2020s most exciting decade to be alive
Chris AI Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab
2025report.com year 75 Neumann: are U intelligence/Igontance linker?,
never have so many depended on a british leader praising the few in a virally smart way this is the 45th year of the economist entrepreneurial revolution debate- sustainability will depend on empowering bottom up (small enterprise networking) professionals to take over more than 80% of what the english bureaucratic mindset high priested over
EXERCISE can you help boris find 10 truly ER ideas before he chats to Xi Jinping rsvp [email protected] outofbeltway.com
eg why a digital island currency can pilot what a continental digital currency later needs to build on-
evolutionary unfit top-down western originated global institutions like wall street (and the ;post berlin wall banking system of germany which prints the euro), and the youth-abusive olympics can learn from a parallel study process to boris if they choose but in wall streets case that up to whomever runs the largest funds whereas in the olympics case china and japan need to negotiate as one if there is ever to be another olympics
boris needs to talk with prince charles - boris needs to read harvard's ezra vogel - japan as number 1 in 1970s, japan and china now - as well as reinterview the american signatories of china's not the "core" problem
boris needs to read the transcript of kissingers last attempt at ping-pong diplomacy nov 2016 as well as transcripts of what the peoples networks of the g20 had innovated whilst under china's hosting sept 2016
boris could benefit from watching nhk world program on learning to exist with the virus not declaring war on it until a vaccine can be distributed to 8 billion people all in the same year - the best hope is that will be the student year 2023-4; humans need to thanks their luck stars that tokyo's grounded female mayor koike has just be re-elected to contribute to that marathon of the next 4 student years which are likely to involve 80% zoom and maximum of 20% personal networking - and extremely trying time for students especially that is half of the countdown year to sustainability goals interrupted
if he does his homework before meeting jinping he will also find that some of britain brightest sdg brains embedded in beijing are people helping unite all embassies of sustainability; people innovating new infrastructure banking ; most important of all there will be people able to guide him round the secrets of china's university system - in china universities cooperate more than compete; there is a clear model in any supercity be it chinese, asean ...- one university is best at future of tech (you can id which uni has that role in beijing's case tsingia as there will be an avenue of ai entrepreneurs just outside the university's gates- an idea that the former head of google in china was asked to map when google inexplicably withdrew from china); another is best at training dual language students (needed for diplomacy to be culturally bridging) to be youth ambassadors worldwide; one is best at health and k-12 education which if you read the lancet needed to inform each other before youth turn into adolescent multipliers of each others emotional energies ; one tries to study green to work out where its country's elders are serious about which jigsaw piece of nature- the virus needs to be seen as a relatively elementary piece to fix if worldwide cooperation is to save our species ; mayors then do eg annual smart city reviews where uni vcs pitch to each other to make sure understanding of how each's future internetworks; in china each supercity experientially win-wins with beijing's haidan lab for super universities whilst making sure it reaches out to its regions diversity including neighbors borders- china wants to share with neighbors basic sdg solutions- how else can it manage its 16 national borders- when for example you go to korea to explore sino-korea understanding of this model you see extraordinary exhibits- a ko0rea-chinese consortium offers to build you a new city suburb of half a million people in less than 3 years as the smartest safest place for brillant 6)& female students to take back venture capitalism from non-sustainable old bankers
re prince charles and japan emperors livesmatter.city plan since 1964 to roll back harm uk-japan empires did to the two thirds of people who are asian which spiralled alarmingly in the far east when britain had run out of silver and gold to trade with and enforced opium as a currency-the chinese continent closed itself down for 110 years rather than accept this rotten bargain, and hong kong islanders were left to mediate england versus china from 1860- thats where things got worse as japan started to cop]y british empire ways of treating neighbors up to world war 2
- instead of the world we are still compounding where 20 people own more than the poorest 40%, sustainability depends on a new economics where wealth is much more equally distributed and in this way keynisan economists goal 1 leaps forward if and only if every community can be a thiving place for next child born in part because it maximises its fit with natures diversity
why a digital island currency can pilot what a continental digital currency later needs to build on- islands can do things that capitals in teh mideel of a contient where one out of 5 people (eg china or idia) cant- as ezra vogel's book on japan and china calrifies - 1 it was vital that a chiense elader go ask a japanese leader to share engineering at the right time ie deng 1978- it was importat to uinderstand that the majority of asians did not build cultures around golden rule religions but consciousness empathyy with natural spirits- the good news is this cultural idea over 2 millennium began in landlocked india but had osmosed through china and japan - ask jack ma to peresent you to map you a ten minute module on hpw asian values flow through nations and family networks
instead of aisians needing politicians to decare a united states of usa or europe- sustainability solutions needed to flow wherever japn could win-win - in 1964 this begain with the islands taiwan hk sinpaore and korean penisular- it needed a lot of bottom up care to get to the chiense first with bottom up food eg borlaug and health security
During the first 260 years of humans and engines, the english language has failed "every lives equality" test two young men- Watt,James and Smith Adam- at glasgow u in 1760 imagineered and moralised. that also makes 2020s the most exciting decade to be alive- if we dont linkin 4 billion under 30 brains to make the most of each other and tech now, there is no point chatting about sustainability goals, its not that 2030 will see the end of our whole species but there will be no turning back from the big brother endgame -even though by 1977 asians had discovered how girls could empower rural keynsianism 1 2 and save all of our worlds
WHY Boris Johnson should fly over to meet xi jinping now and not come back until..
