The 2021 Aquarius New Moon – Into the New
G.Cloyd, Canva, Storyblocks

The 2021 Aquarius New Moon – Into the New

The 2021 Aquarius New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 11:06a PST (23.27°). This is a fascinating New Moon phase for a number of reasons, but the most prominent reason may be the fact that there are SEVEN celestial bodies currently traveling through the sign of Aquarius:

  • Saturn – focus, discipline, authority, limitation
  • Jupiter – growth, expansion, optimism, excess
  • Venus – 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds, beauty, balance, peace-making, peace-keeping
  • Mercury Retrograde – thinking, communicating, exchanging ideas and information… but mostly receiving information and feedback from others at this time, learning more than teaching, recognizing opportunities to begin anew or try again
  • Pallas Athena – pattern-recognition, strategy, intellect-based action; also identifying strengths and weaknesses in self and others
  • Sun – the dominant energy at any time; revelation, exposure, attention,
  • Moon – emotional energy, intuition, feeling one’s way into through matters, emotional influence

Yes, all seven of these bodies are seen through Aquarius right now.

Aquarius is the 11th sign of the Zodiac, and it primarily represents humanity-at-large. Opposite Leo, it is also about individual self-expression, yet Aquarius deals with how one’s individuality can contribute to something greater than itself. The focus here is on community, collaboration, and creativity – the elements which help humans develop and sustain societies and social relationships.

Aquarius is also highly intellectual, and this is where the fun really happens. Because its focus is social, this often takes the form of exchanging theories and ideologies with others in order to determine what is most effective way of building and sustaining a society or social culture. With Aquarius representing humanity-at-large, there are many ways to bring others – or rather, “the masses” – into the conversation. Conveniently, this sign is also associated with technology, and due to its humanitarian focus, that technology is best seen in instruments of large-scale communication/media – printing, broadcasting, telecom, cable, internet – everything designed to communicate with the masses. And if you look closely, you may notice this isn’t only about how people embrace the advances in technology, there are some people who also resist it.

To the point of resistance, Aquarius can also represent hyper-individuality. In a world which it would be easy to conform to the agreed-upon social norms in an effort to “fit in” or “belong”, it takes a lot of effort to maintain one’s unique individuality in the face of so much external pressure to think, feel, act, and be like everyone else. This is where people become eccentric, odd, sometimes even becoming hermits or outcasts – resisting the group-think, avoiding the mainstream, determined to maintain a sense of self while still being part of the sea of humanity…

…which is why under the influence of this 2021 Aquarius New Moon, it’s the hyper-individuals who have the real power at this time.

It’s because they’re the ones objective enough to see certain social patterns repeating, to see the impact of group think and the need to belong, to see the absence of creative contribution to society and humanity. They’re the ones able to see what need to change in order for humanity to continue to evolve, and they’re the only ones willing to step “out of line” to challenge those trying to maintain the status quo or regress humanity to a prior stage of its evolution.

Yet these unique and eccentric individuals are often shamed or rallied against for not going along with everyone else, for making it a point not to comply fit in or comply with social or cultural expectations. They’re often ahead of the curve with their social perspectives and insights – seeing the direction the world is moving well before the world catches up. That, or they’re celebrated for standing out in a way that’s socially acceptable enough to others to make them popular, but only popular enough to be copied mercilessly by those trying to grab just a sliver of the spotlight that shines upon the original.

Self-aware and empowered individuals are at their best when they are creating and expressing themselves for themselves as well as others. This balance is a new concept for many – the idea that they can express themselves to acknowledge their self-identity yet also to the benefit of others through collaboration and/or contribution. This is the new paradigm we can all move into now – the idea that we each matter enough to express our individuality, yet we can express our individuality in ways which contribute positively to the lives of others.

Let’s look at how each of the seven celestial bodies show up in the sign of Aquarius:

