The 2021 Leo Full Moon – Pride and Petulance and the Fork in the Road
The 2021 Full Moon in Leo reaches its maximum phase at 11:16a PST on Thursday 28th January 2021 (9.09) in the majority of the world, while it reaches maximum phase on Friday the 29th in the far Eastern nations.
With the Moon in Leo, there’s an emotional need to express oneself to other individuals. This usually takes the form of creative self-expression, but creative doesn’t necessarily mean artistic. It could be anything that progresses something that was already initiated, or it could be simply sharing one’s unique abilities, talents, and skills with others. The thing with Leo is that it needs positive acknowledgement for its presence and/or its expression. Without that acknowledgement, Leo energy can quickly turn into “attention whore” syndrome – doing anything and everything to get attention, no matter if that energy is considered positive or negative. By that point, someone being driven by Leo energy just needs to know they’re being seen or heard.
For the Full Moon to occur, this emotional need for individual acknowledgement must be opposite the Aquarius Sun. Aquarius is also about creative self-expression, but in the context of contributing one’s unique abilities, talents, and skills to collaborations and group/team efforts with others. Think of it more like a jigsaw puzzle – everyone being their unique piece of the puzzle that brings the entire picture together. What makes this 2021 Leo Full Moon version special is that the Aquarius Sun is conjunct Jupiter at the time of the Moon’s maximum Full phase. Jupiter acts as an amplifier, increasing and expanding the energy of the Sun’s placement. This means the call to collaboration with others is much stronger than usual, and since Jupiter is often focused on the most positive growth and outcomes possible, a sense of community, cooperation, and innovation has the potential to grow in positive, humanitarian, life-affirming ways during and as result of this 2021 Leo Full Moon phase.
That positive energy is needed as there’s much more going on that needs some optimistic and hopeful energy to get us all through.
Though the Sun-Moon opposition is always the main focus of any Full Moon phase, the other big news of this 2021 Leo Full Moon – besides the Sun + Jupiter conjunction opposite the Moon – are the transits involving Uranus in Taurus. This is a huge deal for a couple of reasons: 1) Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius, which affirms and intensifies the Aquarius focus on innovation, technology, and humanity-at-large; and 2) Uranus brings unexpected, unusual, and collectively-influential events which can evolve the collective consciousness while Taurus represents the resources and conditions which stabilize and support our individual self-identities. Therefore, Uranus in Taurus brings the evolution and modernization of our physical, material, and financial resources into our focus – changes which may inspire us to allow our personal values and resources to also evolve.
This evolution of our values and resources may also affect how we each and all perceive the value of all human life and increase our awareness of the intellectual capabilities of all humans, regardless of their physical/material/financial conditions. This means our perspectives about our material, physical, and financial resources, the forms in which they show up in our lives, and their value to us are collectively undergoing a massive shift. It also indicates our values of not only our own individual lives but the lives of others will be measured during this time.
This shift in consciousness and the call for changes in our personal values may sound great in theory, but not everyone will be thrilled with it in practice. In fact, this 2021 Leo Full Moon period will show exactly how stubborn and ego-driven some factions of humanity have actually become.
You see. As much as humans like to believe we’re up for change. Yet we often expect (or in some cases, demand) that change occurs in ways that make others adapt to our will – that allows us to remain the same while everyone else around us has to adopt.
Well, in true Uranian/Aquarian fashion, that won’t be the case. In fact, you may want to prepare yourself to expect the unexpected. The events which occur within and around this 2021 Leo Full Moon period are going to make a quick yet enduring impact on everyone, for better and worse.
That’s the thing with changes, with evolution, with progress. In order to move forward, you can’t stay where you’ve been. And that will be the problem during this 2021 Leo Full Moon phase – too many people are resisting both the natural and technologicalevolutions of humanity now. Too many people still define themselves by their money and stuff, and too many people take too much pride in being “successful” by society’s and/or by the world’s outdated and rapidly-changing standards of success. This Full Moon period will have almost all of us questioning the hierarchies and measures of success we’ve been conditioned to accept, and how many people – mostly of older generations and higher economic class statuses – aren’t willing to give up resources and/or positions in the social hierarchy without a fight.
There will be tantrums – petulance among those who believe they shouldn’t have to be subject to change or who are fearful of and angry about changing societal and social values and ethics will make their (last) stand in an effort to preserve the status quo. Yet what they’ll quickly recognize is that the status quo is no longer able to keep up with the changing technology and the faster pace of life it brings. The ideas and information move too quickly for those still practicing the “old ways” to understand or keep up with. Those who are fighting the hardest to keep things the same will be the ones who will feel they’re being forced to change… and they’re being forced because they’re falling further behind the times, not only in intellect, but in action.
So, in the true nature of “expect the unexpected”, it might be wise for you to prepare for some big perspective shifts during this 7-day Full Moon phase – to (re)consider what it is you value most at this time in your life, and why you value it.
