weaknesses. It’s through this process that we earnestly realize we really are “seeds”, and once we understand that about this process, it’s only up for us from here… that is, if we choose to affirm our lives by pushing and growing through the darkness toward the Light.

Yet that’s the difficult part for so many of us – the rise and the breakthrough. Our world as it’s been encourages a sense of urgency, so there’s impatience for this transformation process. It takes time, but too many of us grow impatient with the darkness, restless with what seems like a slow growth or tedious journey to the surface of the soil we’re in. We’ve been conditioned to seek instant gratification, and those of us who aren’t willing to do the work or who suddenly change course in order to “accelerate” their journey are likely to find themselves moving further into darkness rather than toward the Light they seek.

The journey to the surface takes focus and discipline – a determination to reach the goal, a commitment to honor and follow your inner truth every step of the way, and a resolution to let go of what you’ve known in order to allow a new, healthier, more life-affirming way of life to emerge for you and possibly for all. Staying the course with your innermost truth and commitment to experiencing a life-affirming transformation will reap rewards.

However, the only reason to change course is if you realize you’re out of alignment with your deepest inner truth… which is why it’s so important for us to be willing to dive more deeply into our darkness. If we aren’t willing to face our emotional and spiritual rock bottom, how to we expect to reach our emotional, spiritual, physical, and/or material top with authenticity and integrity? If our “successes” in the light are only pursued in order to cover up our perceived failures in the darkness, how can we grow with health and strength from a weak foundation or a poisoned source?

This 2021 Scorpio New Moon challenges us to face our darkest demons in order to turn around and use the acknowledgements, acceptances, and forgiveness of our fears and vulnerabilities as food for our growth. It demands that we let go of who we've believed ourselves to be and what we believed to be true in order to embrace who we really are and to accept and rise up in the actual, factual Truth which interconnects us with each other, the world, and the Universe.

The numerology of this 2021 Scorpio New Moon is interesting in that it calls for expanding both awareness and growth. In the majority of “western” nations, this New Moon reaches max phase on an 11 Universal Day of individuals in collaboration – each person standing in their own truth contributing their unique knowledge, talents, and abilities to a common goal that serves a collective whole. In the “eastern” nations, this max phase occurs on a 3 Universal Day of learning – experiencing the world like a child or a student, asking questions because you’re genuinely seeking information and answers under the premise of “the more you know, the more you can grow.”

Both of these Universal Day energies are occurring under the influence of a 7 Universal Month of analysis, thought, rest, retrospection, and introspection. Even though there may not be much rest this month, it will be an excellent month for retrospection and introspection. Take time to reflect upon the last few months if not years, acknowledge where you are now, and think about if not plan for where you want to go next. Keep in mind – plans give you an outline for action. However, this is all happening under a 5 Universal Year energy, so expect the unexpected and know that you may need to adjust or change your plans along the way. Adaptability will be a powerful compliment to focus and discipline from this 2021 Scorpio New Moon phase forward.

And moving forward may be the most important thing to keep in mind. This 2021 Scorpio New Moon is only the beginning of the intense part of our collective transformation and evolution. The 2021 Scorpio New Moon still aligns with the fundamental intentions of every New Moon phase. New beginnings, fresh starts, initiative actions, and first steps. The only difference is that this time, we’re starting our journey in the dark, and it’s up to each of us whether we choose to stay hidden in the shadows or move toward the Light.

Here are the astrological transits within 3° orb during the maximum phase of the 2021 Scorpio New Moon. These will give you additional insights into the energies influencing us at this time.