  • Saturn’s presence in Aquarius, at first, seems to show up as maybe limiting or suppressing human evolution – authoritarian, controlling, trying to keep change from occurring. Yet Saturn’s efforts to oppress others serve a dual purpose, also acting as a call to clarify and organize for those who might be striving for change and evolution – a call to focus their energies on few or possibly even one single target of progress, then to collectively practice discipline in pushing that agenda forward from vision to reality. Ideally, the chosen target would be one which would make a major social and societal impact, shifting humanity forward in its evolutionary process.
  • Jupiter’s presence means “the more the merrier” or, in this case, the more effective. People are often more effective in collaborative efforts than they are individually. The larger the numbers, the larger the influence on those in opposition to the desired agenda, especially if each individual within the larger group contributes their unique abilities, skills, and talents to the cause. Conjoined with Venus during this 2021 Aquarius Full Moon phase, 1-on-1 relationships play a major role in introducing individuals to new social and/or humanitarian ideas and perspectives. It’s through these singular connections that communities begin to form, grow, and expand out into more communities.
  • Mercury Retrograde has the people who are both self and socially conscious taking in more information than they’re putting out right now. This may seem counterproductive, but it’s allowing these conscious people to reassess their own social beliefs and values, helping them recognize how much more or less engaged in they are in the evolution or regression of humanity at this time. Most important, it’s allowing them to self-reflect and self-assess before promoting their values and ideas to the masses so they can promote with integrity.
  • Pallas Athena is helping us recognize the patterns in and of our societies, giving us the power of choice in how we, as the whole of humanity, want to proceed. Of course, we must be clear about what our goal is as the collective human race – a goal which clearly continues to be in debate. The past informs us of where we’ve been, while the future gives us hope of what is possible. Yet neither of those has the power of the present moment because real power is in the choices we are making now. Look at the present for which patterns are being repeated and which ones must end in order to move us into the future in collective wellness and harmony.
  • These social and societal patterns are coming to light more easily right now because Pallas Athena is conjunct with the Sun and Moon which are conjunct each other to form the New Moon. As more is revealed, we are beginning to acknowledge our collective evolutionary dilemma on an emotional level. We’re beginning to realize that despite the focus on the intellectual and informational, there is indeed a feeling component to all that is happening now – an internal knowing within each of us that it’s time for humanity to move forward by acknowledging the past, committing to not repeat it, and creating a departure from it. The question is, how many people are choosing to continue denying that feeling, and how many choosing to shift and honor it.

Looking at the numerology, this 2021 Aquarius New Moon is occurring on a 9 Universal Day in the Western world, which represents endings – fulfillments, and completion energy. Yet 9 energy can also be a very authoritative energy as the desire to get things done can sometimes become stronger than the desire to enjoy the journey. Impatience and intolerance for new things can make this time – when everyone is going through new experiences in an uncertain future – excruciating for many.

Yet for the rest of the world, this New Moon is occurring on a 1 Universal Day of new beginnings, fresh starts, and renewals. It’s a day of first steps and initiative actions. It may very well be the beginnings of a new chapter for many, especially since many Eastern cultures celebrate the Lunar New Year which this Aquarius New Moon ushers in.

These numerological energies are occurring under the influence of a 7 Universal Month energy – an energy which encourages stepping back and observing what is happening, thinking about how current events compare with the past and possibly the desired future, and making choices based upon what you learn and understand from your assessment. There are things which may need decisions and action now, yet when and where you can, it’s wise to take your time and make sure the choices you’re making now are in alignment with your personal values. Also consider whether or not your values align with the evolutionary progress of the whole of human kind… or maybe its stagnation or regression. Keep in mind, all of this is happening under a 5 Universal Year of change, adaptability, versatility, and unexpected events (a very Aquarius-like energy). So, whether or not you want change, it may be unavoidable for all of us, and more than politics and COVID have already brought us over these last 11+ months.

The people who will navigate this New Moon period and its numerological energies best are the people who boldly let their uniqueness shine forth – who aren’t afraid to speak their truth when they recognize an opportunity to do so, and who aren’t afraid to let it be known that they move to the beat of a different rhythm in life as a matter of everyday fact. For those who have lived in fear of being known or in fear of being rejected by others, this is a very powerful time to step into a new way of being yourself in the world, equipped with the understanding that you’re likely to discover freedom in being your authentic self when you act and express yourself honestly and earnestly amongst others.

The astrological transits during this 2021 Aquarius New Moon are also very revealing. Let’s take a look at how they help shape the energy of this Full Moon phase.

STELLIUM: Aquarius Pallas Athena conjunct Aquarius 7 Sun conjunct Moon (21-23°) – Recognizing that it’s time to break our old social norms and patterns and enable new ones to propel us collectively forward. This is not an emotionally comfortable or easy intellectual or social transition, yet it’s becoming widely acknowledged that large-scale changes are long overdue. This 2021 Aquarius New Moon affirms the evolution of humanity is finally underway. The only question is how long it will take for the collective shift to gain more momentum.

Aquarius Stellium sextile Aries Eris (21-23°) – The more the new perspectives and ideas gain steam, the more some individuals will be inspired or incited to act out. Yet in their acting out, they may discover others who are acting out in similar fashion, or they may perceive an individual is acting on their behalf in an effective way. Think of it as protest by proxy, but don’t think the action of one aren’t leading up to a larger group action.

(Aquarius Sun conjunct Moon) semi-sextile Capricorn Pluto (23-25°) – The transformation of our societal structures is opening up opportunities for people to feel their way through evolution. Of course, the more people begin moving toward evolution, the more they break free from old societal constraints, rendering those old standards and measures irrelevant. In this case, as more people begin to realize the old ways are being phased out and beginning to collapse, the more they begin looking to the future.