Our collectively changing values will be of paramount importance during this Full Moon phase because value gives power. Numerologically speaking, the 2021 Leo Full Moon occurs on a 7 Universal Day of giving thought to matters of importance. With so many people’s personal values changing at this time, this day will be a very thought-provoking day. Those with time to listen and/or read will be given a great deal to absorb and process in regard to their own beliefs about their creative self-expression, their personal lifestyles and resources, how they acquire those resources, how they choose to use or apply those resources, and how does their application contribute to others (for better or worse). For most Eastern nations, this will occur on an 8 Universal Day of assessing and utilizing power and influence. With so much focus on acknowledgement and resources acquisition and application, this Full Moon phase will be a time to see who really does have social and societal power, and who is wielding it to the benefit or detriment of others in their communities or societies and/or the whole of humanity.
All of this occurs during a 6 Universal Month of physical and emotional care, nurturing, and support; yet what will show up for many is a reality check regarding who and what actually cares enough about supporting and caring for others. Both individuals and the masses will have access to an abundance of information which will help them determine who and what really has their best interests at heart. Individuals may also begin recognizing what they need to do in order to make sure they are able to physically and emotionally support themselves, and they may begin asking for it.
As more individuals ask, a collective demand grows. This asking/demanding ties in with the 5 Universal Year energy of adjustment, change, and surprising events and/or actions. In many communities, cultures, and nations, the people coming together (Aquarius) asking for or demanding what they need is rare, and only happens when they realize they really aren’t being seen or heard (Leo). The tantrums come from the masses when the few don’t hear them; and the tantrums from the few come when they realize change is coming and they won’t be able to maintain the structures that “feed” them much longer (Uranus in Tarurus)… because the masses have intellectually woken up and now know too much for things to return to the way they were.
With that all being said, let’s look at the astrological transits in effect during this 2021 Leo Full Moon to gain greater insights into how the energy is flowing during this pivotal time.
(Aquarius Sun conjunct Jupiter) opposite Leo Moon (9°) – The Sun shines upon the individual, asking the individual to become aware of what makes them uniquely individual. Then it asks the individual to contribute its unique talents to something greater than itself alone. It’s important that the individual feels seen and heard for their unique contributions – this will be important. Those who don’t feel seen or heard will either refuse to contribute, or will collaborate with others who feel ignored or taken for granted to collectively make themselves seen and/or heard.
- T-SQUARE: Taurus Mars conjunct Black Moon Lilith (10-11°) – Actions to acquire or protect one’s lifestyle and/or survival resources reveal just how much one’s ego is (or isn’t) invested in their money and possessions. The shame isn’t necessarily in those with little; it’s in those afraid they are or will be valued less if they have less physical, material, and/or financial resource or ability. It’s also in those who don’t value human life across the board. The question is… which shame is an individual going to embrace and work to change – the one which has them fear they have no individual value beyond the physical/material/financial, or the one which has them disregard others to preserve and increase their gain? This may be a challenging choice for those who have plenty of resource as they’ll likely see others with less through their filter of ego pride, not seeing others as less-resourced humans trying – in some cases, literally – to survive. This will also be challenging for those who define themselves by their physical work and ability to “earn” their financial and/or material resources as they may realize that despite their efforts, they may still not be valued.
- T-SQUARE: Taurus Uranus (6-9°) – This combo amplifies the involvement of technology and the encouragement of innovation and out-of-the-box thinking. The thing is, too many people like their box. They don’t want their boxes or routines disturbed in any way… which is why Uranus has to shake things up a bit. The COVID crisis has kept people home and/or more still than usual – enough to give them enough time to pay attention to what’s happening in the world around them. This Full Moon phase bring a moment when people start fully realizing that they have both been holding themselves back AND have been held back by the few. They begin to recognize the systemic structures in place to keep them where they are, and they begin to realize they may have more backbone than they realize to stand up for themselves, their livelihoods, and their lives to demand changes for everyone. This is a moment of great awakening when people realize they have more individual value than they’ve been led to believe, and they begin to value community more when they find others who see and acknowledge their unique individual presence and value as a person rather than being seen simply as a resource for obtaining more physical, material, or financial resources for themselves.
BLESSING TRIANGLE: Sagittarius White Moon Selene sextile Aquarius Saturn sextile Aries Chiron (4-6°) – This is an opportunity to honor a Higher calling to open our minds and our hearts to realize how the social and societal structures we’ve been living under and the standards of “success” they’ve imposed have actually held many people back from individual and collective healing. If the public can focus less on the oppressive efforts of the Saturn energy & focus more on creating innovative ways to inform and awaken their fellow human beings to the ways the systems in place are affecting us and our individual and collective sovereignty, we may be able to initiate an intellectual (r)evolution needed to heal not just community or society, but possibly humanity.
