In 2021 the role of the public sector CIO just got more exciting and more relevant .... but

In 2021 the role of the public sector CIO just got more exciting and more relevant .... but

CIOs: 2020 was a wakeup call for public services that were lagging in digital adoption. Some were well-prepared for the mass move to online provision and shared digital delivery. 

For others, 2021 will see some playing catch up in technology investment and in modernising their IT estates. But for all CIOs in local public services there are two clear messages:

Firstly, there will be more money for IT, but with it more challenges especially in delivering swift and effective digital value with less tolerance of legacy IT constraints. 

Secondly, the CIO must ensure they have the ‘basics’ dealt with, to protect their organisation – digital alignment of IT, cyber resilience, and excellent business (not just IT) reporting. 

In 2021 the role of the public sector CIO just got even more exciting and relevant, but also more challenging.

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