Aquarius Saturn square Taurus Uranus (6-7°) – The focus is definitely on the state of our social interests, but as our collective values begin to shift, it’s becoming more difficult to keep people distracted and/or entertained with the pop-culture pretentiousness of the past. More and more people are looking for what is real and True, and as result, there is less tolerance of appearances. There are still people who will be drawn in and duped by “celebrity” and popularity, but there’s an increasing number of people who are looking for something more in-tune with and compassionate toward humanity now.

(Aquarius Venus conjunct Jupiter) square Taurus Black Moon Lilith (12°) – Relationships grow stronger, and surprisingly, the more unusual or unexpected they are, the stronger they’re likely to become at this time. Yet this connection may find its challenges in one wanting or needing access to the physical presence of the other, or one wanting or needing lifestyle resources of another. These tangible and experiential desires are likely a matter of ego, not necessary born of a desire to learn about the other person or connect with them on a more intellectual or ideological level. With this ego-driven focus on physical, material, and/or financial, will possessiveness rule the day, or can a willingness to earnestly share with their partner(s) be developed?

Aquarius Mercury Retrograde square Taurus Mars (16-18°) – People will tell you exactly which values and beliefs they live by… if you’re willing to truly listen to what they’re saying and how they say it. You’ll also learn a great deal from their actions and what they choose to prioritize. These moments of witness will challenge us to look at our own personal priorities. Do our own choices, words, and actions reflect what we truly believe and value most?

Taurus Mars trine Virgo Vesta (18-19°) – The more you act in alignment with your personal values, the more determined you become to arrange your everyday life to accommodate your budding dedication to – to enable your actions aligned with those values to become your new normal. But is this dedication to values intentional or performative? And are the values you’re aligning with really your own, or are you acting to maintain comfort and ease with someone other than yourself?

GRAND SQUARE: Gemini North Node square Virgo Vesta square Sagittarius South Node square Pisces Neptune (17-19°) – The magical thinking continues, and is becoming more challenging to endure. Though this configuration is almost over, it has become a Grand Square with Vesta moving within orb. The elders continue to draw power from a past that no longer exists, yet they continue to idealize its return. The youth is living in the present and thinking about the future, idealizing a world the elders can no longer keep up with intellectually or experientially. The challenge here is idealism as both groups have unrealistic visions of what is possible from here. These groups have very different value systems, yet Vesta shows a determination to make things work in a healthy and healing way. The question is, what needs to be done in order to bring these groups together, or does one group simply need to be phased out to make room for the other to step into creative leadership, as in creating the future of the world they will be living in long after the elders have passed on?

Capricorn Pluto sextile Pisces Ceres (25-26°) – The societal transformation underway encourages each and all of us to reassess our personal beliefs and values, especially in the context of All-That-Is. Are you contributing to the healing and recovery or the damage and destruction of other people, other species, the planet, other planets… This isn’t meant to be a judgement of anyone’s individual character. It is, however, meant to get you thinking about what you individually believe, what you value, and how you may be playing a part in how your society is changing and how humanity is evolving.

Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (6-7°) – As more individuals focus on their own personal healing journey, the values of the collective whole of humanity begin to evolve. There’s a lot that feels uncomfortable right now, but only because the old values don’t align with the new societal and social values which are emerging. There must be a new definition of what matters most if people are going to heal, which in turn heals humanity-at-large.

Aquarius Saturn sextile Aries Chiron (6°) – Focus on one area which needs to be healed could actually open the door to one’s entire healing journey. Part of this focus is to notice who and what is helping or hindering your healing. This may lead to some difficult decisions in these next few days and weeks regarding who you choose to keep social company with, but the choices you make will shape your future, for better or worse.

SEQUENCE: Capricorn Pluto semi-sextile (Aquarius Sun conjunct Moon) semi-sextile Pisces Ceres (23-26°) – The societal transformations happening around the world are shifting the alignment of “power” around the world, but are also revealing interesting synchronicity about the types of events which are shifting the power. The more people awaken to their personal values, the more they are becoming aware of the values of their societies and cultures and those of others. There’s a global unification emerging, revealing the divide between those who value ALL forms of life and those who seem to value no other lives but their own. The more the once-established structures begin to collapse, the more these values will become more clear.

The energy of this 2021 Aquarius New Moon is felt from 8th February through 14th February. Use this time to really assess what is most important to you on a social and societal level – what do you value most, and do your thoughts, words, choices and actions align with those values and the world you want to create. This is a time for stepping out of the old and the past, and for stepping into the new and True.

Thank you for reading and sharing. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,


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