The 2020 WhateverWhenever exercise approach!
Here is the Perfect Life no freckin excuse WhateverWhenever exercise system for getting started with exercise without having to give a damn or even make an effort. Perfect for staying fit in your fifties (like me). ALSO perfect for staying fit when you cannot hit the gym because you are in physical distancing (please stop calling it social distancing, we need more social togetherness than before - we just cannot meet physically, ok?)…
This setup will not be amazing for aerobic improvement - but it will definitely be good for your anaerobic fitness. And it will buff/lean you up for whatever pesky beach season you may have in front of you this time. (Yes - there WILL be a beach 2020, just perhaps with some distance to the other people on the beach…)
It is a ten week programme, so easy that you literally have no excuse to skip it.
- Do ten reps of whatever (eg. pushups, lunges, chin-ups, kettlebell swings, biceps curls, situps - really, whatever), and do that once a day for a week. Not for 30 minutes or 5x8 and 16x3 times. Pick whatever exercise you think of, and do ten reps of it.
- Next week, do that twice per day. Pick whatever exercise you want and do 10 reps of it. Later the same day, do another 10 reps - it can be the same exercise as earlier or a completely different one - really, whatever. And hey, you can do it way later the same day, or just after the first 10 reps if you want to get it done, do it whenever - it really doesn’t matter.
- Third week - 30 reps. 10 in the morning, 10 during coffee break at the office and 10 in the evening. Or 30 in the morning. Or 10 in the morning and 30 in the evening - really, whenever. Pick three different exercises, or do 30 of the same - really, whatever.
Then keep going like this until you after ten weeks are doing 100 reps of whatever every day. It will completely transform your performance mindset when you realize how little effort it takes to actually add a lot of movement to your life.
Your body will thank you - but more importantly, your mind will start understanding that you actually have discipline and commitment inside. You just need smarter systems. (Commercial twist - this is what we help leaders with in our leadership programmes, we help people leverage their strengths and talent to become great leaders).
Week one: 10 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Week two: 20 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Week three: 30 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Week four: 40 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Week five: 50 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Week six: 60 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Week seven: 70 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Week eight: 80 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Week nine: 90 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Week ten: 100 of WHATEVER/WHENEVER per day
Ten weeks, an increasing amount of whatever, which you do whenever. Do them all in the morning, or do them all in the evening, or all during lunch, or ten here, twenty there, ten more in the restroom at work and ten lightning fast lunges during a video conference (yeah - in front of your evil colleague Maeve just to be able to shout “WHATEVER and WHENEVER, a-huh!” to her - before you do the hairtoss and leave the screen with a finger snap to get your coffee. That'll teach her to not interrupt you in your Teams/Skype/Zoom meetings).
At the end of ten weeks, you've been gradually adding movement to your life. And you will have increased your comfort zone, knowing that you can take on and complete challenges to develop and improve yourself. Stuff that has nothing to do with exercise will have become feasible, because throughout this process you have trained your most important muscle - your own mind (yes - that IS the actual jedi mindtrick built into this).
And hey. Don’t give a shit if someone you know is running five marathons a month during their Work From Home, or if someone is pushing weights in their homemade garage gym for 5 x 90 minutes a week. We don’t give those people the power to matter here. The only thing we actually give a shit about here is that YOU will be doing 100 reps of whatever/whenever each freckin day at the end - and that makes you awesome. Just picture yourself ten weeks from now:
"Do you work out?"
"No. Well - every day I do maybe thirty pushups, and twenty crunches, and ten dips, and twenty jumping jacks. And some more stuff. But no - I don’t ”work out”. Jeez. It’s more like I just DO stuff - whatever, whenever."
Get it? Use this time to build strength, not binge for forgiveness. Don't wait to bounce back, build your strengths now - to bounce FORWARD.
You are awesome, so just go and be awesome! Tag someone who should do the Whatever/Whenever challenge with you! Then text each other every day when you have finished your reps. Just send a simple text message when you have finished: ”Whatever...”. Keep your body sane, so your mind wont go insane.
Stay in touch, let us know how it works out. Use #findperfectlife - and we're all over you with likes. ;-)
/Patrick Stahl, lead trainer at Perfect Life
PS. We’d love to hear about your progress, and we’d love it if you follow our Perfect Life page on LinkedIn (or @findperfectlife on instagram, or like/follow us on
Passionate about entrepreneurs with the drive to improve people's health and our ecosystem
4 年With an update of the old Shakira lyrics (wherever is not so 2020) and voilá, there's your challenge soundtrack. ;)