The 2021 Libra Full Moon – See Yourself, Heal Yourself
The 2021 Libra Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 11:48a PDT on Sunday 28th March (8.30°). Libra energy generally addresses the qualities of peace, beauty, balance, equality, fairness, justice, and calm reason. All of these qualities lend themselves to the status of one-on-one relationships of all kinds.
When I consider these qualities in the current dynamics of the world right now, it would be easy to sugar-coat matters and say this is going to be a time of peaceful and positive vibes in your relationships of all kinds. Though discussions may be done in the most peaceful way possible, and though exchanges of communication may have positive intentions, what is actually being communicated through those peacefully-delivered words may not bring peace and positivity to the surface, especially since the Moon is reflecting the Sun’s light to be in Full phase, and the Sun is currently in Aries.
I call the Aries-Libra axis is the Axis of Identity. This is because while Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac focused one’s self identity through action, Libra is the “getting to know you” seventh sign of the Zodiac focused on exchanging ideas and information, teaching and learning about oneself through the eyes of another individual. In other words, this is who you are for yourself and who you are in the eyes of others.
With Libra being a cardinal air energy sign, the emotional energy of the Moon is blending with the initiative intellectual energy of Libra. This often shows up as people’s emotions being calm when they aren’t being intellectually challenged – when their thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions of the world are left intact and they perceive matters to be fair and just. However, people’s emotions can become charged over matters which are perceived to be imbalanced, unequal, unfair, unjust, or in conflict. There can be a great deal of emotional investment in bringing those matters into balance and justice, and often, that resolution comes through one-on-one dialogue. Balanced exchanges of communication are key during this Full Moon phase.
On the other end, Aries is the cardinal fire sign of the individual, independent, and initiative self. The placement of this sign in one’s chart often reveals where or how a person defines themselves for themselves in their life, most definitively through their actions. With the Sun here, its light brings attention to these qualities within you, and makes them more outwardly visible to others. However, this Aries Sun is not alone on this end of the 2021 Libra Full Moon opposition – it’s accompanied by a couple of friends this time around.
· One of those friends is the ruling planet of Libra – Venus – which happens to be traveling through Aries right now, so this placement gives us Libra energy on both ends of the Full Moon opposition.
· The other is the planetoid, Chiron (ruled of Virgo), which is known as “The Wounded Healer”, knowing how to assist others in healing because it shares the same wound.
With this 3-body stellium in Aries opposite the Moon, it becomes clear relationships are a major theme for this Full Moon phase. But during this 2021 Libra Full Moon phase, the relationships we have with others only serve to shine a spotlight on the relationships we have with ourselves. The light reflected by this Libra Full Moon shines upon the parts of our inner selves which we may need to heal (or heal further) in order for us to be in healthy relationships with others which don’t compromise our self-identities, but instead, complement or strengthen them.
In some cases, the dynamics in your one-on-one relationships may help you recognize these wounds in yourself, and you may consciously choose to take a step back to deal with them.
In other cases, the people you are in relationship with may see these wounds in you, and encourage you to take a step back (or they may take a step back from you) to deal with them.
Either way, this 2021 Libra Full Moon actually shifts the focus away from others, and onto healing your relationship with yourself first and foremost. That means taking an honest and earnest look at how you define your self-identity.
For some of us who have already been doing our inner work earnestly, this isn’t a simple task, but it will be far easier for us that it will be for some others. There are many people – maybe too many – who are in resistance, avoidance, or straight-up denial about who they’re choosing to be in the world. And there may be just as many who have purposely procrastinated their self-work, willing to declare they “aren’t ready” to deal with themselves yet or possibly that hey have no interest in doing so.
However, each time another unexpected social or societal shift occurs, and as more events occur in more rapid succession, it’s becoming more of a certainty that the resistors, deniers, and procrastinators are running out of time and will be forced to face and deal with themselves. If they haven’t been forced into it already, they will be very soon.
This “facing oneself” process will be extremely challenging, and will manifest itself on the individual, community, societal/national, global, and transcendental/spiritual (or religious) levels. In fact, more than a few of us won’t be able to handle it. The changes and the individual/personal responsibility demands of those changes will be too much for some people to bear, emotionally and intellectually as its probable result is having some ugly truths reflected back in the mirror – truths people won’t be able to reconcile about who they’ve believed (or have been conditioned to believe) themselves to be. Facades will come down, character masks will be ripped off, and there will be no way to hide from the facts of who we’re being for ourselves and others.
