2021 Was An Interesting Year For Evizone!
When we started 2021, most of our Secure Messaging users were in finance, banking and pharmaceuticals…due to their regulated status and need for strict compliance. No real surprise there since our ESM Secure Messaging and EGC Governance Compliance platforms were designed from the ground up to satisfy the requirement of their demanding industries.?
But interestingly, as the year progressed we started to receive more and more expressions of interest from companies in the young and rapidly growing cannabis industry…and not only growers. So now we are at the end of the year, we find ourselves with over 10 new cannabis-related companies using our Secure Messaging software – growers, suppliers and advisors.
The obvious reason is that as the industry develops and matures, the smart players want to build easy-to-manage compliance and communications governance into their communication systems from the outset, and not retrofit it later.
And because they are looking to grow their businesses as fast as the now legal weed (in many places), they are looking for an easy-to-use best-in-class system that is flexible in terms of functionalities and will grow with them…as the last thing they will want to do is swap out their secure communications or archiving systems in a few years.
So it is reassuring to see that start-ups in an industry as dynamic and demanding as the cannabis industry are recognizing that our Secure Messaging and intelligent Archiving platforms are not only for?blue chip industries like banking and pharmaceuticals, but also for dynamic and innovative start-ups like cannabis.?Who woulda thunk it just a year ago?