  • (Scorpio 7 Sun conjunct Moon) opposite Taurus Uranus Retrograde (12°) – Intense emotions arise as deep truths begin to surface. The evolution of society and humanity may be beginning to make sense for you… and others. This may be uncomfortable for you and others, and it may have you feeling deeply vulnerable, yet it’s also likely to be extremely liberating for you as your feelings may be out in the open – you’ll have nothing left to hide.
  • (Scorpio 7 Sun conjunct Moon) quincunx (Gemini Ceres Retrograde conjunct Black Moon Lilith) (9-12°) – As these intense emotions arise, there’s a strong push to intellectualize and/or give alternate explanations for what people are feeling… but people can feel the ego-investment in those “logical” explanations, and with a deeper dive into them, it becomes pretty clear that the logic behind those explanations isn’t really logical at all. In fact, they may prove to be quite intellectually dishonest. Take time to discern what is being communicated on a mass scale, and whose interests are behind those communications. You may begin to see some cognitive dissonance in play.
  • BLESSING TRIANGLE: Aquarius Saturn sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde sextile Gemini Ceres Retrograde (7-9°) – There’s so much information being thrown at everyone right now, it’s important to discern which sources of information are healing you and which ones are harming you. It’s also important to assess what healing or harm means to the people around you as everyone’s values are different. Don’t project your values onto others, but also don’t let them project their values onto you. The more you remain focused and disciplined in seeking what you need in order to be healed, healthy, and whole, the easier it will be for you to discern who has the information you need to hear. Differences of opinion are blessings because you’ll be able to not only clarify your own values and intentions, you’ll be able to find the people you can exchange ideas and information with in order to stay on and be successful on your path.
  • Pisces Pallas Athena Retrograde square (Gemini Ceres Retrograde conjunct Black Moon Lilith) (9-12°) – The more you’re in your vision of how the world should be, the more challenged you may be by those who think and see the world differently. Not everyone shares your vision. Sometimes, you need to deliver it in more logical or logistical terms. Don’t be frustrated by their questions – listen to them, and answer them to the best of your ability. You may gain a better understanding of where they’re coming from, and you may find a different way to bring your vision into reality.
  • Scorpio Vesta square Aquarius Jupiter (22-23°) – The determination to obscure or hide deeply-held truths is being challenged by an awakening humanity whose desire to bring Light to matters is growing by the second. There is a powerful emotional response to these calls for revelation, both with those trying to keep their secrets becoming angrier and more aggressive, and those trying to reveal those secrets becoming more courageous in their pursuit.
  • Scorpio Vesta quincunx Aries Eris (23-24°) – The deeper you dive into the secrets of those determined to keep them, the more anger you may face from those trying to keep the secrets. Don’t be surprised by the use of force, either systemically or physically.
  • Aquarius Jupiter sextile Aries Eris (22-24°) – The collective awakening continues to expand, sparking frustration and anger as it moves forward. Yet people are noticing the expressions of this frustration and anger aren’t collectively organized – it’s more an individual or small-group strategy than a large organized one. Don’t let the absence of traditional methods frustrate you. This not-so-random series of smaller rebellions is part of a much greater shift in awareness of “the big picture.”
  • Capricorn Pluto square Aries Eris (24°) – More and more individuals are becoming frustrated by the transformation of our societal and global standards, structures, and institutions. The ones who are most upset are those who self-identify with their professional and/or societal status. The goalposts are being forced to move, and those who have had their ambitions on one set of goals and prizes are now finding themselves becoming angry as their trophies aren’t as appealing as they once were – those who are now fighting to uphold standards which no longer serve anyone but themselves… while others are fighting to collapse the structures which no longer serve them well.
  • Scorpio Vesta sextile Capricorn Pluto (26-29°) – The transformation of our societal and global standards, structures, and institutions is being supported by deep dives into the emotional and spiritual motives behind those structures. As it becomes clearer these establishments aren’t interested in serving the greater good, there’s a stronger push than ever to learn and understand why this is the case.
  • (Sagittarius Juno conjunct Venus) semi-sextile Capricorn Pluto (24-26°) – There’s no better way to get through these globally transformative times than to have an adventure buddy. Partnerships of all kinds may prove to be a significant source of support, encouragement, and education for you as you navigate the inevitable changes underway.
  • Libra Mercury sextile (Sagittarius Juno conjunct Venus) (26-29°) – Your 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds will be valuable resources in opening your mind and heart to the actual and factual truth of what is happening in the world around you now. The important detail here isn’t partnering with the people?who have been tried-and-true, but rather, the people committed to your personal growth and the expansion of your awareness of the world around and beyond you.
  • Sagittarius Juno trine Aries Eris (24-26°) – The more you witness and/or experience the world around and beyond you, the more you may be inspired to take up the fight for a specific cause. This cause is more than likely to make sure others learn and know factual truth, but you must remember that action speaks louder than words. Make sure you have clarity about the truths you’re acting in alignment with before you take action.
  • Capricorn White Moon Selene trine Taurus Uranus Retrograde (12-15°) – When your goal becomes whatever serves the Highest good of all, it becomes easier to understand and accept the changes happening in our social, societal, and global values. It may not be comfortable, but once you recognize the greater goal, things begin to make more sense, and you may find yourself able to embrace our collective evolution more easily.

