2020's Election: Unity vs Division
Before you read this article, I’m going to ask you to stop thinking about the traditional nature of politics, left vs right, capitalism vs?communism, etc. I’m going to ask you to analyze the power dynamics, without thinking about the power player’s rethoric or speeches.
As a Venezuelan, living in the US for 19 years, I’m in shock about what is happening in the United States of America, AKA one of the main promoters of democracy in the world (historically at least).
I’m noticing we are experiencing many similar issues as the ones Venezuelans did, when a dividing-charismatic-egocentric leader came to power and started the destruction of one of the oldest democracies in South America.
In the United States of America, it all started out like this:
1. Divide and conquer:
This is a very old technique that have been used for centuries. Nowadays, it’s “normal” for a US president to connect with his audience through fear and identifying common enemies, as opposed to assertiveness and unity. No matter your politics or beliefs, whether you lean left, right or center, you will find yourself feeling like there is a group of people living with alternative facts. This is because a dividing leader will be the only credible source for his followers (“Believe me”). Another important strategy to divide people is to find an omnipresent enemy to blame for everything bad happening and position himself as the only one that’s able to fix. Additionally, describe the opposition as enemy of the country and “very dangerous”. Sounds familiar?
2. Starting the cult:
I don’t know if Mr. Trump is following the “how to create a cult” handbook, but here is what he has done since he announced he was running for president. A. Emphasize enthusiasm over rationality and independent thinking. B. Surround himself with family members and easy-to-manipulate people, also called YES-people, or plain simply bum-kissers. C. Spread conspiracy theories and deny facts, data and scientific consensus. Basically, “believe me” and only me, every body else is lying. D. Talk and act like a prophet, guru, priest, etc. E. Promise something “great” but vaguely, and make everything sounds simple. F. Give your followers a great show and never stop campaigning or rallies.?
3. Discredit journalist, media, academia and scientists.
This is key, creating misinformation, nobody knows what’s true anymore. And the dangerous thing about egocentric leaders is that they will believe their own lies and fire anyone who says otherwise. Just recently, Mr. Trump suggested that if he doesn’t win, it’ll mean the election was rigged, and he will not transfer power unless is a “fair” election. Even his own FBI director Mr. Wray just gave a testimony saying that there is no evidence of voter fraud by mail or otherwise. But Mr. Trump and his cult followers will come up with something to make his false statement sounds true (example: they just found 7 mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania discarded). It will not come as a shock if Mr. Trump decided to fire Mr. Wray. This is a great example for the next bullet.?
4. Undermining elections
Elections are the ground structure for a democracy, although having an election does not automatically mean you have a democracy.?It’s essential that citizens participate and trust the election process, in the US there is an old system that has worked for centuries. It is more representative than participative and one characteristic about the US democracy is that it is dynamic and has been improved before. (Women’s right to vote, civil rights, etc.) There are currently many states in the country who favor that the presidential election be decided by popular vote.?Anyhow, there are many things important for a democracy that includes Freedom of the press, independent institutions, accountability, citizen participation and easy access to voting. Currently, all of this things are under attack by an egotistical president and his enablers.
For example, Florida Court overruled 1.4 million new voters (ex-felons). Basically, Republicans succeeded at overturning Florida voters’ will.
5.Rushing appointment of new judges.?
President Trump has been very vocal about the number of judges he nominated and now he successfully appointed the Supreme Court seat that RBG left open, even though it was only weeks away from a presidential election, this goes against past precedent. He recently said that he needs 9 judges in the Supreme Court because he may contests the results of the elections.
It’s unbelievable that he is being open about his plans to overturn the will of the people. But this is what authoritarians do.
6. Politicizing EVERYTHING
Basically, create an us vs them dynamic In every aspect of power, including historically independent institutions like the courts, police departments and even the military. Even wearing a mask during a global pandemic was political. President Trump ultimately did not wear a mask until July and he was telling his followers that it was not necessary, and they did not have to wear a mask, it's still unbelievable how he undermined the CDC and experts advice.
I urge the Venezuelan community, the American people and the whole community of Latino voters to look deep into what’s happening in America, everything that the president is doing is like a playbook of the authoritarians that ruled in our countries and even taking some tips from the ones that are ruling in some countries today.?
I don’t know about you but it’s very scary to think that there may be violence in America after 2020’s election, but hey, it’s 2020. Local business already covered up their windows?and doors, it's hard to believe, but America is loosing, no matter who wins.
If you are protesting after the election or you know somebody protesting, please raise your voice against stealing or looting, some of these retail businesses are really hurting because of COVID and many support the same side you support, after all, no matter who you support, we are all in the same team, the human team.
Thanks to my business @SaltyMiami, the only boat tour in Miami powered by the wind, I get to meet people from all over America (before COVID, all over the world), I talk to Republicans and Democrats all the time, the crazy thing is that no matter whom people support, they all want the same thing, they want fairness, they want justice, they want abundance, they want freedom, they want education, they all want to preserve the ecosystem and to protect the environment because it's not hard to notice that a healthy planet is equal to abundance for all.
The only noticeable difference is who they listen to.
I'm sure that if we stop talking about socialism, and capitalism, left or right, we will find out that we all have more in common than we think.