The 2021 Sagittarius New Moon Total Solar Eclipse – Creating Yourself (and Your World) Anew
The 2021 Sagittarius New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 11:43p PST (12.37°). This New Moon phase is especially powerful because it is also a Total Solar Eclipse (max totality at 11:33p PST), most visible in Antarctica.
During a Total Solar Eclipse, the Sun and the Earth are aligned, and the Moon moves between the two to block the light of the Sun from reaching the Earth. This is symbolic of the Light of Truth revealing all to the inhabitants of Earth, and our emotions getting in the way of our ability to see Truth clearly and honestly.
Sagittarius is a mutable fire energy, meaning it brings the fire of change. There is no way the events of the day are not changing you or your life in some way. If you really don’t perceive any changes right now, or if you find yourself trying to convince others that the world isn’t changing, this 2021 Sagittarius New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse may be a powerful revelation of truth for you. For those of you who are already on a path of accepting the changing world and its impact on your life, this is likely to be a time of creative energy for you – understanding that you have the power within you to set your course and take your steps toward the future you’re intending to create for yourself.
During this Sagittarius eclipse and maximum new lunar phase, you may find yourself having either a difficult time accepting the truths being revealed to you now, or you may be finding yourself deeply frustrated because you’re seeing actual and factual truths others aren’t willing or able to see. You may also be frustrated because those who aren’t able to see are getting in the way of your creative process to move beyond the status quo into a new experience of your life and of the whole of humanity. Either way, this Total Solar Eclipse intensifies a desire to grow beyond a past that somehow insists on remaining in place.
This Sagittarius New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse occurs on a 3 Universal Day for the majority of the world – a day for recognizing opportunities to grow and expand your mind and soul through first-hand experiences. This is an opportunity for you to encourages you to recognize what you’ve outgrown in your life, and to set intentions and take action steps to move on from as much of it as possible. It’s also a time to test out what you think you know in the real world – to discover how your knowledge really plays out, to discover what actually works and what doesn’t work for you and/or others around you. However, this could also be a time in which you realize you have little to none of these exploration and growth opportunities available to you right now… which makes this New Moon phase an excellent time to set your intentions and to take action steps to create them in your life.
For the western regions of North America and all points west of them, this New Moon + Eclipse is occurring in the last few minutes of an 11 Universal Day, which is all about individuals coming together in collaboration for a common purpose greater than themselves. We are all unique individuals, and we each have something unique to contribute to others, and it’s important for those of you under this influence to assess each individual in your social and professional circles. Notice who gives you something that no one else can give you, and who receives what you uniquely have to offer in exchange of equal personal value. Notice who gives encouragement and/or support to you, and who receives it from you. You want interdependence, not co-dependence or people who drain your energy.
Both the 11 and 3 numerological day energies are occurring under the influence of an 8 Universal Month of power, influence, control, and possibly manipulation. The latter qualities – control and manipulation – may be especially present for those who are feeling their emotions so strongly, they may be delusional and/or desperate to hold onto the connections they’ve always had or what they’ve always believed and known, in fear of losing their carefully-crafted fa?ades in the burning Light of Truth. The Light burns away everything that is not factual true and that no longer serves your True Self, and for some – maybe too many – that Light is agonizingly painful. Facts must be manipulated into stories which support their narratives; situations must be controlled or gotten “under control” by any means necessary. You’ll notice the ones most desperate to maintain their comfort zones are the ones trying to maintain the way things have always been, while those who are desperate for change are tapping into the powerful change energy of the 5 Universal Year, understanding that change is the only constant. Right now, humanity needs to evolve, and this is becoming ever clearer that humanity is resisting its growth…
… which is why the only way we can evolve together is to evolve individually.
That may seem a bit backwards, but for each of us who individually recognizes and realizes our individual opportunity to open our mind, experience new things, and expand our world view, there is growing awakening to a positive shared experience available to all of us. The key here is in first understanding what has the potential to emerge through experience, then secondly, to act upon that potential. To understand, there must be open and honest dialogue… and this is where things get difficult because of the afore-mentioned delusions, denials, and avoidances of the emotional pain of Truth. Yet once you’re willing to move through that emotional pain to see what is possible on the other side of it – once you allow yourself to grieve and mourn what you perceive or actually experience is being lost – you can move on from it. You can grow through it. You can grow from it. You can grow beyond anything you could have ever imagined possible for you and your life.
New Moon phases are a time for setting intentions, filling the spaces left behind by what has left your life and what you have removed from your life. The Universe abhors a vacuum, so it’s best you fill it with your intentions and actions aligned with what you want to create for yourself and your life rather than allowing the Universe to fill it for you. Some of you may think “Wouldn’t I want the Universe to set my course?”, but the reality is that this is a powerful if not crucial time of free will. In order for you to evolve, and in order for humanity to evolve, we must choose our personal evolution. We must choose to claim our individual power in this process in order to find and align with others who share common purpose and vision.
