2021 Annual Report


The Authority’s activities were undertaken in line with objectives set in the 2021 to 2026 Strategic Plan. The strategic thematic results areas of the Strategic Plan are: ?

a) ?operational excellence,
b) stakeholder collaboration, and
c) TEVET regulatory service excellence.

?COVID-19 pandemic restrictions affected the implementation of several activities in the Strategic Plan in 2021 including inspection of training institutions. Training quality assurance inspections are undertaken to ensure compliance with minimum training standards amongst registered training institutions. Inspection findings showed that most training institutions did not have robust internal quality management systems for effective delivery of training. About 62.5% of the registered institutions were in “Grade 3”, which shows that investment in tools and equipment, infrastructure, relevant learning materials, workshops and adequate management systems were required in the sector. There were 297 training institutions on the TEVETA register of training institutions as at December 31 2021.?Twenty-six (26) institutions had their registration certificates cancelled mainly due to non-compliance to minimum training standards during the year under review.?

In the year under review, 32 curricula were developed and 21 were reviewed in line with labour market needs. One hundred and seventy-two (172) programmes out of total 326 TEVET curricula were due for review as at December 2020. Capacity building to experts in materials development was conducted to improve the quality of learning materials.

A total of 48, 108 learners were registered for TEVET assessments and examinations in 2021 compared to 32,264 in 2020. This represents 32.92% increase in the number of candidates assessed. This is attributed to the number of candidates who were allowed to sit for all the pending examinations they failed to sit for in 2020 because of Ministry of Health restrictions due to the outbreak of COVID 19. The overall pass rate for 2021 was 89.3% of the total of 19,950 candidates who registered to sit for ZQF Levels 4-6 Programmes. For Trade Test programmes, the pass rate was 90.05% of the 16,232 candidates who registered to sit for Trade Test programmes.

TEVET Fund disbursements towards continued improvement to access, quality and relevance of TEVET in line with the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) were made in the year. The TEVET Fund activities were implemented under Employer Based Training and SMEs and Informal Sector Training. A total of 73 contracts were signed to train 2, 065 employees at a cost of K6, 610, 019.50. Two hundred and fifty two (252) contracts were signed with 64 TEVET institutions to support training of 6, 180 students in the SMEs and Informal Sector. The training was at a cost of K15, 167, 000.00.

TEVETA remains grateful to the Government of the Republic of Zambia and other stakeholders, who have continued to support the work and programmes of the Authority.

?Following the dissolution of the Board of TEVETA on 7th May 2017, the Authority has been reporting to the Ministry of Higher Education through the office of the Permanent Secretary.

Access the copy on this link: https://www.teveta.org.zm/archive/downloads/1658062918.pdf

Thanks you so much great work and respect



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