Whether it was financing empires built on slavery of black peoples or press ganging of celtic youth, or the continuation of inequality in america to this year, those who only think in english are in no position to legislate over any oriental or other engineer who wants to advance the human lot. when i look at the parliament in london its like seeing 650 people sitting on 650 parallel thrones like king canute not just "pompeously" ordering the waves of corona to turn round - or other climate crisis waves to stop - but indulging in some sort of bipolar conventional ego=insanity that one of two opposite party views can pass laws to cure the world when only engineers could humanise ai and value big data as deep as truly safe maps on the ground need APPing
normanmacrae.net 7worlds.net economistrefugee.com 2025report.com kobe.mba
worse the bbc funded by the people doesnt mediate these extreme folie grandeurs in any positive way- if we get to 2030 let's make sure the bbc is closed- its not serving the world at all
hong kong people are absolutely brilliant- they have mediated english and chinese to invent more than any other 0.1% of people. They have done so with heaven knows but apart from beautiful vista hong know doesnt own much natural resources - my guess is one millionth of nature's resources but by all means send me a correction [email protected] if you have a way to compute which nations are stewarding what per cent of nature's capital
Therefore as suggested here Boris Johnson should fly over to hong kong or beijing to meet xi jinping- start with sharing everything that british and chinese scientists know about corona- dont return mr johnson until you have facilitated the equivalent of starting up jfk's moon race-50000 youthful minds to end corona-this is a borderless race it doesnt matter how many are chinese and how many british -it doesnt matter XJBJ pick up the phone to some other national leaders and invite a coalition
as long as you and jinping value your peoples and open tech enough to do it, and in tghe process include everyone else in the way that british empire never did. remember if must needs be it was because britain in 1860 demanded chinese accept opium as a currency for the much more valuable spices and silks that china bravely closed itself to world trade for 110 years. the fact that the main profit strema of english speaking pharma corporations in the 2010s was opiods shows something very wrong with the english language organisation of health markets
. LETS UP THE ANTE - once you have identified 50000 virus racers and tracers invite guterres and jack ma to specify another 16 moon races so that all 17 sdgs are at least orniting in common sense directions by 2030 - we could even add in the one exception to the rule that the bbc must go
niot getting furter apart. last week unesco just publishe its 5 yearly report - clearly wriotten befopre the virus, even with that weird ommision the truth as unesco sees it is valuing youth in education has gone backawards in the last 5 yeras in the vast majority of nations- actually china is one of the few nations its gone forward- edutech in china is experimented with as if celebfrating young lives matter; those chiense that have learnt english are the most exciting youth ambassadors in any country ,lucky enough to meet and greet them. if britain wants to be geat again ask xi jinping a favor - send 650 chiense who pseak engl;isgh gto london to start up a youth paarl;iament on the futire of education - if the lords have to be quarantined off anyhow until 2024 then i am sure prince charels can find a spare palace for them thpough it m.ay be out in the country- ask huawei to 5g l.ink them in if you get on well enough; thge freality is huawei did not begon as some armed force exercise - simply opne man who americans would celebrate as a vet started putting surplus stuff hing kongers werent using to wi-fi rural china- that was the origin of huawei the peo[les wifi - not the expense biug city wifi that the chiense brough from aerican suppliers until goodness me huawei products were not only cleaper but better. anyhow dont atsrt there bojo- get the viruis race 50000 networking on what ever tech is around so that each country can mobile trace if that is how to save lives until the vaccine race to innoculate 8 billion eople is won
You could define at least 10 more c.limate races at the same time. If you need any precdence mr johnops go have a private word with prince charles. At the tokyo olympics he did something similar- noting how far japanese engikneers were ahead in electronics he did the then unthinkable -inviting world war 2's oriental enemy (and with britian the o[ther chief culprit in trapping two thords of the worlds people who are asian in poverty) to come inward invest in europe, and to share their brillianty engineering with every asian they possibly could. my father wrore one of prince charels speeches to that end as the ecopnomoist celebrated east and west coming together at the same time as the invention of john von neumann who escaped hitelr's european nightmare gifted to americans with the twost added by alumni of gordon moo0re that 100 fold more comp[utation power would be giafranted everyu decade to 2020s- thats a trillion times moore than needed to code moon landing. which is also why although as einstein said nature miodels her network connections at ever more mkictro l;evels than humns can see we at least have a chnace if we map bottom up -as if everyone one of the 4 bi;lion brains under 30 is needed to be partof the solution for our specues to survive