After all, we’ve done everything we were told to do by the conditioning of our families, our peers, our communities, our professional and social heroes and idols, the media, etc. Yet what many will begin to realize is that in honoring everyone else’s beliefs and expectations, most of us gave up our own. We may have beliefs and values, yet do they really belong to our True selves, or do they belong to the people around us? And if we aren’t happy being who we are, what will it take for us to set ourselves free to find that happiness?
So, despite Libra being all about peace, this 2021 Libra Full Moon is more about the internal conflict we often try to avoid. We’ve been conditioned to believe that conflict is negative.
But what if it’s actually a positive?
What if the conflicts we’ve been avoiding actually relieve our stress and anxiety by releasing the pressure building up within us from holding back our true feelings and thoughts? And to take it further, what if the conversations we’ve been avoiding would actually help clear the air and assist us in making empowered choices in our lives? What if the actions we’ve been procrastinating assist us in breaking through what we thought was stagnation or oppression?
Some of you may need assistance in or guidance through this process. It’s okay to ask for help. As long as you understand that no one else can do your work for you – that the exchanges you have with others can only help you gain clarity so you can do your own work – help is encouraged. You’ll still have to do the hard parts yourself. Yet by having emotional, intellectual, and/or spiritual support and encouragement, you may find it easier to get through the early stages of your healing journey.
This 2021 Libra Full Moon encourages us to recognize the power of one-on-one conversations and intellectual exchanges in helping us heal ourselves. Much of the way we identify ourselves in the world is through our words and actions. When we behave as victims or abusers, we create more victims and abusers by passing hurtful and hateful beliefs and behaviors forward. Truly-healed people create more healing. By healing ourselves, we’re doing our part to help heal each other and the world. This healing only comes through increased awareness of our individual selves first, then each other.
We must see ourselves to heal ourselves.
You must see yourself to heal yourself.
Numerologically speaking, this 2021 Libra Full Moon occurs on a 9 Universal Day of completions and endings in the Western half the world, and a 1 Universal Day of new beginnings in the Eastern half of the world. This is actually a fascinating energy dynamic because it’s apparent that many Eastern regions and nations are experiencing conflicts in ways which are moving them forward in some ways because they are embracing new ideas and approaches earnestly; while many Western regions and nations are experiencing conflict in ways which are stagnating or setting them back in many ways because so much outdated belief and behavior needs to be released yet is being clung to desperately.
This is all happening under the energy of an 8 Universal Month of power and influence – an area in which dynamics are also shifting as those once in positions of power are struggling to hold onto to it, while those often seen as powerless are beginning to find their power in relationships and partnerships of all kinds – both professional and personal. It would serve those experiencing challenges well to notice who and what is gaining influence, and to learn and understand why influence is shifting. (NOTE: These shifts have a great deal to do with the beliefs and behaviors of the societies, cultures, and/or individuals involved.)
And there’s still the big energy umbrella of the 5 Universal Year energy of change and unexpected events. Things are continuing to happen unexpectedly in many ways, yet those who allow themselves to listen and learn from what is happening will be able to adjust, adapt, and align with all that’s happening. Those resisting the changes will find themselves increasingly powerless in the matters at hand. After all, “change is the only constant”, and many of those resisting change in efforts to keep things the same or return them to what was are on the wrong side of the constant.
Here are the astrological transits of this 2021 Libra Full Moon, to clarify the energy flow and dynamics during this powerful Full Moon phase.
Libra Moon opposite STELLIUM: Aries Sun conjunct Chiron conjunct Venus (8°) – The Moon’s naturally emotional nature finds some intellectual support in Libra – support likely coming from another individual… but don’t take the word “support” as a warm and fuzzy kind of encouragement. It could be, but it may also show up as a confrontation about your emotional and/or intellectual investment (or lack thereof) in the one-on-one relationship of whatever nature you share with the individual, and will likely have more impact if it’s coming from someone you share or are trying to establish a personal connection with. The topic may come up in a specific discussion or argument about balance, fairness, and/or justice in the relationship, and become generalized to include various examples/patterns within the whole of your relationship.