Here are the astrological aspects (within 3° orb) which are in effect during this 2012 Sagittarius New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse:
Sagittarius Moon conjunct Sagittarius 8 Sun – Emotional energies intensified by revelations of Truth
-???????conjunct Earth (12°) – Worldly events and/or human efforts may distract (or try to distract) from the emotional impact of these revelations of Truth, yet people will feel the impact – if not immediately, likely within the next 6-12 months.
-???????conjunct Mercury (12-15°) – If you don’t ask, you’ll never know if the answer could have been ‘yes’. This is a time to be honest, open, and authentic in asking for what you want.
-???????square Pisces Pallas Athena (10-12°) – There is truth coming to light on all levels, challenging emotion-driven patterns of behavior, including delusions and denials.
-???????quincunx Taurus Uranus Retrograde (11-12°) – New social values are emerging in the light of the Sun, yet many still resist the changes being collectively called for out of fear and self-preservation. This transit represents “human survival instinct” actually being triggered in some individuals, whether their need to survive is rooted in physical need (food, shelter, medical need) or intellectual need (mental health, ideals or delusions being shattered, harsh realities being faced), or in a few cases, both physical and intellectual/mental.
Sagittarius Mercury opposite Gemini Black Moon Lilith (15°) – Truly open communications reveal where the ego is invested in the information being shared and exchanged. It may be easy to see and hear the ego-invested thoughts and words of others, but you may also want to notice where your own ego may be invested in what you think, believe, and share.
Scorpio Mars sextile (Capricorn Venus conjunct Pluto) (22-25°) – Decisive actions support your personal and/or professional ambitions, especially those involving partners. The impact of these actions may be a bit intense, but if your partner(s) can handle your intensity and vulnerability (and you, theirs), you can trust they are likely to be with you from this point forward. If they can’t handle it, let them go. You’ll find another or others who’ll be able to.
Scorpio Mars square Aquarius Jupiter (23-25°) – However, the same decisive actions may challenge the growth and expansion of your social and professional networking circles. You may find some people are not fond of or supportive of your choices. Don’t be afraid or angry if they choose to walk away, and don’t be afraid to walk away when others won’t, especially if the social/group/team situation is not aligned with your intentions, ambitions, or goals.
Scorpio Mars quincunx Aries Eris Retrograde (23°) – Others may be angry with you for your “extreme” decisions. Yet you’ve got to make the choices and take the actions which are best for you right now.
Sagittarius South Node opposite (Gemini Ceres Retrograde conjunct North Node) (1-3°) – Others may think they know you and think they know what’s best for you and your personal growth… but check in to see if they’re basing their “knowledge” on your past, your present, or their hopes for your future. They may not realize your values may have changed. The old knowledge may no longer serve the new values.
SEQUENCE: Sagittarius Vesta semi-sextile Capricorn Juno semi-sextile Aquarius Saturn (6-9°) – There’s a dedicated effort to grow and expand your worldview through first-hand experience, which leads to a commitment to your goals, which leads to not only self-discipline, but to being part of a community/group/team which encourages your accountability to yourself and your goals first, then to others. You’ll find or confirm your real community – a community you can truly thrive in – this way.
BLESSING TRIANGLE: Sagittarius Vesta sextile Aquarius Saturn sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde (8-9°) – That dedicated effort to expand your worldview is supported by your new structure for discipline, which is supported by your ability to witness the self-identity wounds of others and learn (from them) how you may go about healing your own self-identity in the midst of these changes.
SEQUENCE: Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile Pisces Pallas Athena semi-sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde semi-sextile Taurus Uranus Retrograde (8-11°) – A new structure for discipline leads to clearer recognition of emotion-driven patterns, which leads to learning how to heal yourself through witness of others whose self-identities are wounded, which leads to a clearer understanding of (and a possible embracing of) evolving social values.
Capricorn Venus sextile Pisces Neptune (20-22°) – Partners may encourage if not work with you to manifest your dreams and visions into the reality of your life experience. This is a time to step up and go after what you want.
Capricorn Juno square Aries Chiron Retrograde (6-8°) – A powerful commitment to your goals and ambitions is challenged by your self-identity wounds… which may have been projected onto you by others. This is a time to choose your goals and ambitions, and not allow the fears and pain of others keep you in your own wounds. This is a time for you to begin healing yourself by following-through on your word… to yourself.
It may be difficult to see the new beginnings emerging when so much around you seems to be ending. Yet this 2021 Sagittarius New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse brings opportunities to step out of your comfort zone to have new life experiences which could open & expand your mind, heart, & spirit. It's okay to grieve the losses and the outgrowths. It's also okay to move on, create yourself and your world anew from the ashes of the past, & grow beyond anything you could have imagined for yourself & your life.
NOTE: This is last Gemini-Sagittarius axis – the Axis of Information – eclipse set we’ll have for a while. Our next eclipse series will be in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio – the Axis of Survival. Get ready to get out of your mind, and into your physical and material reality over the coming 12 months.
Until then, the energies of this 2021 Sagittarius New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse will be felt most strongly from Tuesday 30th November through Tuesday 7th December 2021. Yet due to the eclipse, we will feel and experience the impact of this event for at least the next six months, possibly longer if events have transformative effects.
Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,