look first at this march interview of bill gates-understand if nature had chosen this virus to have kill rate of smallpox- we might all be gone by now= for people over 80 or with a short list of severe conditions this may have the kill rate of smallpox but the really deceptive part of this virus is when it comes to youth only one out of ten with the virus even have any symptom...
ad sponsored by livesmatter.city - how to test 2 english speaking nations leaders- link to what UK's BOJO and Royals can do next to help save the old world while eu still reports mainly in english
7 questions american elders need to ask themselves-
- now- how to rearrange communications inside washington dc and health service everywhere if the new world continent isnt to be greatest loser to virus
- 60s after mon race proved 50000 youngish mind could app tech to achieve almost any great goal- why didnt we startup moon races on earth - eg 50000 people given gall of all lives matter
- 70s having popularised the economist celebrations of entrepreneurship and silicon valley why didnt professions get redesigned round thriving communities
- 80s why didnt we follow von neumanns dying wish and design the first coding languages of personal computing to help every culture in the world mitigate the risks of only speaking english as tghe lingo or kings and empire- the exact opposite of what europeans who immigrated to usa wanted
- 90s why didnt we provide media space for webs to open source life critical know which multiplies value in use instead of just racing to e-ads and e-commerce
- 00s given that google.org first ceo was america's greatest epidemiologist larry brilliant and the one thing uniting republicans and democrats in 2005 was getready for wars on virus, and given that google used torvaulds open source code to connect the world with smart phones, why didnt america place leaders debate what big data communities needed to cloud and get ready to humanise ai
- 010s why do we chatter that we want our kids to celebrate millennial and sustainability goals but big finance does the opposite first by subpriming the world, then by saying american ;pension money does not recognise and sustainability investment as asset grade- not even ;protecting pensioners from virus? -i we dont care about sdgs why dont we sell the un site to donald trump to tower over and free the un hq to move where population centre of gravity is
...and we dont yet know if young children pass on the virus but all western modellers expect those from teenagers up young can infect elders very easily- this disease communicates mainly through how we breathe out and in- if a teen or adult with the virus sneezes it can go 30 feet and droplets in a poorly ventilated space can hang around in the air for more than an hour- of if you shout loudly at a sporting event or a drunken party you will transmit this virus- so the simplest way to protect others on the possibility you have the virus is wear a mask- it doesnt completely stop your spit from infecting the room but it cuts the odds- know exponential maths- what spreads this virus is how many people get infected by an infected person - places end the virus if every infected person infects at most 1 and preferably 0 other people- as soon as most infected people infect more than 1 you get contagion - again read gates
OUTOFBELTWAY.COM right now you can zoom through hundreds of entrepreneurial grind shows -including a week long spectacular from hong kong week starting 7 july
Back to virus basics - sadly the political elite in washington dc have broadcast so many wrong messages before they started to half correct themselves that bill gates optimism in march that having helped to invent a diy test america would be ending this virus as a killer by summer 2020 has being ruined by washington dc politicians and the media that hangs on their every word instead of exercising common sense compared with what journalists around the world report in countries beating the virus- if you accept this diagnosis of what needs to be changed by the american people then other dismal messes such as the societal failure to value all lives can be transformed - we have the technologies if we use them smart from the community up - these are the most exciting tome to be alive- everything exponential compounds around the safe community top line of trust and love not just the bottom line on how big an organisation gets if it takes from everyone else every quarter . niot how powerful a politician gets by saying whatever the pollsters say will seize the next vote
if you understand how the state of nation usa cant even organise a self administered test, while it is right to hope for a vaccine the likelihood that all of the world's 8 billion people in the world will be safely vaccinated by the next us election cycle 2024 is small - so we the peoples need to transform the ;political system for ever and and a day not just one time- a station isnt united if bipolar parties can divide it the way that has happened serially to us since 2000 - a war based on gthe lie of who had chemical weapons which spun refugee problems all over asia and europe; a subprime mess in which poor communities lost a lot in most parts of the world- surely we the peoples of america can take back education from the free world's most short-sighted and greedy public servants. we will know if we have done so if big data platforms emerge to serve the public not to be the games a few west tech wizards play. do not believe in private public partnerships unless they are the peoples livesmatter.com
can 2020 be decade of valuing exponential economists not quarterly maximisers?
