2020 Is The Year Of The Heart
Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
2020 Is The Year Of The Heart
A Word by Veronica McDonald
As I was waiting on the Lord for this new era we’re entering into, I saw a prophetic picture of the heart of God and ours entwined! As the Hebrew year coincides with the Greo Roman calendar at Rosh Hashanah I see our hearts beating in Heaven's rhythm!
Refreshing, re-set, recalibration and rhythm! We’re entering into a decade of the heart! “Lev” is the Hebrew word for heart and it translates as LION. The word "lev" includes your thoughts, your will, your discernment, and your affections.
It’s an exciting time as the HEART OF GOD will be demonstrated and seen through you and me! Many will come into intimacy through SIMPLICITY! Demonstrations of his LOVE will flow as you go! As you declare the truth in love, hearts will burst open and see the King of Glory through you and me! Simple acts of kindness will demonstrate the heart of God and many miracles will be seen!
The rhythm of your heart is beating with God's heart! You're going to have a fresh start and have the courage to pursue and subdue!! You're going to be renewed and see MANY hearts come into all things new too!! It's re-production time!!
“Karida” is the Greek word for heart and it translates as COURAGE, guts, nerve!
We’re going to see a demonstration of God with us! His power breaking through!! I keep seeing 4’s for this next decade and believe it’s a metaphor of door’s opening on earth! Doors that were previously closed are now opening! We’re coming into the rhythm of God’s heart in this NOW season full of power and full of Grace! Running at Heaven's pace! Miracles we shall see as we decree the unseen! Momentum will build as we lean and glean like well oiled machines!!
The heart has four chambers. It contains the thoughts, intentions, desires and willingness to pursue what he’s calling us to! It's time to subdue! You are set apart for this time and there’s an acceleration and momentum that’s building as the rhythm of your heart is entwined with the Father's too!
You're going to see the rhythm of God's heart beating in your chambers in this year of the heart! There's fresh power, presence, purpose and purity to pursue what he's called you to! You are full of God's power and in this year of the heart you're going to experience the COURAGE and CLARITY to pursue his calling upon you.
It’s the Hebrew year 5780 and 80 means pey. It's an invitation to speak what the HOLY SPIRIT has shown you. Always life, dispelling strife!
Pey is a symbol for WISDOM flowing from our mouths. I see renewed hearts and fresh starts! The desire to pursue and subdue! The authority to speak and mountains will move! God's confidence, courage and clarity will flow through you! Destiny doors will open as you do! God is with you! The rhythm of your heart and the God words you use will reveal the Truth!
In this 2020 year of "pey", I believe we're going to see pay day!! All that's DUE coming to you and being released through you! We're going to see an advancement of Kingdom order too! Your heart is beating with Heaven and there's nothing wrong with you!! It's love that motivates you! (Luke 7:47).
I see minds made up! Decisiveness will be a hallmark of the year of the heart! Minds will be made up to pursue the things the Lord is calling us to. There’s a fresh start and fresh fire coming upon the Bride as we step into this new ERA carrying the Father’s thoughts, intentions, desires and fire! It’s this confidence that’s going to inject strength and fresh hope in you! With your mind made up there's going to be no stopping you as you pursue the KINGDOM of God and all he has for you!! It's going to be a watershed moment in time as you take with both hands what He has called you to!
Your story will be told! Hearts will come alive and thrive! Waves of glory are going to wash over you bringing refreshing to the parched parts of you! The rhythm of your heart is entwined to the Father’s and there is nothing wrong with you! Out of your mouth you will speak the words of God as you are won in the Son! With your mind made new, having EMBRACED the truth it's now time to run!
There’s going to be a fresh willingness to pursue the Kingdom realm and powers of darkness will flee! The 7 mountain’s of influence will see the King of glory through you and me!! It’s time to run with fire, to rise and build, to lean and glean and to DECREE! Miracle upon miracle will be seen!
It’s an exciting time as the HEART OF GOD will be demonstrated and seen through you and me! Many will come into intimacy through SIMPLICITY! Demonstrations of his love will flow as you go!
"As you declare the truth in love, hearts will burst open and you'll experience healing miracles that reveal Me," says the King of Glory.
The rhythm of your heart is beating with God's heart! You're going to have a fresh start and have the courage to pursue and subdue!! You're going to be renewed and see MANY hearts come into all things new!
2 Corinthians 5:17- 21 The Passion Translation
“Now if anyone is enfolded into Christ, he has become an entirely new person. All that is related to the old order has vanished. Behold, everything is fresh and new. And God has made all things new, and reconciled us to himself and gives us the ministry of reconciling others to God. In other words, it was through the Anointed One that God was shepherding the world, not even keeping records of their transgressions and he has entrusted to us the ministry of opening the door of reconciliation to God. We are ambassadors of the Anointed One who carry the message of Christ to the world, as through God were tenderly pleading with them directly through our lips. So we tenderly plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Turn back to God and be reconciled to him. For God made the only one who did not know sin to become sin for us, so that we who did not know righteousness might become the righteousness of God through our union with him.
Proverbs 4:23 The Passion Translation
“So above all,, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.”
Veronica McDonald