2020 Week #7 Story - The Gift of the Magi
Author – O Henry.
Story – “The Gift of the Magi”
Rating – 5 Star
#Love #sacrifice #lifelessons #passion #giving #noexpectations #unconditional #frugalliving #richness #wealth #happiness
Synopsis – Amongst the best of O Henry stories I have read. This is a story about a couple living a life on a wing and a prayer with no end in sight of their miseries. With little or nothing to look forward to this festive season, both try to make the most of it by sacrificing their only material valuable possessions to surprise each other during the festival. The narrative is fast and full of emotive appeal throughout this classic O Henry style. This story tells that there is nothing above love and materialistic pleasure and lack of money / wealth does not stop from living a life full of contentment. The greatest of the difficulties can be overcome if you have heart full of love and compassion, ability to sacrifice and a will to give. This story is over a century old and yet resonates now than ever before. Read to succeed in today’s materialistic and a world full of greed.
Full Story here…
Links - https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/1-the_gift_of_the_magi_0.pdf
Unforgettable Life Lessons:
1. Happiness resides in giving what you have, and you have enough to give
2. Love – for your people, for your work, for everything you encounter does not need money
3. True wealth is beyond all materialistic things you have or desire, realize this quickly
4. Giving should be unconditional, no strings attached
5. Sacrifice and happiness are two sides of one coin, recognize this