NODAL T-SQUARE: Sagittarius South Node square (Pisces Neptune conjunct Ceres) square Gemini North Node (18-21°) – Yes, there is wisdom in and from experience. But the experiences many elders in power are drawing from now were in a past that no longer exists, yet they continue to idealize. The youth is living in the present and thinking about the future, idealizing a world the elders cannot keep up with intellectually or experientially. The challenge here is idealism as both groups have unrealistic visions of what is possible from here. The elders will not go quietly, and the youth will not be silenced. These groups have very different value systems, and until each group fully understands where the other is coming from, the need for change will only continue to build to an eventual breaking point… and a need to choose which side you’re on – the past or the future.
(Pisces Neptune conjunct Ceres) opposite Virgo Vesta (19-21°) – Many are beginning to realize the values and morals they are clinging to may not be practical or realistic. As they seek ways to implement them into their everyday lives, they’re finding there’s a difference between ideals and the reality of living into them. The question becomes how determined are you (and others) to bring them into practice in your everyday life, or maybe, how willing are you to adapt your idealistic morals and values to the reality of your everyday world.
Pisces Ceres semi-sextile Aries Eris (21-23°) – These afore-mentioned idealistic values of being of compassionate service to everyone and everything are leading to frustration, anger, and possibly violent action as individuals realize the ideal is one thing, but making them the reality we live in is another. Action is needed to begin realizing the collective ideal, but it’ll likely be born of anger at this point.
(Capricorn Pluto conjunct Venus) square Aries Eris (21-23°) – This anger-driven action is what gives life to the push toward transformation… and the events that are born through this anger bring individuals to the attention of other individuals seeking partners in the perceived fight. What’s emerging from the chaos is the forming of alliances to bring societal transformation out of theory and into life.
Aquarius Mercury semi-sextile (Capricorn Pluto conjunct Venus) (25-26°) – What’s fascinating is that many of the people who want societal transformation to occur aren’t seeking a physical expression of this anger. In fact, they’re going where it simultaneously hurts and reveals those in power most – intellectual and technological pursuits. By revealing and exploiting the imbalances, they being to bring about the societal change they’ve been longing for not only for themselves, but for everyone.
Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (5-6°) – Individual actions not only heal the individuals taking the action(s), they also have the potential to heal others as their individual acts push others out of their comfort zones. That’s the point – to make the people who are stubbornly clinging to their status quo so uncomfortable, they have no other choice but to admit their growing discomfort and change.
Sagittarius White Moon Selene quincunx Taurus Uranus (6°) – The interesting thing is that despite the Higher Truths continuing to emerge, many people are being extremely stubborn, clinging to their comfort zones for dear life. It’s hard for them to admit they may have been misled about “how the world works” or what is really in “the best interests” of all.
Aquarius Pallas Athena semi-sextile Pisces Neptune (17-19°) – The realization that the pattern humanity has been living in usually plays to a lovely ideal of peace and prosperity, of everyone being heard and represented, everyone being served and healed. Yet has humanity finally entered an ideal to lofty to uphold?
Sagittarius Juno quincunx (Taurus Black Moon Lilith conjunct Mars) (10-12°) – A commitment to expansion and diversity cannot co-exist with ego-driven actions intended to preserve the physical, material, and financial resources people believe define who they are in the world. Something’s gotta give, and people lashing out now are likely doing so in order to preserve how they’ve chosen to define themselves.
Aries Eris quincunx Virgo Vesta (21-23°) – The chaos and discord we’re experiencing now do not align with the underlying determination to have everything in our daily lives continue to function properly. At some point, people will begin understanding how everyday life is being disrupted for everyone, not just a few.
This 2021 Leo Full Moon phase is one in which people’s pride and petulance will be on full display. Yet it will be important to understand what they’re being proud and/or petulant about.
For some, it will be about maintaining their individual place in the societal and social hierarchy that is now quickly becoming outdated – a hierarchy and system that sees other humans as a means to personal resource, as means to a personal objective or end goal. They are proud of what they have and where they stand in society, despite the pain it may have caused others and despite the fear it produces within themselves to lose any of what they’ve obtained. They see their personal value in their possessions, not in their or others’ lives.
For others, it will be about awakening to their value in the societal and social hierarchy, and finding the inspiration to use their individual uniqueness to not only build their own value to themselves, but to share their value with others so that all may be lifted up and have their lives valued as human beings. They take pride in who they are and how they can contribute to the well-being of their communities, pulling others out of pain and onto the beginning of a healing journey.
It will be interesting to see which path prevails in the coming weeks, months, and years. But one thing is for certain – we all see these paths clearly now. We all see the fork in the road.
Now it’s up to you to choose which path you want to travel on from here.
The energy of this 2021 Leo Full Moon phase will be felt from through 25th through 31st January 2021.
Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next time…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,