2021 Anyone?
James Foster
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2020 hasn't really gone according to plan has it? That's a bit of an understatement I know but this time last year we were just about to vote in the General Election and that, we hoped, would lead to stability and, whatever the result, that would be welcomed by business.
Still the transition period to go of course, and the GE result wasn't a forgone conclusion at that time was it. So maybe there would be the possibility of a second referendum on EU, but I think most of us felt that once the GE was behind us, we could start going back to normality, and certainly, when the Tories won the GE with a really big majority, I felt a gave sigh of relief, at least we would have stability.
Well, I guess you don't need a commentary from me on what happened next, suffice to stay my early optimism for the year turned overnight when I saw my entire pipeline empty with the declaration of lockdown for the country in March!
At first, I think we all thought and hoped it was a temporary thing, maybe last a few weeks and then we get back to business. But not to be and here we are, 9 months later, and while there is a faint light at the end of the tunnel, everything is still up in the air right now, but at least it looks like we'll have an exit strategy soon.
And then all the signs are that things will start to get back to some semblance of normality, it may take a few months to fully get there, but the signs are good enough, I think, for businesses to start to make decisions about moving forward and investing again.
From a recruitment perspective, that does mean the market will start to move forward, there are some signs it has already started. For many who have lost their jobs or need to change their jobs, it means there is a glimmer of hope.
But it won't be plain sailing, there is going to be a lot of competition for every job that comes onto the market.
If you want or need a new role for 2021 then, if you follow the crowd, you’re only going to get the crumbs that fall from the table.
2021 is going to be a very unusual year too, especially for jobs! Many have been lost, there will be some kind of bounce back for sure, but the ball isn’t going to bounce back to the same level that it was dropped. Some positions have maintained a strong demand this year, even though companies have been slow to recruit.
As I say, unusual and complex. A strange market, difficult to predict. Initially I can see companies thinking they have the upper hand looking for candidates and in some cases they will but not totally and at mid to senior level, the initial demand is going to be for growth generating jobs.
One thing for sure is that the active job market is going to be a bit of a free for all and that if you want any sort of control over your Job search, it will be best to avoid.
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