2020 - what a Year!
Olaf Lewitz
Trust Artist. Systemic Therapist. Leadership Coach. Feminist. Founder of TrustTemenos Academy.
2020 is a year about change. So many amazing things are happening and many things that are not at all amazing. I want to talk about what's going on and what I think about it.
Special 25% discount to next week's Mastering Relationships course: code linkedin25!
2020 - what a Year! I'm starting a new video log …
I want to invite conversations. If you're interested in talking to me, if you have a challenge, if you have a problem, if you have an interesting topic you want to dive into and explore, let me know! You might be in for a free consultation :-)
And I want to use this chance and this channel in the future also to let you know what is happening in Olaf's life and Olaf's work. I've done about 50 Certified "Agile Leadership" trainings in the last three and a half years. It's been a journey of learning and discovery, and there are lots of content to share.
Next week, we're running a course called Mastering Relationships, an exciting advanced leadership experience that emerged from my collaboration with a therapist that I started last year when I brought P3 to Berlin, a course in emotional literacy and agility. We do that again, and they will do it again in Orlando, Florida. So if you're based in the U.S., as soon as the lockdown is released and we can start travelling again, that's an exciting option I highly recommend to you.
I'm writing a book, If Agile Is The Solution, I Want My Problem Back. How does that fit? Agile is not the solution, yet I'm certifying people in agile leadership? That's one area I'm going to talk about how the apparent dichotomy of certification, agile, solution, and other things, how that is much fun. Leadership is essential to me. Making a difference with intention, that's something that I help people to do. And responsibility is what emerges when you do that.
I've had an interview recently with Christopher Avery. It's going to be one of the next videos I'm going to publish. I've lead conversations about relationships since corona started. Every day at 4:00 p.m., we're talking about leading relationships in these interesting times. Join us: it's a fantastic group that has emerged, and I want to open that up to more people.
In Autumn, two courses that I've run multiple times will restart. Our TrustTemenos Leadership Academy will open again in September - if you want to be part of a group exploring their identity and intention and leaders over several months, discovering the leader you want to be, join us!
Business Development for Coaches: our School of Coaching Witchcraft and Wizardry will open up again in Autumn. Like the previous cohort, I'll co-lead this with Ken Power. If you want to grow your confidence, courage and magic, if you want to upgrade your business model and develop your ideal customers, join that course!
I have a mentoring circle for agile coaches who want to accelerate their growth and learning. Maybe you're interested in a certification like CEC or CTC. Perhaps you just want supervision. Perhaps you need community and confrontation, to learn with other coaches?
I would love to stay in touch with you. I would love to be there for you in ways that I haven't discovered yet. So much at the moment is about reinventing things and creating something new and I would like to find out what kinds of new things to create with you. So to repeat my invitation from the beginning, I want to invite you to conversations. I will occasionally record and publish videos where I talk about important topics, like if agile is the solution, I want my problem back, about leadership, about relationships, about all of the things close to my heart. And I prefer those to be conversations. If you know somebody you want me to talk to, let me know. I'll try to find them and try to get them into a conversation.
I love the new technology for remote conversation and collaboration. I love the new ways and opportunities for connecting that we have and how connecting remotely has become routine now. Remote work is also a topic I'll talk about. It's something I've done for years, and I find the possibilities amazing. I hope that many of us don't go back to flying around the planet all the time and to travelling a lot all the time just to get work done. Instead, we can stay where we are, save the resources of the planet, and have more time. I have not been to an airport since February. If you know me, being to an airport has been usually a more than weekly event in my life for far more than ten years. And I love it.
So if you would like to know more about what I do, stay in touch, subscribe, stay on this list, and I'm looking forward to what we can co-create, what we can develop. I want to build this relationship, and I'm really looking forward to it. Let me know what you want to know and let me know if you like this. Stay in touch. Rock on.
This article was first published on the TrustTemenos blog.