Will 2020 be your year?
Well who ever knew we’d make it to see the year 2020. Yes, the same number as perfect vision.
Like every year 2019 is almost in the past. That’s right, like yesterday. Will you and your business be just surviving or thriving in this great and not so great market?
Yes, the stock market has never been better for those with money but, what about the little guy or gal who runs a small business?
Near 10,000 retail stores have closed their doors in 2019. Some large and many small and you’d be truly lucky to say that you have a hardware store anywhere near where you live. Open for 50 years 7 days a week.. Only the strong survive...and they did it without a website because the closest Home Depot is 10 min by car because that's an eternity in Bronx.
The world of eCommerce has taken over the retail world. Between Amazon and all the companies that have been wise enough to make the online transition are eating the lunch of small business owners that just don’t have the no how or resources to make the transition.
Whether you sell tangible products like furniture, shoes, jewelry or services like a Doctor or Lawyer or Financial Advisor, your online presence must now be greater than you can imagine.
Do you have a great website? or a microsite? Is it riddled with SEO words and features?
Can people buy your products or schedule appointments with you from your website?
Do you have all your social media links setup on your website?
Do you have Google Analytics and Google Adwords code on your site? To learn from where your visitors are coming from and how you could then retarget and market your products or services to them. Hopefully they stopped by because you were searched for or recommended by word of mouth or had 5 star ratings on Google My Business
Are you easy to find and easy to get in touch with? Google search your name and see what comes up?
One compiler of proverbs, John Trusler, amplified it best: “No time like the present, a thousand unforeseen circumstances may interrupt you at a future time†(Proverbs Exemplified, 1790).
No matter what your goals are make sure you put your health before all else, because in the end the last thing you’d want to do is accumulate great wealth and give all away to extend an ending life of sickness…Be Healthy and Wealthy my friends...Here's to 2020 and beyond.
#retail #b2c #b2b #socialmarketing #socialmedia #googleadwords #googleanalytics #seo #website #googlemybusiness #linkedin #twitter #instagram #youtube #snapchat #facebook@crmsassguy @crmcloudpeople