as a trailer to our forthcoming book, what happened to humans over the last three quarters (of a century)? I would love to be linkedin with anyone exploring this hypothesis for valuing the purpose of the 2020s; where i come from 4 generations of diaspora scots who seek to love each others peoples' children as the only way to map sustainability (if that faith in nature and humanity's ability to design machines is outside your freedom of speech to mediate, (healthily map, study and teach)_i am sorry , lets beg to disagree about cultural determinants of future history's TO BE OR NOT TO BE
...my maternal family tree spent 3 generations in india bringing pharmacy to mumbai (kemps corner), nursing and social justice ( grandad sir ken wrote up the legalese flor india's independence- his last job after 25 years in mumbai spent mediating movements of mahatma gandhi); my paternal side was itinerant- grandad had been staying religion at heilberg when world war 1 broke out- his knowledge of german require him to be a minor spy for britain which converted him into a career at british embassies- my dad norman macrae spent his teenage years in such places as the british embassy in stalin's moscow, one of the last adriatic ports jews used to escape hitler as well as navigating air planes in british bomber command over modernday myanmar/bangladesh) -please see footnote on why my family like many immigrant or itinerant family tree is eternally grateful to the 5% of human who are north americans but...
2020s is the most exciting decade to be alive as it may be the last one that parents and teachers can help youth to explore how to become the first sustainability generation
let me clarify- i am not expecting the world to end in 2030 but my 50 years of learning and working as a statistician aims to model exponentials rising or falling that become ever more impactful as technology increasingly interconnects us without borders; we have known since 1965 moores law that west coast americans promised 100 times more connectivity per decade to 2020 in other words we- grandparents parents as well as half the world aged under 30 have been responsible for 5g 2020s 4g 2010s 3 2 1 0g(1970s) moon(1960s)- an era when anything that seemed certain to legislate over in 1960 needed to be openly requestioned from the bottom-up with mathematicians of the calibre of einstein or von neumann
consider this as january 2020 though i can understand some people could choose a different date. Here is an absurdly innocent Q&A i participated in with a washington dc thinktank and probably America's chief expert in intangible human values -professor nye - such as trust and love (nb as a researcher when i say probably chief expert I am inviting you to better inform me [email protected] where to search)
curriculum of corona virus- leaders of about half the people of the world have prioritised this curriculum relentlessly since 2003; sadly both gates and president bush in 2005 america's greatest influencers of new knowledge in this era were not followed by america's biggest internet companies, big banjhers nor any politician 2006-2019 that i can find; today instead of blaming each other we need to face the fact that nature knew how to design a virus that killed a billion people by 2024- all she had to do was mix the worst killing effectiveness eg sarra ad the most deceptive infectious dynamics corona- as it is from data i can see (and i dont have access to random samples needed to make accurate estimates) by 2024 corona is a virus whose expected mortality ranged from 10000 to 5 million people. I am making what i think is the optimistic assumption that all 8 billion beings will be vaccinated before americans 2024 election year. 10000 would have needed near perfect knowhow sharing - in other words every nation would have done a taiwan or new zealand and banned inward travel without strict 20 say quarantining; any nation that missed the quarantine calendar would have adopted the best of digital and human tracing -some mixture of what china japan korea vietnam have been doing.