The energy of this 2021 Scorpio New Moon will be felt from Monday 1st November through Sunday 7th November 2021. During this time, make the time to be still, dive deep, and really face your deepest and darkest fears and wounds, especially on the emotional and spiritual levels. Though it may seem counterintuitive to move further into darkness rather than going straight for the Light, doing this deep dive for yourself now will prove very beneficial later on. The Light is closer than you think – it’ll just take some really challenging inner self work to breakthrough to the surface and not only begin to live, but to thrive.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


Oh! If you’re a fan of rituals or practices, for this 2021 Scorpio New Moon…

  • Clean house! Yes, yes. I said it. Clean if not clear out your personal spaces, whether that be your house, your car, your desk, your garage – anywhere you consider your personal space. Think of it as Autumnal or Fall Cleaning, much like a Spring Cleaning you’d do in the Spring. Do the dusting, organizing, and most important, the giving away, selling, recycling, or dumping of what you no longer need. Also clean up or at least organize your finances by getting a clear read on your expenses, your bills, your investments, and your goals. If you can start all of this (or better, complete all of this) before the New Moon’s max phase, that’s ideal.
  • And you may want to use this New Moon phase to begin cleaning up your personal/social life as well. Who affirms you and your path? Who brings you joy and inspires you? Who challenges you (in a good way) to learn and grow? Seek to strengthen your connections with those people now… and be willing to let go of (or at least put some time and/or distance between) those who seem to be keeping you stuck or pulling you away from your goals.
  • Smudge! After you clean your spaces physically and mentally, clear your spaces energetically. By using White Sage and/or Frankincense resin, move around your spaces counterclockwise with the smoke to clear negative energies from your spaces. Also feel free to smudge yourself and other individuals in your spaces (if they give you permission to do so).
  • Then, clean your mind! Now’s an excellent time to set some time aside to be alone with yourself so you can begin your deep dive into your dark emotional truths. If you’re concerned for your personal safety in doing that process alone, seek the company or partnership of a close friend or even better, a licensed therapist or psychologist.
  • This Scorpio New Moon is also a wonderful time to begin a new meditation practice or to take on a new way of thinking and speaking about your life through affirmations or vision boarding. However, it is of paramount importance that you find affirmations and images which resonate as honestly and earnestly aligned with your inner truth. If something feels off or out of alignment with your intentions, don’t include it. This is best done after taking time to dive deep within your inner self to (re)connect with your emotional and spiritual truths.
  • Start this process by making a small, short list of intentions you know you want to align with moving forward in order to transform your experience of yourself and/or your life. Light a candle to focus on as you speak these intentions into being – think of it as placing your order with the Universe. Then follow with the mantras or speaking of your affirmations to lock in your intentions. Make the reciting of your mantras and/or affirmations a daily practice. It takes 21-30 days to create a new habit, so start this process as soon as you can, ideally at or shortly after the New Moon’s max phase.


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