Libra Moon trine Aquarius Saturn (8-11°) – Partners may seem a bit (or a lot) confrontational at this time, bringing up matters of balance, equality, fairness, justice, and/or how to maintain or bring peace to your relationship(s). Though this challenge to the status quo may seem oppressive, it’s not meant to be as this drawing of lines or boundaries actually serves to be liberating. Talking about and clarifying each other’s intentions and boundaries may help ease any overthinking on the part of one or both of you, and the exchange of thoughts and perspectives may be a decisive factor in either strengthening your bond with each other or helping you both realize it may be time to let go.
Aquarius Saturn sextile Aries Ceres (11-13°) – You may be determined to hold onto old values, but are those values actually your values… or are they beliefs you were conditioned to value by society, profession, friends, and/or family? And are you ready to take full self-responsibility for the values you choose to uphold? Make sure that whichever values and beliefs you’re using as the focus and structure for your life are actually values and beliefs which resonate with you in a way which has you feel confident and courageous in your unique self-expression and self-identity, especially if you’re among others as part of a group or team.
SEQUENCE: Pisces Pallas Athena semi-sextile Aries Stellium (Sun, Chiron, Venus) semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (6-8°) – Patterns of self-delusion protected fragile self-identities for a long time, but with social values shifting as result of surprising and unprecedented events, it’s getting harder if not impossible to maintain those shields and facades of delusion any longer. The emotional and intellectual discomfort as result of these protections failing is making things very difficult for more people than we may want to admit, and especially for people who have idolized the people who are now having their darkness exposed, this is not only challenging their perceptions of others, but also challenging their perceptions of themselves for having put these fallen idols on such lofty pedestals. This becomes a chain reaction of realizations that not everyone is as appears, and a rude awakening to how far away from reality we have wandered, not only in our society but in the way we perceive and identify our individual selves.
BLESSING TRIANGLE: Sagittarius Juno sextile Aquarius Jupiter sextile Aries Eris (22-23°) – The commitment to expand one’s experiences of the world are supported by the growing awareness of the whole of humanity that our world is rapidly changing and new ideas and knowledge are needed now if we choose to fight for our collective evolution and progress. Yet which version of ourselves are we fighting for – the past, the future… or the present? It will be important to make that distinction now, and to shift our focus on who we are being here and now if our focus isn’t already there.
Capricorn Pluto square Aries Eris (23-26°) – The powerful presence of Pluto in Capricorn means the societal structures we usually look to are being transformed. Transformation takes on many forms – from major change or complete destruction in order for something to be born in the space made available. Yet in the midst of these massive changes, individuals are fighting. The question is… are you fighting the changes and collapses, fighting the self-awareness emerging from the changes and collapses, or fighting for your True self to emerge from the rubble of what is collapsing?
(Gemini North Node conjunct Mars) opposite (Sagittarius South Node conjunct White Moon Selene) (12-14°) – Actions are rooted in a willingness to be curious – to ask questions and learn from the search for answers. Meanwhile, there’s an acknowledgment of the fact that new experiences are necessary in order to gain new knowledge to make clear choices now to set the course for whatever the future may bring. There’s more momentum now around releasing outdated beliefs, behaviors, and approaches which no longer serve, because there’s no old “solution” that can be applied to the new world that is emerging from innovation and integration because the new is not a “problem” – it’s simply human evolution.
Pisces Mercury conjunct Neptune (19-21°) – Delusional thinking and beliefs, or at least idealistic ones, are driving the hearts of many right now – the hearts of people so desperate for hope in these dark times. Yet that desperation is leading us to harsh realities about the state of our communities, our societies, our nations, and our world as they are today – realities which many are recognizing they may not be able to deal with. Yet their ability to deal is entirely dependent on their willingness to open their minds and learn about others’ beliefs and perspectives. A narrow focus creates a tunnel with no choices – a wider focus creates freedom to choose.
The energy of the 2021 Libra Full Moon will be felt from Thursday 25th March through Wednesday 31st March. Do everything you can to begin (or to continue) seeing yourself fully, honestly, and completely during this time. This Full Moon energy has the potential to change you for the better. Any pain you might experience will be worth the gains. Embark on your healing journey, and ask for help and support as you need to, but always remember – this is your work to do for yourself.
Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next post…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,