a company like google could have been asked to explain its 21st C leadership- as the pioneer of big data how come it had appointed america's best epidemiologist of 2005 larry brilliant to head google.org but this corporation did not follow up the goal he bush and gates had clarified as most valuable first use of western mobilisation of big data- remember it was google who adapted torvaulds open source code to launch 2010s as decade of smart phones for every human being concerned with sustainbility development goals being the most valuable celebration the 2010s could have been about
exercise do you have a tour map aimed at helping make the 2020s the most exciting decade for students and teachers - both of under 30s and over 30s
- most exciting impacts of billionaires
-outofbeltway.com people linking teachers and students free of lobbies rampant inside the beltway
economisthonghong.com which 20 cities including hong kong new york and beijing could make the most diverse use of big data tech wizards and borderless digital cooperation if only humans could enjoy 4 years of no more fake media and 100% smartest missing curricula (help twitter list zoomuni.net) of being the first sdg generation
footnote- - while being eternally grateful to americans without who i would not exist, i share my fathers feelings that sustainability goals are a non-starter unless the lives matter of the two thirds of children who are asian as well as those of an hy skin color or sex who are most abused in other parts of the globe- when it came to uniting nations reconciliation of asian futures- britain france and gteh netherlands had the most hostorical reponsibility for unangtifral borders the colonia era had darwn over the oled world- somehow these nations needed to be included in american ;policy making but outside its noisy commercial media - i may be wrong but this e3 plus one space for uniting nations seems to have existed up to the death of jf kennedy but after that the english speaking world rushed into secret space races and computing codes while thank goodness anchored by japan the asian world bet its youths future smart engineering(eg microelectronics), better infratructure engineering (bullet gtrians, optimal undergrounds, contaierished shipping, mechnaicla excavators) are needed to build 25 million person conurbations where everyone's jobs magtters as well as suoer islands like taiwan, hong kong singapore with smaller populations but whose dispaora reach into continental asia became the greatest miracle of any era of hostiry to date)
e [email protected] whatsapp or we chat +1 240 316 8157
location outofbeltway.com ironically i live in the most dense population in the dc/md/va region but our voice has no representation in either party nor the vested interests that inside the beltway spins; my american daughter was both lucky and unlucky to be born on valentines 1997- she was for example in the last year that daycare of nih was shared with us ordinary citizens- then cam 9/11, anthrax, a veteran whose illness turned him into a snaipre killing inter alia our local merchant of xmas trees- my point is that the majority of communities in america of the 21st century have had to question whether us policy as planned inside the beltway has cared about their childrens lives- and those of us who value locally diverse livelihood education in every sense have not been valued - a strange way of designing/investing in health, let alone the #learninggeneration economy
as you can see from the gates interview we the peoples cant socially mediate systemic -let alone community tracing -solutions to beating this virus unless maths literacy at school included exponentials. the problem is you shouldnt be let loose on a spreadsheet on any of microsoft killer apps unless you do understand exponential multipliers. why this has been left out of the curricula of maths in usa is absolutely devastating-its not just analysts ho cant do a transparent job without exponential ability, news journalists cant either
in other words if the 2020s does see humans beat off viruses there are a ,lot of missing curricula which start back at kindergarten and with teachers themselves- between 9/11 and 2004 i surveyed a lot of people who tried to reconcilie conflicts systemically- i twice atended global reconcilation networks wgere peop[le form 70 countries came to testify what worlked and didnt in reconciling towo or more communities they belonged to- i wanted survey results that were politically agnostic- what for example is the simplest publication on systems that any two people from age 9 up could quiz each other on - i was recommend ackoff by a guy i met the first time i visited ny after 9/11 - if he is your cup of team and you feel ,like quizmaking please tell me [email protected]
en passant - if sustainability means celebrating the next child born anywhere's life equity, then a simple idea is to ask the 5% of people who are north americans to demand an education zoom of which americans do the two thirds of humans who are asian celebrate as heroes at ending life critical challenges- eg at worldrecordjobs.com i recommend you try out searching why the following americans are loved from 1960s onwards -epidemiologist brilliant engineer deming village agriculturalist borlaug